Montecito sequoia lodge family camp

Family Camp family take a Montecito Photo Frame portrait by the lake at our end-of-week beach party. Mom, Dad, Teen and Baby.

Summer Family Camp Overview. A Classic American Family Camp. Experience The 1 Family Camp in California! Renowned throughout the United States, Montecito Sequoia's Summer Family Camp guarantees fun for the whole family, and will create memories that will last a lifetime! Parents, grandparents, young children to teens, we offer a range of fun activities for everyone. Come find out why many of our families return year-after-year, and invite more friends and family to join in the fun with them.

Montecito sequoia lodge family camp


Congratulations to the staff at Montecito for truly putting the "family" into Family Camp.


Summer Family Camp Overview. A Classic American Family Camp. Experience The 1 Family Camp in California! Renowned throughout the United States, Montecito Sequoia's Summer Family Camp guarantees fun for the whole family, and will create memories that will last a lifetime! Parents, grandparents, young children to teens, we offer a range of fun activities for everyone. Come find out why many of our families return year-after-year, and invite more friends and family to join in the fun with them. In fact, we have many large family celebrations and reunions during Family Camp, because it is perfect for all ages!

Montecito sequoia lodge family camp

Children's Age Groups Age 2 - Minnows: Age 2. Tadpoles: Ages 3 - 4. Chipmunks: Ages 5 - 6. Marmots: Ages 7 - 8. Bobcats: Ages 9 - Cougars: Ages 11 - Bears: Ages 13 - 18 Teens.

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Kids can have fun and make new friends, while parents and grandparents can enjoy the many adult activities on offer. Rooms and facilities vary from cabins to main lodge but are generally comfortable - please do not come to Montecito expecting the Ritz Carlton, but I guarantee you that the friendships and service you will experience at Montecito will be the best you will find anywhere. Brian Richey. Dianne Niggli. Plus we offer many discounted weeks, a referral discount, and an early payment discount, to help our families lower their overall Family Camp rates. No matter where we live in the world, it's worth the effort to spend time at Montecito in the summer. Chandni Sharma. Montecito Sequoia Lodge. At times of high-use, our Wi-Fi will be slower than most of our guests are used to at home. No one is required to join the group programs. Gregory Harris. Luau Theme Party. Family Camp Family Portrait. There are optional group programs for children ages 2 - California, U.

Week June 30 - July 6 July 4 Week!

Susan Tyndall Murrell. Book NOW for the best weeks, rates, and accommodations! It is a unique place, and I hope everyone will experience it for themselves. Chandni Sharma. Go to link. Your kids won't even miss their electronics, because they will be having so much old-fashioned outdoor fun! Margaret, Chicago, IL. There are optional group programs for children ages 2 - It's a true gem hidden in the Sierra Nevada mountains! Our kids have grown up at Montecito and we parents love every minute of every day with friends and family. When I booked I knew that all the meals were included, but I expected something simple.

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