mumsnet aibu forum

Mumsnet aibu forum

Find cleaning advice from other Mumsnetters on our Housekeeping forum. I have an upstairs neighbour who keeps watering her plants and the water goes on my balcony, mumsnet aibu forum.

MNHQ have commented on this thread. Obviously, the purpose of it originally was for posters to ask an actual question, Am I being unreasonable… to not want to visit Mexico at Christmas, to think teabags should only be used once, to want my friend to visit me for once. As a kind of secondary point to this, why have so many topics and not use them? People end up posting asking for advice in AIBU on sensitive topics because they get no response in the correct topic. They then get roasted by the twats and no one is happy. Hi OP Thanks for getting in touch about this. We do move threads around when needed, but we often find people have posted in AIBU for a poll.

Mumsnet aibu forum

Join our Primary Education forum to discuss starting school and helping your child get the most out of it. DS has a 'friend' in his class who is very over powering, and has recently been controlling DS not letting him play with anyone else and asking him to do things etc and saying he wants him to play with him no one else. I've approached the teacher and said that DS is feeling overwhelmed by this boys constant obsession to play with him and want him to sit next to him all the time etc and he said he will monitor the situation and try and separate them during different daily activities. Last week I found out that DS was asked if he wanted to go and spend 'free time' with this boy who has an hour a day to play with what he wants in a separate room because of his attention difficulties and behavioural problems! I'm annoyed that they put my DS in that situation just to keep the boy happy in my eyes and make life easier so he doesn't kick off and he has his 'friend' with him so he's happy. I do not want my DS singled out and isolated from the rest of the class while the boy has his free time especially when we are trying to distance them and encourage other friendships! Am I over reacting? I just don't want this to become a problem or issue further down the line and want to nip it in the bud first. What is the best way to approach this as I am planning on speaking with the teacher about my concerns? I don't think that you are overreacting at all. It is not your son's job to pander to the needs of another student at the detriment of his education which is what is happening. I would be requesting a meeting with the teacher and senior management and state that this is what you have been told. Find out their side of the story it might be a misunderstanding but regretfully I doubt it and re-state your son's concerns about the other child's behaviour. You need to mention that you have raised your concerns before informally. I am sure that others have more experience and support, but this would be something that I would want resolved very quickly.

I left after a few months of it going on as I couldn't deal with the lies etc. SIL then picks up extra weekend shift, mumsnet aibu forum, so I am now expected without warning to pick her up from work requiring a detour after picking my brother and DN. I will always be polite while he is in their home, at family events etc, and make plans not to be here when he is going to be- Do this, and if mumsnet aibu forum are slick your Dad may never even realise.

In an effort not to drip feed, this may become an essay. Apologies in advance. My brother and I have a poor relationship, and have done for many years. We have little in common, and to be honest I don't like him. I don't think he likes me much either. Examples would include lying, stealing and causing endless worry.

They missed home so had unlocked the scout hut door where they were having a sleepover and was found by a group of girls wondering the streets of a local estate at 11pm. Hope your child is happier now they are home, and very glad nothing too awful happened! Did the adults have an explanation as to how this could have happened? But the bolt was child height so easily opened. Oh dear I thought you might say 10 and they should have known better than to leave by themselves. Six is very young. I allowed my DC to go for overnight Beaver trips at that age although I was really worried about them. I never worried that they'd be unsupervised or able to wander off though. I don't know.

Mumsnet aibu forum

Today Yesterday Please create an account or log in to access all these features. Start a new thread. My feed I'm on I'm watching I started. Advanced search Saved Active Unanswered threads.

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Please create an account or log in to access all these features. Yes it is not reasonable for your child to share a bed with their dad's gf of a few weeks. Watch thread Flip. Move the threads out! I went NC with my DS after that comment 3 Years ago and i know she is still seething somewhere about how unfair her life is. Time for a clear written complaint, asking that this done not happen again and that efforts are made to allow your son space to grow , make other friendships and not be controlled. A couple weeks after I moved out For desktop support. Also their clothes were both laid out for them!!!! I also want DF to understand this- it's not about this event, it's about everything that he has done and continues to do. Start a new thread Flip thread Hide thread. I think you being there made them more excited and kept L excited and chatty which stops R getting over. Is she using a hose or a watering can? He decided to sleep in there so as not to wake us all up.

My partner claims my family don't like him but it is completely untrue. I always make an effort with his family.

Hi OP Thanks for getting in touch about this. I also missed spending time with her. Please create an account To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. After the hurtful and abusive messages she sent me, she said "also thanks for the support on the blog" at this point I couldn't hold my breath any longer and told her I didn't like her self-indulgent blog as it seemed very hypocritical and categorised everybody with mental health issues under the same bracket. I will always be polite while he is in their home, at family events etc, and make plans not to be here when he is going to be- Do this, and if you are slick your Dad may never even realise. This is insane. I have an upstairs neighbour who keeps watering her plants and the water goes on my balcony. People end up posting asking for advice in AIBU on sensitive topics because they get no response in the correct topic. Found he'd viewed bestiality It probably didn't help that I'd previously watched Ghosts which is a lot lighter and fun. The kids were a bit out of routine because of all this. And then they ask for money to keep the place going because people have gone elsewhere. Think it's a one off, but loved Daisy's character and would have loved another. I would suspect your father and maybe even your mother have been saying things to your brother that are contributing to his idea that you are taking advantage so perhaps look into that.

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