modern warfare piccadilly glitch

Modern warfare piccadilly glitch

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Modern warfare piccadilly glitch

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 's multiplayer frequenters haven't had the most seamless experience thus far. From a variety of necessary patches and updates to homicidal office chairs , Call of Duty: Modern Warfare hasn't been devoid of its share of technical issues. It looks like we'll have to add another one to the list, as a bug was discovered that causes players to glitch out of the Piccadilly multiplayer map. Apparently, one player managed to find their way into a normally inaccessible building and started firing away at the enemy team, landing successful shots every time. The video can be seen below. The video starts out with the player on the streets of London, igniting and tossing a flare, just before rushing outside the boundaries of the map. As the timer warning the player to get to the "combat area" counts down, the player and a few teammates attempt to kill the "glitcher" who is inside a building, but the killcam shows that they were merely camping in the unrendered interior of the building. It turns out that while the "glitcher" was protected from inside the building, they were still able to shoot out towards attackers and inflict damage. The clip doesn't reveal how this glitch was possible, but it is clear that the glitch does need addressing. There's no telling how widespread the issue is, but it enables players aware of the glitch to become virtually invincible and unfairly rack up their and their team's kill count.

Modern warfare piccadilly glitch

Since launch, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare fans have had mixed feelings about some of the game's multiplayer maps. One of the least popular maps by far is Piccadilly, with many fans bemoaning its sight lines and poor spawns. While Piccadilly in Modern Warfare remains one of the game's least popular multiplayer maps, there is a new issue plaguing it that is sure to make it even less appealing to fans of the popular first-person shooter. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players have been glitching into a door on the Piccadilly map while playing the Infected game type. The door in question is located out of bounds on the map, meaning that it's pointless to use in other game modes since players won't be drawn to that area. But on Infected, if someone is the last survivor and they manage to glitch through the door, all the enemy players will be alerted to their location. This creates a scenario where the person glitched in the door can easily kill the Infected players as they try to rush him. We have encountered the Piccadilly door glitch in our own testing, and what ends up happening is that the player glitched in the door either calls for a tactical nuke or everyone just leaves the game.

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Since its launch, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has faced heavy criticism for numerous bugs and issues.

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