one above all marvel character

One above all marvel character

Warning: contains spoilers for Defenders: Beyond 5! Marvel Comics finally shows the true nature of its "God", one above all marvel character, the One Above Allwho reveals they are actually aware of being inside a comic book. Marvel's depictions of this supreme being have been mostly inconsistent throughout the decades, but writer Al Ewing gives the best explanation of the One Above All's nature and their role in the Marvel Universe. The idea of a supreme creator being started appearing very early in Marvel comic books.

Items of interest that I don't know well enough to be part of my favorites list. Mostly for my own benefit so I don't forget them, but feel free to look. My list of what I believe to be the strongest marvel characters based on their powers and battles. Though the list is incomplete and may just change to top 50 marvel characters because it is hard to think of Also note that the characters are.

One above all marvel character

The Marvel Comics Multiverse is home to an infinite number of incredibly powerful beings, some of whom are referred to as gods by others, and some who call themselves gods. However, there is only one true god in the Multiverse, and they're too powerful to ever show up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In every incarnation, the One-Above-All is portrayed not as a character, but as force of nature that occupies and shapes every single thing in the multiverse. Unlike Thanos or Galactus, who are depicted as ultra-powerful villains to be defeated or outsmarted, the One-Above-All cannot be beaten. It simply exists as a constant. Likewise, some fans and moviegoers aren't as receptive to these more esoteric concepts, so elements such as the One-Above-All are still out of reach. It is the supreme ruler of the Marvel Multiverse, and the ultimate source of everything good in every realm. The Fantastic Four were in Heaven, looking for the soul of Ben Grimm, when they stumbled onto a door seemingly created from a mix of Reed Richards' inventions and The Thing's stone skin. When they entered the door, they found a quaint home office with a man, bearing the visage of legendary comic creator Jack Kirby , drawing at his desk. While he can adopt many different forms, the One-Above-All explained that people tend to "find the humanity in God," and appeared to the Fantastic Four in Kirby's likeness. As he spoke, he continued drawing, and received a call from his "collaborator," who was heavily implied to be fellow Marvel legend Stan Lee. The One-Above-All as Kirby revived Ben Grimm, and fixed Reed's damaged face, then sent the team on their way, giving them a drawing that hinted at their happy future, forever united as a family.

It was here revealed that the One Above All, also called the "Above-All-Others", exists beyond time and space, and alternates between appearing as female and male. However, it also has a dark counterpart, the One Below All, which it uses to destroy life in order to create anew, one above all marvel character.

The One Above All is the highest creative force in known existence [2] and the source of all there is, was, and ever will be. The One Above All's only weapon is love; [16] [5] [2] however, it can also manifest itself as a demonic entity called the One Below All , whose only weapon is hate. It is speculated that the One Above All is possibly the start of something even higher. Having created itself, [19] it is apparently responsible for the existence of all life in the Multiverse and possibly beyond, [20] being the master and sole superior of the cosmic overseer and arbitrator known as the Living Tribunal , whose faces, embodying equity, vengeance, and necessity respectively, are in perfect alignment with one another as it passes judgment. Angry by Her defiance, He manifested His anger through One Below All , [19] that then served in its role as a counterweight to the expanding life in the Multiverse, in order to create life anew through the cycle of death and rebirth of the Multiverse.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Any act of adding this hero to the Pure Good category without a proposal or creating a proposal for this hero without the permission of an administrator will result in a ban. Additional Notice : This template is meant for admin maintenance only. Users who misuse the template will be blocked for a week minimum. The-One-Above-All is the supreme creator of all existence in the Marvel omniverse and is considered to be the most powerful character in Marvel. He has an evil alter-ego known as The-One-Below-All. The One Above All is the highest creative force in known existence and the source of all there is, was, and ever will be. It is said to be more powerful than all its creations combined. Normally, the One Above All's servant, the Living Tribunal, acts on its behalf as the supreme authority of the Multiverse, although the One Above All does directly intervene from time to time. The-One-Above-All created the omniverse itself in the beginning of creation and after creating it, created the Living Tribunal to oversee the Multiverse and act as its sole and highest authority as well as its overseer.

One above all marvel character

While fans can always debate which of the Avengers or X-Men are more powerful, when it comes to the Marvel Universe as a whole, there's only the One-Above-All. But while the One-Above-All may sit at the top of Marvel's power ladder, the character has been deeply flawed almost from its conception There, the classic Hulk and his more worldly Sunshine Joe persona confronted the demonic, Cthulhu-like One- Below -All, only to discover that it and the One-Above-All are one and the same - that Marvel's devil and its god have the same relationship as the Hulk and Bruce Banner. This was especially alarming as the One-Below-All had involved Hulk in a plan to permanently extinguish the Multiverse, sick with hatred at the existence of anything but itself. In Marvel stories, power tends to come with complexity - Galactus is an energy-being with the vague memory of having once been a man, the Celestials have such alien intellects that even communicating with them is dangerous, and the Beyonders are so far above mortals , just one of their children is perhaps the greatest threat Marvel's heroes ever faced. Marvel's cosmic forces are individuals with personalities and perspectives, but they're also unknowable, and that's communicated both in their attitudes and in their designs most of which originate from the inimitable pen of Jack Kirby. And yet at the top of the tree, the One-Above-All is commonly depicted as an all-powerful floating head reminiscent of any number of alien despots or magical tyrants the Avengers might deal with in a single issue. While respecting the glowing body used in prior comics, Immortal Hulk 's One-Above-All fills the sky, its eyes subtly but creepily drawn like mouths. This is fitting, since it speaks not in its prior casual conversation, but in epic, scriptural pronouncements so abstract, it feels as if the heroes are merely there to witness them, with any answers to their questions coming from their own ability to figure out which of the cosmos' grand truths are most relevant in the moment. The One-Above-All's connection to the One-Below-All likewise fits with Marvel's complex cosmic ecosystem - the most powerful being is the one least familiar to a human perspective.

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Fantasy Sci-fi. The One Above All is not God in the traditional sense of the word, because they are not omniscient. These are the comics creators, and the One Above All admits that the House of Idea is a gateway, " the place where the world of action ends, and the world of creation begins ". In the case of the former, however, the silly nature of the contentious movie made even these gods feel less than divine. Im no They can be proposed again with the permission of an administrator if new elements appear in their series that can change their status as non-PG heroes. Retrieved on 1 October Marvel Database Explore. As he spoke, he continued drawing, and received a call from his "collaborator," who was heavily implied to be fellow Marvel legend Stan Lee. It's the kind of cosmic, earth-shattering storytelling that many fans are ready for the MCU to move beyond. While he can adopt many different forms, the One-Above-All explained that people tend to "find the humanity in God," and appeared to the Fantastic Four in Kirby's likeness. I see through many eyes. Thus, The One-Above-All appearing in some capacity might make some sense. Immortal Hulk was a highly lauded series, with most considering it the best Hulk comic book run ever written.

One Above All is the leader of The Celestials and is the most powerful member of their race. While not much is known about him, One Above All has been depicted as being far more emotional than the other Celestials, as he has been seen openly displaying fear, hate and sorrow.

Pure Good Terms. The most ever found in a Lego game! The One Above All appeared to the Fantastic Four in the House of Ideas [2] at the time of the Thing 's death, praising them for their persistence in exploring the universe and promising extraordinary new wonders to be discovered in the years ahead, and eventually restored the Thing back to life. Normally, the One Above All's servant, the Living Tribunal, acts on its behalf as the supreme authority of the Multiverse, although the One Above All does directly intervene from time to time. After you look at the whole list,tell me what you think. Please keep a open mind and come into this with a good sense of humor or your jimmies will be rustled. Comment and Save Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. It helped and offered Beta Ray Bill hope when all seemed lost. Marvel Comics finally shows the true nature of its "God", the One Above All , who reveals they are actually aware of being inside a comic book. Let the blandness begin.. Therefore, it cannot harm or destroy things directly. The master of the marvel universe, They;re are such embodiments such as Chaos,Love and hate. In every incarnation, the One-Above-All is portrayed not as a character, but as force of nature that occupies and shapes every single thing in the multiverse. When they claim to be the supreme being, Blue Marvel objects, correctly guessing that the One Above All is a primal creative force and the greatest power that the characters can reach, but there are greater forces above him. Gamma radiation and cosmic radiation are opposites.

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