mosquito girl one punch man

Mosquito girl one punch man

Genus of the House of Evolution. She was killed by Saitama.

Bill Burr "Absolutely Loved" One Punch Man. Hide Ads Login Sign Up. Mosquito Girl. Edit Character Information. Remove from Favorites Add to Favorites. Details Clubs Pictures.

Mosquito girl one punch man

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! She is one Dr. Genus human experiments and is a member of the House of Evolution. Mosquito Girl is a mutant crossbreed of a human and a mosquito, hence her name. She has the unique ability to control swarms of insects to gather the blood of nearby humans to heal herself from damage taken during a battle. Mosquito Girl is a tall and large woman and has the appearance of a humanoid mosquito due to being a crossbreed between a human and a mosquito. Her body is very light, allowing her to fly, and her limbs have been enlarged and have clawed tips on them. Her biceps and shins are covered in long bristles and stripes which are akin to that of a mosquito.

Mosquito Girl is a tall and large woman and has the appearance of a humanoid mosquito due to being a crossbreed between a human and a mosquito.

Genus of the House of Evolution. Being partly insect, Mosquito Girl's body is largely exoskeleton, and light enough to allow winged flight. All her limbs are extended and ended in twin hooks, and her lower legs are digitigrade, with extra forelegs. Her biceps and shins are covered in long bristles and striped akin to a hornet's. She also has a rather voluptuous figure. Beyond her long hair and a distinctly human face, her head resembles a mosquito's, including a second pair of compound eyes, two sets of antennae, and a shortened proboscis.

Genus of the House of Evolution. Being partly insect, Mosquito Girl's body is largely exoskeleton, and light enough to allow winged flight. All her limbs are extended and ended in twin hooks, and her lower legs are digitigrade, with extra forelegs. Her biceps and shins are covered in long bristles and striped akin to a hornet's. She also has a rather voluptuous figure. Beyond her long hair and a distinctly human face, her head resembles a mosquito's, including a second pair of compound eyes, two sets of antennae, and a shortened proboscis. Despite having a lower humanoid body, she still carries a banded abdomen from the small of her back. Following her transformation, the banded stripes on her body became jagged and more pronounced, while her bristles and mosquito headpiece transformed into sharp spines. In spite of her human features, Mosquito Girl playfully regarded humans and animals as prey, and constantly craved their blood. In contrast, she treated her mosquitoes maternally, referring to them as "little ones" and incorporating them into her attacks.

Mosquito girl one punch man

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! She is one Dr. Genus human experiments and is a member of the House of Evolution. Mosquito Girl is a mutant crossbreed of a human and a mosquito, hence her name. She has the unique ability to control swarms of insects to gather the blood of nearby humans to heal herself from damage taken during a battle. Mosquito Girl is a tall and large woman and has the appearance of a humanoid mosquito due to being a crossbreed between a human and a mosquito.

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You picture how you fight in your head and VGS will carry it out in the simulation, the resulting battle is visualized on an external monitor. Genus to ask him to remove his limiter , it is shown that Mosquito Girl actually survived being slapped by Saitama, and it was only her blood sack that was destroyed. Jay Ordeaux26 Makyzi! Fan Feed 1 Garou 2 Saitama 3 Tatsumaki. Edit source View history Talk 0. Hand-to-Hand Combatant : Besides using the mosquitoes she controls in combat, Mosquito Girl seemed to be a capable unarmed combatant during close-quarters battles. Lambotte, Jessie French. Edit Character Information. Mosquito Girl. Despite her apparent strength, she was labeled as a mere prototype by her creator. Genus and is considered a dangerous Demon-level threat. Being partly insect, Mosquito Girl's body is largely exoskeleton, and light enough to allow winged flight. Mosquito Girl regards humans as her prey and feeds off of their blood despite being part human herself. In spite of her human features, Mosquito Girl playfully regarded humans and animals as prey, and constantly craved their blood. Hide Ads Login Sign Up.


Hide Ads Login Sign Up. Being partly insect, Mosquito Girl's body was largely exoskeleton, and light enough to allow winged flight. She has the unique ability to control swarms of insects to gather the blood of nearby humans to heal herself from damage taken during a battle. In her transformation form, Mosquito Girl has a dramatic change in appearance. In her evolved state, Mosquito Girl easily outmaneuvers and bisects Genos, but is defeated with a single nonchalant slap from a naked Saitama. Contrastingly, she treats her mosquitoes maternally, referring to them as "little ones" and incorporating them into her attacks. Pure Evil Terms. Even in the face of danger, she is arrogant and only mildly irritated, insulting her opponents as much as assaulting them. She could match Genos, an S-Class hero, in combat, being able to rip his arm off in her first form. This is Thesecret Until then, she is being force-fed blood by Armored Gorilla using a giant syringe. Mosquito Girl appears in Z-City commanding a mysterious plague of mosquitoes, sweeping the surrounding countryside and forcing citizens to remain in hiding. She often takes joy in consuming human blood and draining a human into a fleshy skeleton. Villains Wiki Explore.

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