mimi rogers someone to watch over me

Mimi rogers someone to watch over me

A married New York cop falls for the socialite murder witness he's been assigned to protect. Mike Keegan : I want to come home. Ellie Keegan : God Mike Keegan : I do love ya, Ellie.

It stars Tom Berenger as a police detective who has to protect a wealthy woman Mimi Rogers , who is a key witness in a murder trial. The film's soundtrack includes the George and Ira Gershwin song from which the film takes its title, recorded by Sting , and Vangelis ' "Memories of Green", originally from Scott's Blade Runner Socialite Claire Gregory attends a party and art show sponsored by one of her oldest friends, Winn Hockings. Accompanying her is her straitlaced boyfriend, Neil Steinhart. Winn is accosted by a former partner, Joey Venza, who is angry because Winn had not come to him to borrow money for his new art studio. After a short argument, he stabs Winn to death.

Mimi rogers someone to watch over me


Retrieved January 11, Retrieved December 23,


Sign In. Hide Spoilers. The film is really just Bryan Brown giving Mimi Rogers a massage while they talk of various things, mostly philosophical, and interspersed with flashbacks of their respective lives. You could say that it's slow, and I suppose that it is, but I found this movie to be refreshingly different. No car chases, no guns, no drugs, no smart-assed hero. Mimi Rogers spends a fair amount of time naked and this is, of course, very, very, very, very aesthetically pleasing. I have to wonder about Imdb's rating system when the "weighted average" is 5. At least they do publish the mean and median scores. Was this review helpful?

Mimi rogers someone to watch over me

The story of this movie can be summarized in this sentence: "Detective from working-class background falls in love with society beauty. Would you, for example, be surprised to find that the beauty needs a police bodyguard because her life is in danger after she has witnessed a murder? Would you be amazed to learn that the cop assigned to the night shift is young and handsome? That the murderer is vile and sadistic? That the beauty's boyfriend is rich but distant? That the cop's wife is feisty and determined? That the cop's boss threatens to fire him for screwing around with this dame? That the movie's set decorator has supplied the society woman with a Manhattan apartment so lavish that even Donald Trump would need roller skates?

Kentya areka

Retrieved December 23, The difference with this one is that it actually works, even though you know how the story is going to go. Ellie Keegan : I love you, too, Michael. Download as PDF Printable version. September 30, Brecke Bimbo as Sharon Brecke. Columbia Pictures. The police are called in and the new detective Keegan is there. Release date. Did you know Edit. He pursues her, but she manages to get back into the elevator just in time. Tools Tools. Sony Movie Channel United States. Andreas Katsulas is menacing and scary as Venza, which was perfect for this part. Dolby Stereo.

A married New York cop falls for the socialite murder witness he's been assigned to protect. Mike Keegan : I want to come home.

Filmography Awards and nominations Unrealised projects. Keegan and his wife Ellie separate over his involvement in the case. Edit page. Scarecrow Press. New Customer? Powered by Alexa. Lorraine Bracco Ellie Keegan. Retrieved July 4, More like this. Details Edit. Christopher Cass Rookie Cop.

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