Old man take a look at my life

Lyrics submitted by H-bombedited by Singme1. This song means so much to me right now. As I am writing this, It's been about 20 hours since my dad died.

The song compares a young man's life to an old man's and shows that the young man has, to some extent, the same needs as the old one. James Taylor played six-string banjo tuned like a guitar and sang on the song, and Linda Ronstadt also contributed vocals. In the film Heart of Gold , Young introduces the song as follows:. About that time when I wrote " Heart of Gold " , and I was touring, I had also—just, you know, being a rich hippie for the first time—I had purchased a ranch, and I still live there today. And there was a couple living on it that were the caretakers, an old gentleman named Louis Avila and his wife Clara. And there was this old blue Jeep there, and Louis took me for a ride in this blue Jeep. He gets me up there on the top side of the place, and there's this lake up there that fed all the pastures, and he says, "Well, tell me, how does a young man like yourself have enough money to buy a place like this?

Old man take a look at my life


General Comment This is one awesome fucking song. This boring, "perfect" life foisted upon us by some higher powers not spiritual, but political, economic, etc. Accessed February 3,


Lyrics submitted by H-bomb , edited by Singme1. This song means so much to me right now. As I am writing this, It's been about 20 hours since my dad died. I'm hurting so bad right now. He struggled with alchoholism for so long and whenever this song came on the radio we would both cry. My father's gone forever now but this song will always make me remember him.

Old man take a look at my life

The song compares a young man's life to an old man's and shows that the young man has, to some extent, the same needs as the old one. James Taylor played six-string banjo tuned like a guitar and sang on the song, and Linda Ronstadt also contributed vocals. In the film Heart of Gold , Young introduces the song as follows:.

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General Comment This songs not about his father. General Comment banjo played by James Taylor We're told to strive for some sort of ideal life, which includes getting a good job, being kind to everyone, finding a partner, getting married, having a couple kids, living in a quiet neighborhood in a nice big house, etc. Yeah, i read about how Young stayed at this farm one time and wrote this song inspired be the old man who owned it He wants something deeper with her, thats why he allows himself to be as a puppet even though for her fun and games as long as it makes her happy. He tells a similar story when introducing the song at a February 23, performance broadcast by the BBC in which he says that he purchased the ranch from "two lawyers". People are being used by those in power "like a pig in a cage on antibiotics"--being pacified with things like new phones and cool gadgets and houses while being sucked dry. New York: Anchor, , p. In the video, his helmet is slowly filling up with water, drowning him. The power, fear, pleading in RZA and Ghostface voices are genuine and powerful.


Retrieved 12 April General Comment Interesting to read everyone's thoughts on this one. When We Were Young Blink I was trying to figure out who was playing banjo. Like some here say, the song was about his ranch0hand at the ranch he bought at the time. Young wanted a place where he wouldn't be bothered, saw a ranch for sale in Northern California and went to look at it. Before he performs the song he says he bought a Ranch and the song was about the old ranch-hand that was running the place when he bought it. General Comment This is one awesome fucking song.. My own little interpretation to the song is as follows: a younger man reflecting upon his hardships, and although they may be fewer than a man twice his age, he feels as though he hurts just as much as the older man. Box sets The Archives Vol.

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