monster girls

Monster girls

Simplified list - Alphabetical Index, monster girls. Simplified list - Family Index. Simplified list - Type Index. Simplified list - Disposition Index.

A monster girl is a fictional trope of a girl or young woman who is or shares visual traits with a monster. The trope is historically used strictly negatively and antagonistically as a representation of an ugly, cruel, or deceitful woman; such incarnations often have the woman hide her monstrous traits to deceive others. More recent works of media often depict monster girls neutrally, as merely another race of people, or positively, with their monstrous traits being a type of superpower they use to help others. Monster girls also feature prominently in anime and manga , in which they are often sexualized as a form of monster erotica. Historically, media has depicted monstrous women as villains, or if not, then less monstrous than males of equivalent ability. In anime, the magical girl genre featured girls with transformation abilities, however, they depicted the heroines increasing in beauty as their power grew. Additionally, western superheroines were depicted with more sexualized transformations than their male counterparts, such as She-Hulk , who was depicted in revealing bodysuits even after transforming.

Monster girls


Monster girls monster heritage endows them with superhuman strength and an instinctive urge towards wanton mating, but it also means they have great difficulty with the word "no" - meaning that encounters with human males regularly end in hot, monster girls, sticky reverse rape. Harlequin Pierrot Scaramouche. Ren Xiongmao.


Castlevania is a long running video game franchise created by Konami. Over its twenty three years the franchise has featured many Monster Girls, from harpies and succubi to Alarune and even a werewolf. One of the most commonly appearing monsters is Medusa , who's made boss appearances in all three introductory Castlevanias as well as most games since. Because of how popular and prolific the series has been over the past decades it could have been the introduction to Monster Girls for many individuals. Monster Girls Wiki Explore. Recent blog posts Forum. Explore Wikis Community Central. Don't have an account? Current Wiki.

Monster girls

In a world where humans co-exist with fantasy beings, a young man must share a flat with a bevy of beastly beauties. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account.


Fans of monster girls in anime and manga profess that their unrestrained and powerful personalities set them apart, with some having a dominatrix -like appeal. Since only females exist, they need to copulate with human men in order to make children. Additionally, western superheroines were depicted with more sexualized transformations than their male counterparts, such as She-Hulk , who was depicted in revealing bodysuits even after transforming. Due to these goals, they coercively have sex with human men, and attack them in order to rape them. Mad Hatter. Giant Ant. They attack humans, just as they did when they were grotesque creatures, however the meaning behind it is completely different. Some remain in the haunting grounds of their monstrous predecessors: barren wastelands , deep forests , and spooky graveyards. In this way, human men are essential to them. Dark Priest.

Monster girl anime is a niche genre that's started to make its way into the mainstream. These shows feature girls and women who aren't exactly human - instead, they're centaurs, demons, dullahans, vampires, zombies, and all manner of mythological beasts.

Devil Bug. Byronic hero Man alone Tragic hero. Strong-willed, arrogant depending on the conditions, honest, lustful. Additionally, western superheroines were depicted with more sexualized transformations than their male counterparts, such as She-Hulk , who was depicted in revealing bodysuits even after transforming. In anime, the magical girl genre featured girls with transformation abilities, however, they depicted the heroines increasing in beauty as their power grew. Mucus Toad. In this way, human men are essential to them. Simplified list - Alphabetical Index. Read Edit View history. Man-eater Saccophyte. Bad boy Gentleman thief Pirate Air pirate Space pirate. Double agent Evil twin Terrorist. Speculative fiction character trope. By this point, however, the Mamono Lord had grown strong enough that with her husband's help she could actually hold her own in battle against the Chief God.

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