meet joe black imdb

Meet joe black imdb

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Life and death are two of the universal constants that everyone is aware of. Children are born every day, and people die every day. Or the next? Maybe even for a week? The universe completely peaceful.

Meet joe black imdb

IMDB v2. Meet Joe Black Reply Meet Joe Black I haven't seen it, but I remember a lot of people finding it to be an underwhelming, overlong drama though the actors are trying at least. Leonard Maltin Movie Guide Review: Meet Joe Black - 2 out of 4 stars "Death comes to claim a billionaire industrialist Hopkins , and decides to take human form Pitt , emerging as a mysterious stranger with a childlike manner and a fondness for peanut butter. Hopkins is terrific, but Death's character simply makes no sense. Sumptuous production design. The movie is kind of insane when you think about it. Brad Pitt gets pinballed by 12 cars, Death steals his body, eats a lot of peanut butter, and fucks a guy's daughter before killing him. And yet it's boring as hell. Probably Brad Pitt at his handsomeness peak, but depsite that and him being my ex's 1 crush, we only made it about one hour in. Infamously, a portion of it's box office was just people going to see the Phanton Menace trailer.

But the score for this film is magical, so lossless audio will be great.

Sign In. Meet Joe Black I thought this movie was quite clearly spectacular. I mean, from the trailer it looked like some teen, low-production-cost flick that I'd stay as far away as possible, but in truth, the movie was deep, meaningful and left you thinking about it for ages and ages afterward. The actors were brilliant.

It is a movie about a woman who falls in love with a concept. And it is a meditation on the screen presence of Brad Pitt. That there is also time for scenes about sibling rivalry and a corporate takeover is not necessarily a good thing. The movie contains elements that make it very good, and a lot of other elements besides. Less is more. As the movie opens, a millionaire named William Parrish Anthony Hopkins is pounded by a heart attack, the soundtrack using low bass chords to assault the audience. He hears a voice--his own--in his head. On the brink of his 65th birthday, he senses that death is near. Lightning could strike.

Meet joe black imdb

When the grim reaper comes to collect the soul of megamogul Bill Parrish, he arrives with a proposition: Host him for a "vacation" among the living in trade for a few more days of existence. Parrish agrees, and using the pseudonym Joe Black, Death begins taking part in Parrish's daily agenda and falls in love with the man's daughter. Yet when Black's holiday is over, so is Parrish's life. View More.

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We see the profile of the man, haloed by sunlight. Claire Forlani Susan Parrish. Universal Pictures City Light Films. Clear your history. Some people hate that style. Claire Forlani was the only main actress who suffered slightly but still pulled off a reasonable performance. Children are born every day, and people die every day. Glad to hear the UK version had a strong transfer. Marcia Gay Harden Allison. Visit Jennifer Lawrence Fan's homepage! Quince apologizes to Bill for undermining the company, and Bill forgives him. What's your nex t favori t e movie? In other projects.

Sign In. Edit Meet Joe Black William Parrish Claire Forlani

I've worried a little that the length of the film mins! Quote: Originally Posted by ctyank Yay! Rolling Stone Movie Review. IMDB v2. Death, who takes the form of a young man killed in an accident, asks a media mogul to act as his guide to teach him about life on Earth and, in the process, he falls in love with the mogul's daughter. Her presence and character, as one who is unknowingly in love with Death, emphasizes the fact that though Bill is surrounded by beautiful objects, the simple things in life, like his daughter and love — for which Death and Susan mutually share — are just as essential. The camera gives us lots of lingering gazes. Clear your history. Meet Joe Black deserves so much more on Blu ray. Technical specs Edit. Susan tries to understand his intentions, noting that he seems different from the man she met in the coffee shop.

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