mar chrysostom college

Mar chrysostom college

Access premium articles, webinars, resources to make the best decisions for career, course, exams, scholarships, study abroad and much more with. View Photos. PathanamthittaKerala.

Mar Chrysostom College is a dream venture of the Catholic Diocese of Pathanamthitta which owes its existence to the farsighted vision of its founder His Excellency Yoohanon Mar Chrysostom. Started in June as a self financing college affiliated to the University of Kerala, it is determined to provide quality education by inculcating ethical, social and human values in students who are in exploration of a brilliant career. The course has been specifically designed and streamlined to impart historical perspective on the language, its tradition and literature to the students. The undergraduate course in Mathematics is designed to develop students with respectable intellectual levels. To nurture commerce professionals with a high level of knowledge and competence to effectively contribute to society with commitment and integrity..

Mar chrysostom college


Get Info. Convocation and Founder's Jubilee Celebration 14 January,


With the rapid growth of IT industry in India, the demand of computer professional is increasing day by day. This increasing growth of IT industry has created a lot of opportunities for the computer graduates. BCA is one of the popular courses among the students who want to make their career in the IT Information Technology field. The duration of the course is 3 years and divided into 6 semesters. The Department of BCA imparts knowledge on the basics of Computer application and software development. During the first year, the students have a secure foundation on Mathematics and English. Later the syllabus includes the core subjects based on Algorithms, Computer fundamentals, Database concepts, Networks, and Programming languages like C and Java. Mini and Major project are carried out to provide an opportunity to expose the students to industry-standard project practices, through a real-life project work under time and deliverable constraints, applying the knowledge acquired through various courses at semester 4 and semester 6 respectively. The department in collaboration with leading IT consultancy firms KELTRON to conduct various certification and training programmes to students imparting the technical know-how of real time projects.

Mar chrysostom college

As an emerging department, the Department of Psychology is committed to provide insightful and innovative learning experiences which help to foster professional and personnel development among students. The department tries to execute its vision by stimulating high academic standards through continuous and active participation between the peers, professionals, professors and students. The courses are designed by including the latest trend in psychology with emphasis on practical training and fieldwork which provides ethical and moral responsibility in understanding the adaptive and maladaptive human behavior. To analyze human behavior and psychological process on the basis of critical thinking and scientific enquiry by applying skills like psychological testing, counselling communication, data analysis through the medium of seminars, experimental methodologies, laboratory training, conferences and interactions with experts. A community that strives to grow and have a sustained effect in the society through excellence and integrity. To harness superior thinking in molding creative students who functionally enhance the society for a better tomorrow. Psychology Home B.

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Image and Video Gallery. Educating our children in the richness of their past, the diversity of their present and the possibilities for their future. Com B. View All Facilities. The duration of the BBA L programme of study is three academic years with six semesters. View All Photos And Videos. Ask Now. By specialization Top Commerce Colleges in Pathanamthitta. Educating young minds to enlightenment and empowerment. Admission Contact Us. Top Institutes Accepting Applications. MCC offered a wonderful convocation ceremony for the batches , 19, 20, 21, The course has been specifically designed and streamlined to impart historical perspective on the language, its tradition and literature to the students.

Knowledge is often most appropriately extolled as the ultimate power and education entails the formal process of acquiring it. Commandeered and guided by the most Rev. Yoohanon Mar Chrysostom, we are pledged to promote quality education.

Colleges in Kerala Mar Chrysostom College is a dream venture of the Catholic Diocese of Pathanamthitta which owes its existence to the farsighted vision of its founder His Excellency Yoohanon Mar Chrysostom. Interested in this College? Get admission in top colleges accepting applications Click on Apply to check the best colleges that might interest you. View Photos. Com Tax. By Course Top B. Started in June as a self financing college affiliated to the University of Kerala, it is determined to provide quality education by inculcating ethical, social and human values in students who are in exploration of a brilliant career. PGM College, Kangazha. Access premium articles, webinars, resources to make the best decisions for career, course, exams, scholarships, study abroad and much more with. To nurture commerce professionals with a high level of knowledge and competence to effectively contribute to society with commitment and integrity.. The undergraduate course in Mathematics is designed to develop students with respectable intellectual levels. Top Financial Services Colleges in Pathanamthitta. The duration of each semester shall be five months inclusive of the days of examinations.

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