milas cuma namazı kaçta

Milas cuma namazı kaçta

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A wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Turkey began on 28 May , initially to contest the urban development plan for Istanbul 's Taksim Gezi Park. With no centralised leadership beyond the small assembly that organised the original environmental protest, the protests have been compared to the Occupy movement and the May events. Social media played a key part in the protests, not least because much of the Turkish media downplayed the protests , particularly in the early stages. Three and a half million people out of Turkey's population of 80 million are estimated to have taken an active part in almost 5, demonstrations across Turkey connected with the original Gezi Park protest. The sit-in at Taksim Gezi Park was restored after police withdrew from Taksim Square on 1 June, and developed into a protest camp , with thousands of protesters in tents, organising a library, medical centre, food distribution and their own media. After the Gezi Park camp was cleared by riot police on 15 June, protesters began to meet in other parks all around Turkey and organised public forums to discuss ways forward for the protests.

Milas cuma namazı kaçta


Retrieved 19 June Police brutality and the overall absence of government dialogue with the protesters was criticised by some foreign governments and international organisations. Retrieved 16 October


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Milas cuma namazı kaçta


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Archived from the original on 12 May These Football Times. Retrieved 24 January Cancel at any time. He dies 14 days later due to his injuries. In some cases the stations and medical personnel were targeted by police with tear gas, and one medical student volunteer was left in intensive care after being beaten by police, despite telling them that he was a doctor trying to help. His supporters chant "Give us the way, we will crush Taksim Square". Protests intensified after on the morning of 30 May undercover police burnt the tents of protesters who had organised a sit-in at Gezi Park. Violence and mass demonstrations spread again in the country, after police attacks on thousands of protesters who threw carnations at them and called for brotherhood. International Business Times UK. The Guardian. Der Spiegel.


The Independent. Protests intensified after on the morning of 30 May undercover police burnt the tents of protesters who had organised a sit-in at Gezi Park. TDR , T, Archived from the original on 15 June What can be done to boost market access for farmers? The Wall Street Journal. These Football Times. Huffington Post. Ministry of Culture and Tourism Turkey. Local Rep. Retrieved 5 June The Daily Star. Retrieved 3 June

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