Mythic spell focus

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Specifically this mod adds a 3rd teir of "Spell Focus" which is a Mythic Feat. It requires "Greater Spell Focus" in the appropriate school as a prerequisite feat as well as Greater Spell Penetration. They are simply an attempt to alleviate the tendancy of enemies have inflated save bonuses on higher difficulties for spell schools heavily reliant on DC passes, while also addressing the relative uselessness of ever picking Spell Focus Abjuration for example. Mythic Spell Focus is unchanged, but because it actually functions despite what its text says by doubling the value of the normal Spell Focus feats a change is not necessary. Augmented Abjuration - Abjurations you cast now last 24 hours and ignore spell resistance. Augmented Divination - Divination spells you cast ignore spell resistance. Divination spells are not consumed when cast, but still must be prepared if required.

Mythic spell focus

Tags Edit Source Print. Leadership Pilot Tech. Benefit: When you activate your Headless Horseman feat, the effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to your tier. You also can choose to make yourself and your mount appear ghostly and transparent, as ghostly disguise UM affecting both of you, and when using this ability you leave no tracks. Special: This feat applies only when you are mounted; if you dismount, all effects end. Benefit: Add one-half your mythic tier minimum 1 times 5 feet to the increase in base speed granted by Giant Steps. Benefit: You gain the benefits of this feat even when your ki pool is empty. In addition, you can expend one use of your mythic power in place of one point from your ki pool to avoid provoking attacks of opportunity during your move. Benefit: The range of your darkvision is increased to feet, and you do not gain the light sensitivity weakness. In addition, if you expend one use of mythic power as a free action, any creature failing its Perception check to notice you treats you as if you were invisible until the end of your turn. If you have cover or concealment at the end of your turn, you may make a Stealth check to remain hidden.

In addition, you can expend two of your remaining bonuses as a swift action to draw a new harrow card; your remaining bonuses that day apply to rolls modified by the suit of the new card. I never failed penetrating spell resistance without mythic spell pen, don't even know how much stacked at this point, mythic spell focus, probably around


Version: 1. You are a Mythic Hero set apart from your contemporaries, capable of amazing feats of courage in the face of overwhelming odds. Your mythic powers grow alongside your normal powers,. The ninth rank comes at different points for different paths and requires you to complete the Chapter 5 mythic quest. When the PC gains their first mythic rank, they must select an ability that is linked to one of the Mythic Paths but which does not force them down any particular route alongside a single mythic ability. At 2nd rank, you will gain a second ability related to your earlier choice, your first mythic feat and two fixed abilities:.

Mythic spell focus

Mythic Feats are unique and exclusive Feats characters can earn i n Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. These types of Feats can be earned by leveling up your mythic level. Mythic characters gain Mythic Feats every even Mythic rank. These feats can be selected only as part of mythic advancement, not as part of a character's normal advancement or in place of any other bonus feat. Most Mythic Feats require a non-mythic feat as a prerequisite. These Mythic Feats enhance the benefis of their prerequisite feats, making them trule awe-inspiring. If a character doesn't possess any of the necessary prerequisite feats when she gains a Mythic Feat, they can wait to select a Mythic Feat until the next time she gains a mythic rank or level. Quick Search of All Mythic Feats.

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You add any variants of your new specialized spell as described above to your list of spells known, and any variants of your former specialized spell that were previously added your list of spells known by this feat are lost. Benefit: Your mount counts as a mythic creature for purposes of determine what abilities affect it. The affected creature gains fast healing 1 for a number of rounds equal to the number of points of damage you take. Originally posted by Traveler :. When you use a spell-trigger or spell-completion item to produce a spell effect, you can expend one use of your mythic power to share that spell effect with your bonded creature. If this brings the target to full health, any leftover healing is gained by the target as temporary hit points that last one hour or until expended. When doing so, add one-half your mythic tier to the number of rounds a creature is shaken by your successful Intimidate check instead of the condition lasting as long as the bane effect lasts. Benefit: You ignore the normal DC increase for training mythic creatures, and you gain a bonus equal to one-half your mythic tier on Handle Animal checks to train non-mythic creatures. You may not learn spells with this feat that are merely similar to other spells, even if they are very similar, such as silent image and minor image or fireball and delayed blast fireball. My azata sorcerer is currently sitting on 58 evocation DC for lvl 9 spells. Benefit: Any numeric bonuses granted to you by arcane discoveries are increased by 2, and you are treated as if you were 2 levels higher than normal for determining the effect of an arcane discovery. Benefit: You gain an additional number of daily uses of this feat equal to one-half your mythic tier minimum 1.


Per page: 15 30 I almost always focus on necromancy, conjuration or enchantment. You can remove an implanted bomb without the need for dispel magic by expending one use of your mythic power or a successful Disable Device check as usual. If the called or summoned creature would normally have the celestial, entropic, fiendish, or resolute template, it retains that template in addition to the mana-wasted mutant template. You must already know the non-mythic versions of any mythic spells you learn with this feat. Benefit: When you activate your Headless Horseman feat, the effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to your tier. Kinda boring because nothing can really throw a save against this BS anymore, but I guess that's the point. If you are of the 5th or greater mythic tier, your 10 highest level followers are also 1st mythic tier. Benefit: Choose one spell that you know of any level. Benefit: When you use this feat, the creature healed by the ritual gains hit points equal to twice the damage you take. While you have this concealment, you can spend one use of mythic power to become invisible again, with a duration equal to the duration the invisibility effect had remaining, minus 1 minute minimum 1 minute. If you spend a swift action, you add your mythic tier to your witch level to determine the effect of the hex you apply to your unarmed strike. If your Intimidate check exceeds the DC by 10 or more, creatures are frightened rather than shaken. Its effects do not stack. If you have the mutagen class feature and use your mutagen as the material component of the spell, add one-half your mythic tier minimum 1 to your alchemist level to determine the benefits gained by your summoned creatures.

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