masturbation meditation

Masturbation meditation

No, not me.

There are countless ways to slow your mind and meditate, from yoga and breathwork to visulizations and hymns. This spicier way of clearing your mind can not only help to calm your nervous system and improve your well-being, but it can also bring intense feelings of satisfaction and self-connection. Meditative masturbation, also known as orgasmic masturbation, helps you slow down, pause, and focus on the present moment. The basic concept is simple: instead of only using your breath as a focal point, as you would during a more traditional meditation, you also focus on the pleasurable sensations that ground you in your body. It might sound a lot like regular masturbation, give or take a few minutes, but practicing mindfulness requires really engaging with your body.

Masturbation meditation

Guided meditative masturbation and mindful masturbation for women who feel shame or embarrassment around masturbation. Free guide to sensual exploration and appreciation of the body, by Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, a sociologist, sexuality speaker, and sexologist. This free guided visualization is designed for women who want to experience masturbation in a meditative, mindful manner. It is specifically created for women who may be uncomfortable with masturbation or touching themselves. Jenn guides you through this relaxing minute exploration of your body and five senses. It may be helpful to have calming music at the ready to continue to set the mood, once the minute audio file is complete. Music is provided by Dan-O at DanoSongs. Jenn video. If you're interested in a vibrator, dildo, or couples toy to accompany your masturbation or sexual play, I recommend the sex toys at Good Vibrations.

If you're interested in a vibrator, dildo, or couples toy to accompany your masturbation or sexual play, masturbation meditation, I recommend the sex toys at Good Vibrations. My normal masturbation technique is not as detailed or long but I do pay attention to my masturbation meditation and body sensations.


According to a study by the Archives of Sexual Behaviour , heterosexual and bisexual women see the lowest rates of orgasm during sex. Only 65 and 66 per cent of these women, respectively, climaxed often, compared to 95 per cent of heterosexual men. There are many possible reasons for that discrepancy, and we'll go into that a little later. But first, we should quickly point out that sexual satisfaction is a subjective thing; not a universally defined one. That being said, many women and people with vulvas do struggle with arousal, pleasure and orgasm, so it's important to understand there are methods that can help. Now, studies have shown us mindfulness practices are effective in aiding stress management, anxiety and depression. Applying that same approach to sexual satisfaction is less publicly discussed, but there is some encouraging research in this area, suggesting it can make a real difference. But how? A great many things can impact arousal in women.

Masturbation meditation

We all have things we want more of in life — a better job, a more adventurous partner, a really sexy jet ski we can ride into the sunset. As clinical sexologist and sex magick expert Eva Clay explains, manifestation through masturbation is about setting and visualizing positive intentions that gain power through the creative energy of pleasure. You can manifest just about anything you want with masturbation, says Clay, but the most successful manifestations tend to be the ones that help people grow and expand in positive ways — new partners, better jobs, deep-pocketed buyers for homes, or relief from stage fright. Best-selling author and Slutist editor Kristin Kourvette even credits sex magick with landing her the book deal that launched her career. However, while conjuring-through-coming is nothing new, the practice has seen a modern resurgence and been embraced by many a millennial interested in using self-pleasure as a form of personal growth. Clay says it also has to do with changing cultural attitudes toward sex. More and more, the cultural conversation is seeing sexuality as a natural element of human vitality and wellness, and so ancient practices such as Tantra and Taoism that see sex as a tool for vitality are making a comeback. At the same time, research using brain imaging technology and other advanced metrics tells that a healthy sexual life alone or with a partner contributes to longevity , increased immunity to disease and illness, improved mood , and overall mental and physical wellness.

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The feelings in my face, cheeks, and jaw. This is how I practice loving myself — making love to myself. The calm it has left you with. Your whole body is fair game here—it all depends on what feels good for you. Just like in every other area of my life, I want to be intentional when I make love. The sensations and feelings that start to arise. Will be interested in your exploration of tantra for men. He loves to get the most out of every day and live life with a smile : View all posts by troygerstling. What is meditative masturbation? Jenn guides you through this relaxing minute exploration of your body and five senses. The most important part of mindful meditation is adopting an open, non-judgemental perspective toward self-pleasure. Instagram Facebook Twitter. I hold them and feel them and play with them.

Last Updated: November 19, Fact Checked.

The key here is to stay slow and controlled. I will start with my head and focus on all of the feelings there. Where do you usually hang your had or are you the kind of guy who gets around the country and to far away places? Logs — How to build and maintain high energy levels. Just saw this now, thank you so much for reading and happy you enjoy! Subscribe now to keep reading and get access to the full archive. And remember: a little self-exploration can go a long way. Really try to FEEL what just took place. Recommended adult play products at Good Vibrations. From here I will try to give myself a boner mentally. The calm it has left you with.

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