opposite of nasty

Opposite of nasty

Words related to disgusting are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word disgusting. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. I doubt Wills feels it is disgusting for pro-life activists to register voters at anti-abortion protests. His avarice was disgusting beyond words, and with avarice went a tendency to underhand dealing, opposite of nasty, harshness, and malice.

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Opposite of nasty

Some common synonyms of nasty are dirty , filthy , foul , and squalid. While all these words mean "conspicuously unclean or impure," nasty applies to what is actually foul or is repugnant to one expecting freshness, cleanliness, or sweetness; in practice, however, nasty is often weakened to the point of being no more than a synonym of unpleasant or disagreeable. When used figuratively, nasty implies a peculiarly offensive unpleasantness. The words dirty and nasty are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, dirty emphasizes the presence of dirt more than an emotional reaction to it or, figuratively, stresses meanness or despicableness. Although the words filthy and nasty have much in common, filthy carries a strong suggestion of offensiveness and typically of gradually accumulated dirt that begrimes and besmears. Figuratively, it can also describe disgusting obscenity. While in some cases nearly identical to nasty , foul implies extreme offensiveness and an accumulation of what is rotten or stinking; it can also describe, for example, loathsome behavior. In some situations, the words squalid and nasty are roughly equivalent. However, squalid adds to the idea of dirtiness and filth that of slovenly neglect. Distinctively, its figurative use implies sordidness as well as baseness and dirtiness.

The friendly atmosphere at the party made everyone feel welcome and at ease. And although gnarly can refer to something pretty terrible, like his gnarly toenails after training for a marathon, it can also have a positive connotation just like sick, opposite of nasty. Quiz French confusables.

It can also refer to behaviour that is spiteful, unkind, or malicious. When it comes to understanding the deeper meaning of Nasty, it can describe something that is physically or morally filthy, dirty, or disgusting. The word Nasty is often objective and can vary depending on the context and perspective of the speaker. Explore more exciting reads below:. This was all about the antonym of Nasty with meaning and examples. I hope you understood the usage of the word.

Synonyms and antonyms of nasty in English. These are words and phrases related to nasty. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of nasty. Synonyms and examples cruel Teasing them for being overweight is cruel. He's just being mean. Antonym and example kind She was the kindest, gentlest person I've ever met. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of nasty.

Opposite of nasty

Usage: in a nasty mood; a nasty accident; a nasty shock; a nasty smell; a nasty trick to pull; Will he say nasty things at my funeral? Antonyms: clean , make clean. Antonyms: unobjectionable , clean. Definition: of behavior or especially language free from objectionable elements; fit for all observers. Antonyms: clean , uncontaminating. Definition: not spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination. Antonyms: lovable , loveable. Usage: a nasty problem; a good man to have on your side in a tight situation. Antonyms: diffuse , diffused , soft.

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English collocations. The word Nasty is often objective and can vary depending on the context and perspective of the speaker. Video Learn English. Idioms to Express Friendship. Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 1. It can also refer to behaviour that is spiteful, unkind, or malicious. An aerial image shows what appears to be a spa, roiling water apparently carrying no nasty connotations. Thanks for intervening; Letters. Quiz English grammar. Updated on Oct 28, This child then becomes the one who does the chasing. From Project Gutenberg.

By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. We'll see you in your inbox soon. Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms.

English images. Synonym Chooser. From Freakonomics. English confusables. See Definitions and Examples ». It may not be a story the Vatican wants told, but such nasty behavior is also a part of the Renaissance. Figuratively, it can also describe disgusting obscenity. By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary. No intention to call Meghan Markle nasty, clarifies Trump. Blog Infinitive or -ing verb? From The Daily Beast. Video pronunciations. Check See the answer Next Next quiz Review.

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