mitsubishi fast and furious

Mitsubishi fast and furious

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Zawiera Mitsubishi Eclipse to japoński, osobowy, kompaktowy samochód sportowy, który był produkowany seryjnie w latach W wersji produkowanej w latach liczył sobie 4,38 m długości, przy szerokości liczonej na ok. Napęd zapewniał jeden z czterech silników 4-cylindrowych o pojemności od 2 do 2,4 litra oraz mocy maksymalnej od KM do KM. Model Eclipse został opracowany w koncernie Mitsubishi z myślą przede wszystkim o rynku rodzimym, ale też o eksporcie do takich krajów jak: Tajwan, Australia, Kanada czy zwłaszcza USA.

Mitsubishi fast and furious


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One of the most memorable scenes in The Fast and The Furious was when Johnny Tran came through with his crew on sport bikes and shot up Brian O'Connor's Mitsubishi Eclipse, causing it to light on fire and explode. It was a spectacular blast, one that needed a bunch of work behind the scenes to come to life. The crew only had one car to work with, so there was only one chance to get the scene right. The interior, drivetrain, exhaust, gas tank, and a bunch of other parts were removed to ensure it was light enough to be lifted by an explosion. A big metal scaffolding was mounted into the cabin to ensure it wouldn't separate when lifted. The windows were tinted so the viewers couldn't see the gutted insides, and the doors were held on only by their front hinges. In the film, the car caught fire before it exploded. This was done by mounting tubes inside filled with propane, somewhat like what you'd see inside your backyard grill.

Mitsubishi fast and furious

You might be thinking to yourself, but standard this car is an all-wheel-drive EVO and it was featured as the star in a drifting movie… How? A drifting movie featuring an all-wheel-drive EVO. The image above is the exact car that was used in the movie. This is one sexy, mean, aggressive-looking car that means business!

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Monica accompanies Brian in the car on their way to Verone's mansion. Unbeknownst to either Roman or Brian, the Lancer and the Eclipse were bugged with tracking devices that allowed agents Bilkins and Markham to monitor their every move when they did not report them directly on the undercover mission.

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