mind control in comics

Mind control in comics

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Mind control in comics


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There are many in the comic book universe who can read minds and figure out what others are thinking telepathy. There are several others who can stand in one corner of a room and move objects to the other side of the room with only the power of their mind telekinesis. And then there have been those who have a combination of these two powers under their control, giving them the capability to influence the actions of anyone around them. Essentially, they are like puppet masters who can make their targets do anything. One of the wealthiest men in the world, DC 's Steve Dayton already has some psychic abilities at his beck and call. So, to amplify those powers, he constructs a helmet of his own design.

Mind control in comics

Comic books have been thought of as modern mythology for decades. They have their own gods and monsters, with both tragic and heroic backstories. There are also tropes unique to this medium that readers might have trouble finding anywhere else. From Black superheroes with electric powers to Superman's friends and foes having the L. Similarly, there was a time when hypnosis was the go-to superpower to bend heroes to villains' wills, and Marvel Comics capitalized on a very 18th-century understanding of the discipline. One of the earliest instances of hypnosis in comics comes from Lee Falks, whose creation Mandrake the Magician used an arsenal of magic and illusions, including hypnotic powers, to battle miscreants. The Golden Age often endowed characters with variations of hypnotic powers. Even Superman used it to cloud the minds of men and ignore his secret identity, while villains used mind control to stop the heroes in their tracks. The effect was amusing at times, with over-the-top results that felt like comic relief.


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