Lost dharma logo

It was introduced in the second season episode " Orientation ". Inthe Dharma Initiative website was launched.

One is believed to be a general logo, representing the Initiative as a whole. These station logos are spray-painted on walls and printed on various items in the stations; they are also featured in the orientation films. For clarity, a "logo" is defined here to be something painted or physically carved, while a "graphic" is something shown in a video. The logos are octagonal and the outer parts of the octagon are derived from the I Ching below. The main differences between the logos lie in the circular central part, which contains a unique symbol for each station.

Lost dharma logo

See the Lostpedia theory policy for more details. When overlaying both a bagua image, and the map seen in Lockdown by arranging the Flame station, with the Fire labeled section of the bagua symbol, many other themes set the same. And finally the Yin-yang sign lines up with the? Notice as well how the west and east directions are inverted much like on The Maxwell Groups, logo. Also in many of the Wizard of Oz books, the East and West positions are inverted, we know that this book is a popular theme in the show, and might of offered inspiration to the writers. What I mean by this is, the Swan logo may represent electromagnetic research in general, the Hydra would be biological research, etc. I thought of this when Charlotte found the polar bear with the Hydra logo in Tunasia. There would be no reason for the polar bear to be labeled as from the Hydra station, but it could have been left over from a past DHARMA biological engineering experiment which failed. The DI was already doing research in the 'real world' apart from the island Sri Lanka , so it stands to reason that there would be mirror facilities for each branch of their research in other areas. This is likely to be wrong, we know the island moves, and therefor it is more likely that the polar bear was there due to the fact it died before the island moved. It could also of been left for a yet unknown reason when the island moved. The DI logos are a combination of these two concepts. The logos are designed after the Taoist Bagua system. In this system there are 2 ways of oragnizing the "trigrams".

The DI was already doing research in the 'real world' apart from the island Sri Lankaso it stands to reason that there would be mirror facilities for each branch of their research in other areas, lost dharma logo.


It was introduced in the second season episode " Orientation ". In , the Dharma Initiative website was launched. The logo is an octagon with the word "dharma" inside, all inscribed inside a bagua. The Dharma Initiative and its origins are first explored in the episode "Orientation" by an orientation film in the Swan Station. Pierre Chang Francois Chau , under the alias of Dr. They imagined a "large-scale communal research compound", where scientists and free thinkers from around the globe could research meteorology , psychology , parapsychology , zoology , electromagnetism , and a sixth discipline that the film begins to identify as " utopian social-" before being cut off. The episodes " LaFleur " and " He's Our You " indicate that mathematician Horace Goodspeed was in charge of Dharma Initiative operations on the Island, at least from the very early s through the time of "the Incident".

Lost dharma logo

Lost might well be one of, if not the, most divisive shows in the history of television. It started off as nothing more than a group of people surviving on an island. Then there was a polar bear, a strange sci-fi mystery, some time travel, a couple of timelines and then an ending that, if anything, made it all even more confusing. The Dharma Initiative was at the center of the entire show and might be the element surrounded by the most mystery and confusion.


When the tail section survivors come across the Arrow Station in " The Other 48 Days ", it has apparently been converted into a storage room. The look and design for the "Incident Room" came from never before seen blueprints given to the developers by the Lost crew for the game. Blend Television. On the other hand, the Pearl's logo is always inverted in color, even if not found on the video itself. I thought of this when Charlotte found the polar bear with the Hydra logo in Tunasia. Episode 3. Hidden below the greenhouse is a second level of the station, a furnished laboratory similar to the Swan station. In another twist which connects the two media, Our Mutual Friend is a book that Desmond was saving to read just before his suicide in the Swan station on Lost. This conflict ended in , [5] when Linus joined the Hostiles, who killed the Initiative, [3] an event which became known as "The Purge". Proven by canon source, and moved to main article.

One is believed to be a general logo, representing the Initiative as a whole.

It describes an ancient system of cosmology and philosophy which is at the heart of Chinese cultural beliefs. These factors are represented as numbers in the Valenzetti Equation and are also the numbers frequently mentioned in the show: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and At some point prior to , a truce of some kind was brokered with the Hostiles. The DI was already doing research in the 'real world' apart from the island Sri Lanka , so it stands to reason that there would be mirror facilities for each branch of their research in other areas. Radzinsky insisted on drilling despite warnings from Dr. Chang by Miles Straume. The Swan Station's blast door map makes reference to a light manufacturing facility, a meteorological research station, station "CVII", and others that were never shown on the series. Current Wiki. Graphic appearing in the Psychology Test Orientation video. Only Ben knew that the station was still in operation and there were people working there. However, the Pearl logo is white on black background, even when it is presented outside of a video. As it has not appeared in the show itself, it cannot be considered canon. In " The Man Behind the Curtain ", flashbacks of the Dharma Initiative in operation on the Island show one of the members, Horace Goodspeed Doug Hutchison , wearing a jumpsuit bearing the Arrow station logo with "mathematician" written below it. Several episodes mention that there was a "line" and that certain parts of the Island were considered to be the "territory" of each group.

1 thoughts on “Lost dharma logo

  1. Interesting theme, I will take part. I know, that together we can come to a right answer.

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