mjr cinema

Mjr cinema

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Description of film: From the author: In the photo album of a German soldier from the period of the German occupation, I came across a photo of the prison in Nowy Sqcz. Description of film: Once students, today adults who visited the prison where they were held during the martial law period. Description of film: Therapy for addicts in the Remand Prison in Suwalki. With the voices of the therapists and their charges, the film describes the everyday life of the therapeutic ward and the struggle with the disease of people addicted to alcohol, intoxicants and psychotropic substances, staying in penitentiary isolation. Opis filmu: Terapia dla osób uzależnionych w Areszcie Śledczym w Suwałkach. Głosami terapeutów oraz ich podopiecznych film opisuje codzienne życie oddziału terapeutycznego oraz zmagania z chorobą osób, uzależnionych od alkoholu oraz środków odurzających i substancji psychotropowych, przebywających w izolacji penitencjarnej.

Mjr cinema


Description of film: The leader troublemaker of the prison in Łęczyca is murdered.


Refunds are available for ticket purchases prior to the feature show time only. Refunds can only be issued at the original theatre location in which the tickets were purchased. Click HERE for the customer service phone numbers. Guests are politely asked to respect fellow movie-goers by refraining from disruptive behavior during the Feature Presentation, including but not limited to:. Your theater:. Refund Policies. Online and mobile booking fees are non-refundable.

Mjr cinema

The chain took its name from its original slogan, "Movies Just Right. As of , the MJR Studio Bar and Lounge is now featured in all of the 10 locations, offering a diverse array of cocktails, beer, and wine. In , MJR debuted VIP Seats, an exclusive seating concept designed to bring privacy, convenience, and luxurious comfort to the theatrical experience.

Gasolinera de repsol

The film is not only a true story, but also a tribute to those who sacrificed their health and lives in the line of duty. Performances for children in cities Performances for children in Kaunas Performances for children Klaipėda Performances for children in Šiauliai Performances for children in Vilnius. Głosami terapeutów oraz ich podopiecznych film opisuje codzienne życie oddziału terapeutycznego oraz zmagania z chorobą osób, uzależnionych od alkoholu oraz środków odurzających i substancji psychotropowych, przebywających w izolacji penitencjarnej. Has Captain Tomek found a path to rehabilitation and service in the prison guard will endow him with fulfillment? Opis filmu: Terapia dla osób uzależnionych w Areszcie Śledczym w Suwałkach. Description of film: In a world where it is forbidden to show feelings, the captain of the prison service runs a course in caring for stray dogs. The street, that gray area of some neighborhoods, the ineluctability of certain destinies, criminal life, repentance, motherhood, example for better or for worse , love and distance, anger, redemption, homosexuality, prison and human rights, loneliness, melancholy, opportunities and the absence of opportunities, descent into hell or resurrection: these are some of the themes that emerge in this journey that has music as a guideline and a cathartic moment. Production year: Film duration: Type of film: Fire safety training video Direction: Artur Kloza, Grzegorz Olczak, Adam Fijałkowski Screeplay: Artur Kloza, Grzegorz Olczak Zdjęcia: Ze względu na charakter edukacyjny, w filmie wykorzystano różne materiały dotyczące zagadnień Służby Więziennej oraz z tematyki ochrony przeciwpożarowej pochodzące ze służbowych bibliotek oraz z ogólnodostępnych źródeł. Description of film: The film shows a scene of the daily programme the 3 prisoners selected for work in the musical studio in Botosani Penitentiary, Romania. Drugi koniec wszystkiego. Baltijos griaustinis. Anna Gqsowska, head of the therapeutic department at the Tarnów Penitentiary. Description of film: A passion that wings, giving freedom and satisfaction.


Description of film: The film was made as part of the Bartnik social eadaptation program, during which convicts learn to do basic work at the hive, do inspections, feed the bees, swirl honey and obtain wax. Description of film: A passion that wings, giving freedom and satisfaction. Kup bilety. The film is not only a true story, but also a tribute to those who sacrificed their health and lives in the line of duty. Talking Heads, Autobiografia — wyk. Waitnig in vain for an enemy that will not arrive, military officers are consumed by, on the one hand the need to give thair stay a meaning, and one the other hand, the need to resist the attraction this place holds on them. Each person is a separate story, a film can be created about each person, we are all extraordinary carriers of feelings and emotions, stories that create us. Description of film: The film shows the work of dogs in the Prison. Description of film: Can poetry serve a man behind the walls of a prison? The film uses authentic footage from the prison supplemented by archival photos of the riots that took place there. Description of film: Tragedy at Leopoldov Prison is a short documentary film that takes viewers to the exact places where the bloodiest tragedy in Slovak prison history occurred 31 years ago. Here time is at a standstill and is marked by stric regulations, power dynamics, engrained idleness and habits. Performances for children in cities Performances for children in Kaunas Performances for children Klaipėda Performances for children in Šiauliai Performances for children in Vilnius. They show and express their talents through music and paintie. Knitted by several dozen people, blue scarves were a symbol of the fight against domestic violence.

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