Marta lemana

Search Buscar, marta lemana. Condition and recruitment of Aristeus antennatus at great depths to 2, m in the Mediterranean: Relationship with environmental factors.

Search Buscar. Pathways for Pelagia noctiluca jellyfish intrusions onto the Catalan shelf and their interactions with early life fish stages. Journal of Marine Systems, DOI: Masana, E. Geologica Acta,

Marta lemana


Almeida, Mariana; Cunha, Marina R. Palanques, Albert; Puig, Pere; Geosphere,


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Marta lemana

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Weathering impacts the uptake of polyethylene microparticles from toothpaste in Mediterranean mussels M. Science of the Total Environment, Condition and recruitment of Aristeus antennatus at great depths to 2, m in the Mediterranean: Relationship with environmental factors. Geologica Acta, Marine Biology Research, Biogeosciences, Global Ecology and Biogeography, Fisheries Oceanography, Journal of Marine Systems, Biogeochemistry, Marine Geology, Geosphere, Ecological role and historical trends of large pelagic predators in a subtropical marine ecosystem of the South Atlantic. Coastal oceanographic signatures of heat waves and extreme events of dense water formation during the period Barcelona, NW Mediterranean. Young, Jeremy R.

A licensed clinical psychologist and top researcher in her field, Meana is also a respected administrator, teacher, advisor, and mentor. During her tenure as acting president, the university achieved record graduation and retention rates, hit its high-mark for enrollment, and earned provisional accreditation for its new School of Medicine.

Science of the Total Environment, Biogeosciences, Ecological Indicators, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, Ocean current connectivity propelling the secondary spread of a marine invasive comb jelly across western Eurasia. Marine Biology Research, Search Buscar. Fisheries Oceanography, Geosphere, Visual faunistic exploration of geomorphological human-impacted deep-sea areas of the north-western Mediterranean Sea. Weathering impacts the uptake of polyethylene microparticles from toothpaste in Mediterranean mussels M.

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