maycee barber nude

Maycee barber nude

Maycee Barber born May 18, is an American mixed martial artist. Barber was born in Greeley, Colorado, maycee barber nude. She began pursuing mixed maycee barber nude arts MMA at an early age and set her eyes on becoming a professional fighter. In an interview with Yahoo Sports' Kevin Iole, Barber's father, Bucky Barber, said: "At that point, it was, 'OK, the better we make her as a fighter, the less damage she's going to take.

TD Avg. TD Acc. TD Def. Gillian Robertson. Polyana Viana.

Maycee barber nude

Maycee Barber is on a roll at pounds. UFC pic. In Round 1, Barber came out throwing heavy punches, forcing Cerminara to clinch. Cerminara landed a brief takedown, but Barber immediately popped back up. Cerminara shot for a takedown, but Barber made her pay by sprawling and landing some big punches. They clinched against the cage again, as Cerminara worked for a takedown. Barber landed a big left hook on the break, but they went back to the clinch to end the round. Barber pressed forward to kick off Round 2. Cerminara landed a nice kick up the middle, followed by a counter right. Cerminara started to outland Barber, mixing things up to the body. Barber clinched and pressed Cerminara to the cage. She was able to land a brief takedown, but Cerminara worked her way up. Both fighters continued reversing positions in the clinch, until Barber closed out the round with another takedown. Barber got over aggressive to start Round 3, as Cerminara capitalized with a takedown. Both fighters clinched again, but Barber landed a big right on the exit, followed by a combination.

The Korean Zombie Oct. Neal Dec.


As Maycee Barber steps into the vibrant atmosphere of Miami, Florida, she's feeling all the good vibes. Barber expresses her excitement to be back in the Sunshine State, this time in the "fun spot" of Miami. It's a homecoming of sorts, a chance to showcase her skills in a city known for its energy and excitement. Topuria in Jacksonville saw her secure a second-round TKO victory against veteran Amanda Ribas, further cementing her status as a rising star in the flyweight division. The competitive landscape of the pound weight class has seen significant changes since Barber's previous fight, with new talents emerging. Full Miami Fight Card Preview. Since jumping onto the roster in , Barber has been on a rapid trajectory towards success, with just two losses on her UFC record, one of which was to the current women's flyweight champ, Alexa Grasso, at UFC

Maycee barber nude

When and why did you start training for fighting? I started in martial arts karate at the age of three and later transitioned into jiu-jitsu when my family opened our own martial arts school in From there, I started competing in jiu-jitsu competitions. At 18, I took my first amateur MMA fight and turned pro right after. What would it mean for you to fight in the UFC? It would mean that I have made another step towards making my goals my reality and towards being a pro female athlete that will become a household name. What was your job before you started fighting? Last fight UFC Watch Replay Recap.

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Neal Dec. Gillian Robertson Tabatha Ricci. JJ Aldrich. Houston, Texas , United States. Amanda Ribas 9. March 25, In Round 1, Barber came out throwing heavy punches, forcing Cerminara to clinch. SUB Armbar. Gillian Robertson Poliana Botelho. MMA Fighting. Click on row to see detailed stats. January 18, TD Avg. Miami, Florida , United States.

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They closed out the fight with some dirty boxing as Barber outworked Cerminara for the decision win. Toggle limited content width. Houston, Texas , United States. Miranda Maverick Breaking into the Top 5! Please check your email for a confirmation. American mixed martial artist. MMA Junkie. The Korean Zombie. Gillian Robertson Priscila Cachoeira. Weidman Oct. Boston, Massachusetts , United States. CJ Vergara via unanimous decision , , Joanne Wood def. Retrieved

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