male strippers melbourne

Male strippers melbourne

Hens or girls party, or any other special occasion. Sit back and allow us to ensure an epic hens party!

Since we first peeled back our tops in we have been the sexiest, most fulfilled act in the Southern Hemisphere. It is an experience simply irresistible. Celebrate with the person of honour or your best friends by your side while indulging in more than just Male Strippers in Melbourne. Designed to be the perfect Hens, Ladies or just girls night out. Me nXclusive Live. The perfect destination for any occasion. Hire a Male Stripper or Topless waiters for a Function.

Male strippers melbourne

What party or Hens Night Do is complete without male strippers? Are you planning for Male strippers in Melbourne and need entertainment to come to you? Give us a Call! I came here for my hens night last night and the show did not disappoint! The performers and topless waiters are all so lovely and you definitely get a good show. I can guarantee you will not regret it! Such an amazing experience on stage from the guys! Their performance was one of the best I have seen. These men are not only gorgeous and have some mouth watering dance moves. They go out of their way to make sure everyone is comfortable and having a good time. I will be definitely recommending chesty, adult entertainment to other friends about male strippers from your site. For your hens party to be perfect, you want the perfect activities for you and your hens. The perfect choice of strippers keeps growing and you can now book your male stripper with a much wider range of costumes. Prepare to get up close and personal as your stripper will encourage you to get involved and be a part of his cheeky and sexy performance.

You are not allowed to take photos or videos of the strip shows.

Select City. Let him take charge of your events because his personality and skills are all you need. Are you planning a wild night with crazy games? Nick can play with you and get the fun going with his presence. Meet Angelo! Tall, tanned and loves to entertain. Next time you have a get together with the girls make sure you have this hunk with you to liven up the party!

Select City. Let him take charge of your events because his personality and skills are all you need. Are you planning a wild night with crazy games? Nick can play with you and get the fun going with his presence. Meet Angelo! Tall, tanned and loves to entertain. Next time you have a get together with the girls make sure you have this hunk with you to liven up the party! This guy is the epitome of male perfection.

Male strippers melbourne

So whether you are looking for a birthday present for your partner or want to spice up your night, these guys will not disappoint. If you're looking for a way to celebrate a special occasion or want to have some fun, hiring a male stripper can be the perfect solution. However, it can be not easy to know which one is right for you with so many different options available. Therefore, we've put together this list of the best male strippers in Melbourne, Victoria. So whether you're looking for someone muscular and tanned or someone who is more quirky and unique, we've got you covered. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, hosting a hens night, bachelorette party, or simply having a fun girls night in Melbourne, our hot and hunky male strippers and cheeky topless waiters will make your ladies night unforgettable. The Magic Men can perform private shows in suites, private function venues, and residences throughout Melbourne. Each Magic Man possesses the body, moves, and charisma to excite and delight, delivering more than just a set routine. Our male strippers are also talented dancers who will customise a smart and sexy show to your preferences. Are you looking forwards to a fun night filled with chitchat, laughter, and all the glitter and glamour?


Why not appreciate their hard work by giving tips. From traditional hens nights to spirited Christmas parties, our topless waiters are the ideal ingredient to inject excitement into any occasion. Designed to be the perfect Hens, Ladies or just girls night out. Our male strippers are hot hunks and some of the most talented and experienced in Melbourne, and the best male dance group in Australia. One that you and your friends will never forget. Great show and vibe. Here are some things that you can expect from our strip club:. A night of great adult entertainment is a surefire way to energize, remove the stresses of the week, or simply have fun bonding with friends. A male strip show will all the more make your rather simple night into an awesome evening! You are in for a stress-free, trouble-free night with our topless waiters. When it comes to male strip clubs, Magic Men Live is the undisputed leader in Australia. Packages designed to make your heart race as you step into a world full of temptation. Celebrating a hens, birthday or just girls outing? Are you planning a wild night with crazy games?

Men of Dreams is a captivating and exhilarating male strip show, set in the heart of South Yarra at the luxurious Lux Nightclub. Prepare for a night of unforgettable entertainment as these talented performers blend charm, charisma, and jaw-dropping dance moves.

Skip to content. Check them out: Dress properly. We offer sizzling private dancers, daring all-male revue shows. Feast your eyes on these good-looking men with impeccable talents, they surely will satisfy your craving for a fun-filled and steamy Saturday night! It would surely boost their mood and would definitely inspire them to improve more. After all embarrassing or making her awkward on her night would not go down well. Regardless of the size of the event, we pride ourselves in the value of great entertainment to give the audience a fully entertaining and immersive burlesque experience! We will bring the show to you — whether it be done in the comforts of your home, or at a private function room. Height 5'11''. Had an awesome time seeing you guys perform, it's always a pleasure attending your shows. Can I go to a show instead? All genders are welcome. All our performances are all fully choreographed and our stage shows are over 90 mins long! This is a more sophisticated experience and you can combine it with a meal and a drink for a fun night out. Cheer, clap, laugh, drink and just enjoy the night.

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