murder of junko furuta pictures

Murder of junko furuta pictures

This case takes place in Tokyo, Japan. Junko had just celebrated her 17th birthday only 3 days before she was kidnapped.

Junko Furuta was a 16 year old Japanese girl who underwent 44 days of rape and torture before dying in the hands of her captors on November 22, There are only a few crime scene pictures of the murder, but whatever there is, is shared in the gallery below. She was a good looking, active teenager who enjoyed a lot of attention and that made some people jealous. She did not smoke, did not drink alcohol and did not do drugs which was seen as very uncool in the eyes of more gangster like teens. One of them — Hiroshi Miyano had a crush on her but not looking for a relationship, Junko Furuta turned him down. Hiroshi Miyano was the bully in the school and being involved with the new generations of the Yakuza, nobody dared to oppose him.

Murder of junko furuta pictures


Her traumatized internal organs refused to accept food and water so when she tried to drink, she instantly vomited, which not only kept her more dehydrated, it also agitated the perpetrators who punished her with more beating for soiling the carpet.


Junko Furuta was a year-old high school student who lived with her parents and two siblings in Misato, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. While she was a brilliant student and dreamed of becoming an idol singer, she even took an after-hours job at a plastic molding factory. The four boys were considered serial offenders, and reports mention that at least one had links to a Japanese gangster. Once they spotted Junko, they abducted and raped her multiple times before taking her to one of their houses. That marked the beginning of a tragic ordeal as the teenager was sexually assaulted by numerous guys and tortured in the most horrifying of ways. Besides, they badly starved her and continued deriving perverse pleasure from tormenting her until she finally died from their brutality in January

Murder of junko furuta pictures

Furuta Junko was a high school student in Japan in the late s. Is Junko Furuta still alive? Her murder goes down in history as one of the most brutal death. Junko Furuta endured an ordeal that no one should ever have to endure. All of this was carried out by four cruel men who were sentenced to a few years in prison, which enraged many people. Is there a movie about Junko Furuta? Concrete, a film made in , focused on the socioeconomic issues that led to Furuta's death and the pain. Intelligent Ghanaian immigrant bags Doctor of medicine degree from Howard University. Furuta was born in Misato, Saitama Prefecture; she was born in a family of three children. She schooled in Yashio- Minami High School for her high school level while employed at a plastic moulding firm after school.

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More than men are believed to have raped her — the captor with Yakuza connections is said to have invited other Yakuza members to have a go at a 16 year old. Was provided with only limited supply or food or water Was forced to eat live cockroaches and drink her own urine Had fireworks forced up her ass and set them off, causing serious burns Had her left nipple ripped off with pliers Had dumbbells dropped on her stomach while laid on the floor with hands and feet tied up — this resulted in loss of bowel control Was hanged from the ceiling and used as boxing bag Was kept in a freezer for several hours Had eye lids burned with hot wax and lighters Had breasts pierced with sewing needles Had her vagina and clitoris burnt with cigarettes and lighters Had hot, lit on bulb inserted into her vagina and rubbed until it exploded inside While she was only one quarter through her ordeal, owing to ongoing beatings, Junko Furuta was unable to breathe through her nose due to accumulation of blood in her cavities. Subscribe now to keep reading and get access to the full archive. Some pictures I think are from the movie:. She attempted to phone the police, but was caught before the call could be connected. This horrible crime definitely happened, this is not a hoax. Repugnant Loading Being already badly beaten, dehydrated and malnutritioned, Junko Furuta fell into a shock and died the following day. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. These monsters shoved a hot lightbulb up inside Junko, then they pushed on her stomach until it burst. To prove their point they even permitted the police to enter the residence. The men dripped hot wax upon her face, burnt her eyelids with a lighter, and stabbed her repeatedly in the chest with needles. With Patreon you will receive exclusive posts and more.

You have a good future ahead of you. But you made one mistake. Normally, turning down a boy who likes you, results in some hurt feelings and maybe a little intimidation or harmless retaliation — especially when the boy you turned down is part of a gang.

This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Skip to content. Browse latest Browse all 2. Her internal organs were subjected to so much damage that she eventually lost all control of her bladder and bowels. The movie was directed by Katsuya Matsumura and starred Yujin Kitagawa, member of the band Yuzu as the main culprit. The same judge also increased the sentenced for two bore boys who appealed. One of them — Hiroshi Miyano had a crush on her but not looking for a relationship, Junko Furuta turned him down. Greatings from Romania. Halfway through the ordeal the girl was begging her captors to kill her, and finally they did; on January 4th of , they poured lighter fluid on Junko and set her on fire. Spread the love. While she was only one quarter through her ordeal, owing to ongoing beatings, Junko Furuta was unable to breathe through her nose due to accumulation of blood in her cavities. This case takes place in Tokyo, Japan. I hope the other inmates had beaten them.

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