male weight gain story

Male weight gain story

Places of Interest: Unique Wedding Invitations for unique wedding needs. Color Copiers found here. Baby Names can be hard to pick. Hands-free hygenic toilet seats covers.

Thought I would make a master list of all my stories, for convenience. Beached : Nick gains a new appreciation for the beach after seeing a very large yet strangely familiar figure. This story follows his transformation from slim young man to hefty chub. Lifeguard Off Duty : In this multi-part collaboration with gainerstories, former lifeguard Bradley faces big temptations at his new office job, and soon finds himself in a losing battle with the bulge. But those perks come with some unintended consequences.

Male weight gain story

Profile Navigation gleektvd Home Gallery Favourites Posts About. Your Saturday routine was going more or less as you expected. You often found yourself going to town and doing some browsing and shopping, which always culminated in you going to your favourite occult store just off the main street. It was always full of alternative women you liked to try to pull, as well as albums you browsed from time to time. You had shopped there for years, so when you saw that the store had a new section one particular weekend, you immediately noticed and had your interest piqued. The section was covered by an ornate curtain, and pulling it back, you could immediately see why. To your surprise, the merchandise in this part of the store was of a more Different toys of all shapes and sizes littered the shelves, and just like the rest of the merchandise in the store, they were all sold with vaguely mystical taglines, claiming them to be priceless artifacts or some magical item that would bless or curse whoever used it. With whatever moderate amount of attention I can draw with this post, I'd like to take a moment to celebrate the life of the writer GamerAmI GamerAmI better known to some of you as Owen. All that I know is that he passed days ago, I have no further details, but it sadly appears to be true. This guy was a proud member of the community, a prodigious talent, and a generous spirit. He always encouraged me to write and is in no small part one of the reasons I was able to start. I'm terribly saddened at his loss, he was only I'll remember him every time I read his dozens upon dozens of stories.

Edna's cookies Promopt about aliens and edna with those dang cookies. Details matter. Since starting college, I've often had something to be occupying my brain with.

Cliff - Part 1. You had to admit it: you looked great. At 6 feet and pounds, you were quite a hunk. The winter of hard work at the gym had paid off. Your waist had shrunk a couple of inches finally! Your stomach, if not a washboard, was at least rock-hard; and this was particularly gratifying. When you gained weight, it always seemed to settle in your gut, making it round and a little flabby.

Over the years, quite a great deal of fiction has been written within gaining and related circles online. Whilst some sites have come and gone, BellyBuilders has sought to maintain a constant presence, and in doing so has become an archive for a significant number of works by many authors. Below is a list of stories available on the site. If you're not logged in, you'll only see works by authors who have opted in to a public listing. Some authors prefer not to have their works indexed by Google.

Male weight gain story

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Places of Interest: Unique Wedding Invitations for unique wedding needs. Practice, practice, practice. All the way across the country, all alone. I was more used to being average. Baby Names can be hard to pick. Strong, fit, agile. Contains male WG, forcefeeding, stuffing, man-to-pig transformation and many enchanting things. His signature was his busy jaw. Send Merit Badge. Never before had anyone in the world seen a weight loss journey quite so drastic. Two grown men get lost in the woods. Daniel, the younger of the pair, is cloaked in old hooded robes, reminiscent of a popular sci-fi movie. He was so sexy, he was tall, about 6'1" pounds of pure jiggly, gelatinous fat. It was astonishing. Amenities : As he tries to recreate an unforgettable night from his past, married businessman Nate discovers that the universe has much larger but equally steamy plans in store for him.

They had been married for around five years and dated for seven.

Young Adult. Tyler's New Job Part 1 Tyler just found a job in a fast food restaurant, only he didn't know what expected him there While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. College Weight Gain by Vacantname00, literature C. He looked down at his own stuffed belly. He wiped his brow with a cloth, draping it around his neck afterwards, and took a long drink from his powerade. Usually he comes home and we have a huge meal that ends with me forcing more into his mouth. Thanks for the dedication, man," David chimed in next to Ethan. Jamie was a little embarrassed at first. Part 3 A hunting trip turns into something bigger. Slow and calm. Male Weight Gain Stories Maybe he could even, and just thinking about that sent a tingle down his crotch, gain a little bit of weight. Send Merit Badge. After the end of Overwarch, Jesse McCree had a lot of time to reconsider his lifestyle, free from his deal with the organization.

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