masturbating with coconut oil

Masturbating with coconut oil

Perhaps you've found out in the heat of the moment that you were out of lubrication, masturbating with coconut oil, which prompted a frantic search of the kitchen for a backup solution. Or perhaps you were looking for natural lubrication for no particular reason.

Coconut oil helps your skin, hair, and is a fantastic oil for cooking. We know that many women even enjoy using this oil as a natural sex lube. But can you use coconut oil as lube for guys? We answer that question and reveal how to use it for sexual play. We also explore the pros and cons of using coconut oil as lube and some great alternatives. The oil can degrade latex condoms and sex toys, leaving you open for pregnancy scares and STIs. The good news is that you can safely use coconut oil as a sex lube with a polyurethane condom.

Masturbating with coconut oil

No matter the quality of your sex life, chances are it can be enhanced with a little lubrication. Lube can help increase sensitivity and arousal while also alleviating some of the vaginal dryness that may be causing this discomfort. Lube works by reducing friction in your genital area. This can be beneficial if your body does not produce enough lubrication as a result of ageing, medications, or hormones. While there are many different types of lube designed specifically for this purpose, you may want to try something more natural and free of some of the chemicals found in other products. It's also known for its moisturising properties, which makes it a particularly appealing lubricant. Continue reading to find out if using coconut oil during sex is safe. Yes , Coconut oil is generally safe and effective to use as a lubricant. Coconut oil is safe as an overall moisturiser, including for sensitive vaginal and vulvar tissue, as long as it is organic. However, because each person's body reacts differently to different foreign substances, it's critical to pay attention to how your body reacts to coconut oil when applied to your vulva or penis. Some lube on the market contains alcohol look for an ingredient ending in "-ol," such as "phenoxyethanol". While alcohol can provide a "cooling" sensation during sex or masturbation, Ingber warns that alcohol-containing lubricants can dry out mucosal surfaces, which are most commonly found in the anus and vagina. This can result in pain, urinary tract infections, or yeast infections. Aside from being a natural product, coconut oil is also extremely moisturising, making it an effective lubricant.

According to Ingber, the substance propylene glycol serves as both a preservative and an ingredient in antifreeze.

And make sure it's unrefined as well! Refined has bleach and crap in it. But coconut oil is great fun : And don't use coconut or any oil when you are using condoms. You wanna get yourself something water based. Health Query Share.

It contains a high percentage of saturated fats, particularly from medium-chain triglycerides MCTs. Along with these applications, it has been suggested that coconut oil increases testosterone levels and improves sexual function, but research on the topic is scarce. Testosterone is a powerful hormone. While both men and women produce it, men produce 20 times more than women 1. In men, testosterone plays an important role in muscle and body hair growth, bone health, and sexual function, among other areas 2. Most of the testosterone in your blood is bound to two proteins — albumin and sex hormone-binding globulin SHBG. SHBG is strongly bound to testosterone, making the hormone unavailable for use by your body, whereas albumin is weakly bound and can be used by your body with some effort. The remaining testosterone, which is known as free testosterone, is not bound to proteins and can be readily used by your body.

Masturbating with coconut oil

Log in to check out faster. You rush to the kitchen cabinet, not for a midnight snack, but for something else - the coconut oil. This is the perfect moment for it but you pause and wonder, "Can you use coconut oil as lube?

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Similarly, propylene glycol is used as a preservative, and you could develop a sensitivity to it. I masturbate gently, using lubricant after 2 months gap now. To keep your latex condom intact, try a water based or silicone lube. Say hi to Organic Lubes! According to Ingber, the substance propylene glycol serves as both a preservative and an ingredient in antifreeze. Privacy Policy. The oils break down the integrity of these surfaces, causing them to break, Gilberg-Lenz explains. Is it safe? Ever experienced the big O? Sign In. Some people prefer to use natural substances on their skin and body rather than human-made products. Continue reading to find out if using coconut oil during sex is safe.

If you worry about what you eat—chemicals and toxins in the meat, dairy, produce and grains you consume, hello pesticides and hormones —and what you put in your body, shouldn't you worry about what you put on it as well? Let's not forget that our skin is an organ, and one that absorbs substances it's put in contact with, not to mention that the lining of the vagina is one of the most absorbent parts of the female human body which is why people make such a fuss about organic tampons and menstrual cups, myself included. Google glycerin, petroleum and parabens, then tell me you want them seeping into your body.

Categories no-index. It may help to have a special towel or blanket you can lay out before using coconut oil during sex. Although it works well, we have had a few patients to whom we gave coconut oil advice and thereafter developed a rash. The 22 Best Lubes for Anal Sex. Is it safe to use coconut oil as lube? With long-term use, the antibacterial properties can affect your vagina's pH balance by disrupting the natural bacteria, Cabeca says. She received her M. Another study found the medium-chain fatty acids in virgin coconut oil can inhibit the growth of the bacteria 4 Clostridium difficile 4 C. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. Whether you have a penis or a vagina, you know that only spells out bad news. Once I inserted my male genital I reached my orgasm.

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