Mafia 3 playboy locations

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Playboy magazines are back in Mafia 3 and Redditor FunkyVideoGames has put together a handy map with all of the magazine locations clearly marked for your convenience. Classic issues of Playboy litter the desks and tables you'll come across on your travels. If you could lift up mattresses you'd probably find the tattered, sticky remains of a few more issues, but that's another story. Hanging On Mafia 3 developer Hangar 13 faces more layoffs following recent lead departures. Watch today's Mafia: Definitive Edition gameplay reveal here. Mafia 3: Definitive Edition hides a map of Hangar 13's cancelled spy game. Mafia: Trilogy gets a short and sweet teaser trailer.

Mafia 3 playboy locations

This page contains the location of all of the collectible Playboy Magazines in Mafia 3. The first Playboy you'll find is in your basement room at Sammy's bar. You'll find it on the desk across from your bed. There's also a Vargas Painting nearby as well. This Playboy can be found in the laundromat down the street from Sammy's bar. It's in the manager's office, to the left down the hall past the Employees Only door on the left side of the laundromat. At the south-west corner of the central island in the Hollow is a small green house, down the street from the bridge leading into the bayou. Inside the house, you'll find this playboy sitting on the desk along the south wall. This playboy can be found at the far end of the bar at the Double Barrel Bar, across from the abandoned amusement park on the south island of the hollow. On the road leading up the hill from Delray Hollow into Barclay Mills, you can find this issue at the first house you'll pass on your left. The Playboy is on the rear deck of the house. Continuing along the road through the hills from Delray Hollow, you'll come across a small garage next to a home on your right. The Playboy is on a table on the back deck on the house behind the garage. This Playboy is in the shantytown on the north-east side of the district.

Head to the north-east side of Mafia 3 playboy locations near the train tracks where you'll find a motel call the Pearl Diver. In the south-east part of Frisco Fields, head to the house in the picture above and then down behind it to a trellis.


August This edition of the Playboy magazine can be found by heading to the Everyday Laundromat in Delray Hollow. Head into the building and locate the back office to find this Playboy Magazine inside on the desk. November While wandering the streets of Delray Hollow, keep an eye out for a dilapidated looking green house. Inside the house you can find this edition of the Playboy magazine just sitting on a desk inside the living room. Locate and head to the Double Barrel Bar in Delray Hollow to find this Playboy magazine at the end of the bar, just waiting to be claimed.

Mafia 3 playboy locations

Below is a list of collectibles in Mafia III. Click on the individual articles for detailed descriptions and location information. Collectibles may be gathered at any time, though some require specific missions be active or completed before they become accessible. Individual collectibles will be shown on the main game map if the player has wiretapped the area, and they will show on the in-game mini-map when nearby. Album Covers are an in game collectible found throughout New Bordeaux. There are 30 covers to be collected. Hot Rod Magazines are an in game collectible found throughout New Bordeaux.

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November Head to the location indicated on the map image above, located roughly in the middle though a bit to the west in the French Ward. November Step into the sewer tunnels through the river tunnel, and this issue is on the bottom shelf of a workbench inside. Head to the south-east part of Tickfaw to where you'll find an industrial yard. Feature Guide. On the road leading up the hill from Delray Hollow into Barclay Mills, you can find this issue at the first house you'll pass on your left. You'll find this magazine under a trellis. In one of the houses, as shown in the images above, you'll find this magazine on a table. February Head into the marked warehouse on the map above that's on the corner of a major intersection of River Row. The magazine is inside on a table in one of the rooms on the second floor. March Rather close to the previous magazine, head to the main upper-class housing community in Frisco Fields and to the house indicated in the image above. July In the center of the bayou is a mid-size shantytown that can be accessed by water or land. The magazine is in there. July Head to the centre-north part of Point Verdun to where a church is.

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In the northern part of downtown, there is a tall statue in a park. August This issue is inside a trailer in the shipyard, sitting on a desk. This Playboy is on a small island near the western end of the Bayou. You can either break into that one or go around back if there are police nearby. You'll find this magazine under a trellis. The magazine is inside. As you move along, heading east, you'll find a waterway on the south side after the bridge. Head to the north part of the Tickfall district and go to the trainyard. February Find this issue inside a small cabin with a porch, built out in the hills. Go inside and you'll find this magazine. February Locate the large warehouse in River Row with two stories, windows, and a staircase in the back. This magazine is inside.

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