mauritanian imdb

Mauritanian imdb

Mohamedou Ould Slahi fights for freedom after being detained mauritanian imdb imprisoned without charge by the U. Government for years. Nancy Hollander : Well, when I defended someone charged with rape, nobody called me a rapist.

Sign In. Edit The Mauritanian Traven and Rory Haines Traven Mohamedou Ould Slahi Mohamedou's Niece Saadna Hamoud Groom at Wedding Mohamed Yeslem Mousse Wedding Guest Mohamed Abderrahmane Arava

Mauritanian imdb

Sign In. The Mauritanian Hide Spoilers. My heart is very heavy Gordon 1 May This is a very very powerful film, that brings a very dark page of history to light. My heart is so heavy from the horror I saw. When the credits rolled, I didn't want to stop the film. I'm amazed by how he keeps his positivity, or even the will to live through years of darkness. Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote. Xstal 2 March If it wasn't for people like Nancy Hollander we wouldn't have the outstanding Tahar Rahim to thank for portraying, through an award worthy performance, the unbelievable injustices endured by Mohamedou Ould Slahi. Unlocking some of the not so secret secrets behind the incarceration of the innocent, the torture and torment of the unfortunate, the proximity in time and space to a place you probably call home reinforcing the impact of lessons seldom learnt and the overwhelming ignorance of those entrusted to protect us when given carte blanche to do so. I had modest expectations going into "The Mauritanian," a screen adaptation of the book "Guantanamo Diary," which blew the whistle on the U.

Movies based on true events are always more interesting to watch and when it's a story like this one you can't help it to have very opiniated emotions, mauritanian imdb. How long is The Mauritanian? Foster is commanding in her no-nonsense role as his crusader, a woman more concerned with the law than her mauritanian imdb morality.


Mohamedou Ould Slahi fights for freedom after being detained and imprisoned without charge by the U. Government for years. Nancy Hollander : Well, when I defended someone charged with rape, nobody called me a rapist. When I defended someone charged with murder, nobody dug around my backyard. But when someone is accused of terrorism, people like you seem to think that that's different. It's not.

Mauritanian imdb

Mohamedou Ould Salahi spent 14 years at Guantanamo Bay despite never being charged with a crime. He detailed his imprisonment and torture in a book called Guantanamo Diary , published in , which became a bestseller around the world. It is an old-fashioned drama through and through, with some impressive acting from Tahar Rahim , Jodie Foster , and Benedict Cumberbatch. As most people know by now, Guantanamo Bay was an essentially lawless place, where people could be held without charges for years, tortured into confessing to something that may not have ever happened. The federal courts have ruled dozens of times that people were held there unlawfully, and the case of Salahi is one of the most high-profile and disturbing. She recruits an associate named Teri Shailene Woodley to assist with the case and begins uncovering more and more dark truths about Guantanamo.

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Saiph90 4 April But this is an important film for all of us to experience and then strive for correction of this dark and ugly problem. Powered by Alexa. Lemrabott Zeine Sidamar Policeman. Kim Couch Zak Rowlands For the majority of this movie i thought that this person was actually guilty, because i did not knew the outcome of this story. Most of the legal action is in terms of the preparation of the case and the paperwork involved. Best boy grip Devin Toselli Greetings from Lithuania. Aly Deyde Wedding Guest. It's another yes there are plenty scandal coming from the land of injustice even though they think they are so rightful whilst the opposite is much more accurate. After ranting on last time at Zack Snyder's use of screen ratios in "Justice League", here is an intelligent use of the technique. Christmas Party Hostess Miles Petzer He also succeeded on presenting his main characters very well without confusing the audience with all the dates and the locations.

The Mauritanian is a legal drama film based on the memoir of Mohamedou Ould Slahi , [5] a Mauritanian man who was held from to without charge in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp , a United States military prison.

David Michael MacKenzie Naval Nurse Bongo Mbutuma Kevin Macdonald. Badging Officer. Movies based on true events are always more interesting to watch and when it's a story like this one you can't help it to have very opiniated emotions. But sometimes, the commitment of the people making the movie can overcome its excess earnestness, and that was the case for me here. Guard as Shane Kruger. To me one of the better movies I watched this year, or even in the last decade. Clayton Boyd Lawyer. It will only give more credence to the inexcusable breakdown of The U. Traven Mohamedou Ould Slahi It's not. Legion Bartender.

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