

The Megachelon is an omnivorous large breed of turtle that exists within the Genesis Simulation and has a docile temperament yet will respond aggressively when threatened, megachelon. This creature has megachelon body parts than most turtles do, having 6 legs in total along with 4 eyes on its head. In the wild they feed on grace.hyland nudes of small fish since they are not equipped to hunt larger sea creatures and due to this, megachelon, they are also easily preyed upon by larger predators of the deep. Humans that get close enough can benefit from the bubbles that the Megachelon produces to replenish their oxygen megachelon the creature megachelon not consider them a threat unless attacked, megachelon.

By Ganelon , April 26, in General Discussion. I can work with Sharks Since I have nothing to do, I can test it in singleplayer for you. I'll add the results to this comment once I'm done. Didn't do sharks because sharks are already known to attack megachelons, and was unable to test tusos forgot the summon command, also testing happened in an artificial reservoir not deep enough for them to be aggressive. And probably wouldn't fit , plesios not deep enough for them to attack and mosas built too small. Fitting a turtle AND a mosa in there is just not happening , but they're the apexes, so they definitely would attack a megachelon if met at proper depth, no testing needed.


Suggested by Thyme , March 2, The appeal of a mobile base on one of these was awesome, but after taming them I found them very lacking. I and many others were expecting it to work like a vaccuum chamber underwater, but it just gives oxygen, not so useful in an area where you can hold your breath for 15 mins and there's bubbles to breathe. I understand this may not have been a possibility to make though. But they simply still are bad as a base. They have limited weight and are targeted by every aggressive dino, which they cant even fend off. They have such a slow turn they struggle to even hit enemies, and simply cant even fight back when not ridden. Additionally it can be stunned, which I find odd considering turtles eat jellyfish. As a base you can't even build over 2 walls high. A raft has basically none of these problems, is faster, supports turrets, and can be made within minutes of spawning. If you wanna go underwater with a platform the mosa and plesi and way faster and can actually kill things.

Posted March 9, Drag Weight.

Common Rare Untameable Cave. The Megachelon is a tame with a shell that can be built on, Also growing rare resources on its shell. When submerged, air bubbles will be generated around the shell. The Megachelon is a giant, six-legged, four-eyed turtle with almost human-like facial features; possessing wrinkled skin, external ears, and a toothy mouth instead of a hardened beak. It can be found swimming slowly through the ocean biome of the Genesis simulation, functioning as a living, breathing island; carrying its own unique little ecosystem on the back of its flattened, stone-like shell where moss, grass, and shrubs all grow out of its body, becoming more and more overgrown with the passage of time. While floating along the water's surface or walking across land, the lush habitat it carries with it attracts flocks of birds, which circle the Megachelon in wheeling flocks. This section displays the Megachelon's natural colors and regions.

Common Rare Untameable Cave. The Megachelon is a tame with a shell that can be built on, Also growing rare resources on its shell. When submerged, air bubbles will be generated around the shell. The Megachelon is a giant, six-legged, four-eyed turtle with almost human-like facial features; possessing wrinkled skin, external ears, and a toothy mouth instead of a hardened beak. It can be found swimming slowly through the ocean biome of the Genesis simulation, functioning as a living, breathing island; carrying its own unique little ecosystem on the back of its flattened, stone-like shell where moss, grass, and shrubs all grow out of its body, becoming more and more overgrown with the passage of time. While floating along the water's surface or walking across land, the lush habitat it carries with it attracts flocks of birds, which circle the Megachelon in wheeling flocks. This section displays the Megachelon's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Megachelon. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Megachelon will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID.


The Megachelon is an omnivorous large breed of turtle that exists within the Genesis Simulation and has a docile temperament yet will respond aggressively when threatened. This creature has more body parts than most turtles do, having 6 legs in total along with 4 eyes on its head. In the wild they feed on schools of small fish since they are not equipped to hunt larger sea creatures and due to this, they are also easily preyed upon by larger predators of the deep. Humans that get close enough can benefit from the bubbles that the Megachelon produces to replenish their oxygen since the creature will not consider them a threat unless attacked. Once tamed they can act as a mobile sea platform where you can build and affix structures too, that can dive underwater with a breathable habitat for its passengers.

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Drag Weight. Megachelon Platform Saddle Level View history Talk 0. Otherwise, the fish school can bug out and not properly initiate the taming process. If you go far away, like "teleport out of the biome" far, and leave them for a while, sometimes they will sort themselves out. Sign In Sign Up. It's advised to have some guardian creatures to fend off the dangers of the ocean though a high-level Megachelon can take a lot of punishment. I don't see much use outside a flower garden and a bullet sponge. Genesis: Part 1. When submerged, air bubbles will be generated around the shell. This can help the Megachelon protect itself from multiple creatures that are attacking it and provide tribes with an advantage when facing enemies underwater. Michael James Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. In order to tame the Megachelon, you need to find a school of Parakeet Fish and get them to chase after you. The Megachelon is a tame with a shell that can be built on, Also growing rare resources on its shell.

If you wondering how to tame Megachelon in Ark: Genesis, it's simple, but isn't easy and can take quite a while. The giant sea turtle added in Ark's Genesis expansion is a useful pet because you can build on the back of its huge shell and use it to dive underwater while it provides you with oxygen via a breathing bubble. Of course, you'll also need a saddle to ride Megachelon, which this guide will cover further below.

Mammals and Synapsids. The stat-calculator does not work in the mobile-view, see here for alternatives: Apps. For general information about domesticating a wild creature see Taming. Rider Weaponry. When submerged, air bubbles will be generated around the shell. This article is about Megachelon, not to be confused with Script error: The module returned a nil value. Views Read Sign up to edit View source View history. Removed the ability to place structures on Megachelon babies. Big turtle isn't worth it unless you dedicate plenty of time to getting a swarm of something that'll eat every threat that comes chomping or zapping at your turtle. Brute Creatures. If you leave the chelon trapped, then killing the aggressive salmon without hitting the megachelon isn't impossible, just incredibly difficult.

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