Lone goat gallery

Lone Goat Gallery is a contemporary art space, presenting emerging and established artists from the Northern Rivers region and beyond, lone goat gallery. Located in the Byron Bay Library building in downtown Byron Bay, just a short walk from Main Beach — a quiet cultural haven among the hubbub of town.

What gallery improvements has this funding enabled you to complete? Thank you! Lone Goat Gallery was established as a not-for-profit community gallery in a re-purposed conference room in , and was lacking a lot of standard gallery fittings and equipment. The funding has allowed us to create improvements to all aspects of the operation, from gallery presentation and equipment for the use of artists, to back of house administration, and improved public presence and visibility. The fit out has involved local electricians, plumbers, carpenters, builders, plasterers, painters, signage design, concrete polishers, lighting, furniture makers and equipment suppliers. We closed the gallery for four weeks in May to take care of most of the dirty work.

Lone goat gallery


We have now added a digital point of sale system to replace carbon copy paper receipts.


I also live here in the beautiful Byron Shire. Learning the culture from my Nan, Elder Dulcie Nicholls, I began painting at thirteen after she showed and taught me all things about country and what it has for us. How to take and give back to the motherland. I have since been in several successful exhibitions across the Byron Shire. Painting is a strong part of me, it shows me how to tell a story through an expressive form. My passion, technique and style has grown as I have. Which I hope shows through in my artwork. It is an important part of my life and identity and an expressive means for me to share the knowledge and dreamtime of my people. Seen thousands of years ago dating back into rock art.

Lone goat gallery

Applications close August 31 Buoys will be Buoys by Hannah Cutts is an exhibition combining art, craft, typography, satire and the found object. Jacob Boylan has assembled a collection of analogue screenprinting equipment under the name Flyscreen, specialising in producing artist editions. Jacob's exhibition Dire Contact opens Friday February Our new vitrine desk is now in the Gallery, engineered and hand crafted by Craft Collective. Delighted to have our new handcrafted modular plinth set in the Gallery, handcrafted by Hunter McKenzie of Craft Collective in Billinudgel. Time for a new lick of paint for the exterior. Throughout artists from the two studios have collaborated together and with various guest artists and studio facilitators. Jeremy Hawkes latest body of work undertaken during a 4-month residency at the Berlin Art Institute.


There is no doubt that the broader Northern Rivers arts scene has seen substantial growth recently. Art Studio — both supported art studios based in the Northern Rivers region, providing inclusive spaces for artists with a disability to develop artworks, experiment and build their art practices. We have now added a digital point of sale system to replace carbon copy paper receipts. Many creative local businesses and individuals are supporting artists by commissioning large works, or stocking their artwork in their shops, throughout the region, but the Industrial estate is a hotbed. Can you tell us about some of the upcoming exhibitions at Lone Goat? The gallery had no electronic equipment. We are now approaching the final stage of the project, and have commissioned a custom designed mobile display vitrine which also serves as a desk. Phone Number. Thank you! We look forward to sharing updates with you now and then about opportunities, news, workshops and other creative gems. The gallery receives many more applications than we are able to show in a year.

This exhibition held at the Lone Goat Gallery offers insight into the ways artists deconstruct our understanding of how books carry meaning and what actually constitutes a book. Whilst artists have illustrated books since the s, the book as an art object itself is only a fairly recent phenomenon dating back to the s. Christine is a well-known artist and printmaker, having won many awards both nationally and locally.

We have a few surprises in the calendar too! A very strong ecosystem has evolved over the last few years and that has a multiplier effect. The vault created another 6 metres of wall space and also a really nice architectural feature that added some great angles and interest to the room, as well much needed storage space. Northern Rivers Community Gallery under Lee Mathers in Ballina continue to support local artists with a prolific program of exhibitions, and their recent Fire Station studios has provided valuable studio space. We describe Lone Goat as a catalytic community space. There is terrific depth to the local scene. Crystal Creek Rainforest Retreat Relaxed luxury holiday homes secluded in a private estate ancient rainforest. Your Name required. We repainted the entire room and ceiling neutral white, and fitted new low-power, daylight balanced LED lights with zoom functions enabling the choice of spotlights or broad wash lighting for artworks. The Gallery name was inspired by the elusive and last remaining goat of a small herd that once roamed Cape Byron Headland, reflecting the creativity and individuality of the Northern Rivers arts community. Falls Festival and Splendour in the Grass are both running artist residencies, and Craig Walsh has run a terrific program for some years at Splendour.

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