Orula orisha

Orula, also known as Orunla or Orunmila, is the Orisha of divination and wisdom within the Yoruba religion. He is the supreme oracle and master spiritualist who sees all and orula orisha all. Olofi, one of the three manifestations of the Supreme God, gave Orula the gift of prophecy.

Following the categories developed by the Nigerian scholar Peju Yemaje, Orunmila is recognized as a primordial Orisha, an ara orun , one that existed before the creation of humanity and resides in Heaven, as opposed to irun-male or irunmole , sacred beings living on Earth. Orunmila is considered a sage , recognizing that Olodumare placed Ori intuitive knowledge in him as a prime Orisha. It is Ori who can intercede and affect the reality of a person much more than any other Orisha. Awo in every tradition study the Odu; each Odu is traditionally considered to include stories and prayers that have been passed down from the time that Orunmila walked the Earth as a prophet. Some initiatory lineages have only male priests of Orunmila, while other lineages include female priestesses. The term " Awo ", meaning "secret" is a gender-neutral title for an initiated priest of Orunmila. In Latin America and some areas of West Africa , only men may become full priests of Orunmila, while in other regions of West Africa the priesthood is open to women.

Orula orisha


Thank Orula for his wisdom, and make an offering to him in gratitude, orula orisha. When Obatala caught Orula orisha attempting to seduce his own mother, he ordered all of his male children to be killed in his fury. Orula is present before every birth — he is the one who witnesses the way a spirit influences its destiny before being born.


Orula, also known as Orunla or Orunmila, is the Orisha of divination and wisdom within the Yoruba religion. He is the supreme oracle and master spiritualist who sees all and knows all. Olofi, one of the three manifestations of the Supreme God, gave Orula the gift of prophecy. Orula bore witness as Olofi created the earth and the Orishas. Olofi bestowed upon Orula the wisdom and clarity to see the future and the ability to communicate it to those who inquire with him. He and Shango work closely together, as they both have a deep insight into the future. Orula knows the ways that each of us can find success, happiness, and health. He knows what the future holds for us and he can guide us on the right path if we listen to his foresight.

Orula orisha

He is a wise Orisha, he represents intelligence. Orunmila is a very important deity, he has the responsibility of notifying the initiate that Orisha will be his guardian angel. It is important to note that all the edible offerings that are placed on this saint must be represented with the number 16, which is one of its distinctive digits. They must be tasted by the person who offers them in the presence of the receptacle of the fortune teller, if this action is not carried out the Orisha will not observe them with good eyes and will be suspicious. Roasted Snapper and Chicken are one of the favorite dishes of the oracle. He likes liqueurs and cider in equal measure. When the santero or the babalawo going to clean Orula he must do it sitting on a mat.

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Cascarilla is spread on the divining board and the babalawo arranges his sacred signs on the board. Some initiatory lineages have only male priests of Orunmila, while other lineages include female priestesses. One of the most significant Catholic saints associated with Orula is St. He knows what the future holds for us and he can guide us on the right path if we listen to his foresight. One of Orula's primary symbols is the divination board, which he uses to communicate with his followers through his babalawos. Elegua was old and strong enough to leave home, so he did — but he always kept an eye on things at Obatala's house out of fear that, if his wife bore any other sons, Obatala would have them killed as well. Orula Camino Necklace. Other Catholic saints associated with Orula include St. Article Talk. Unlike Santeros and Santeras, Babalawos use either an Opele , a divination chain also called an Ekuele , or kola nuts, also known as Obi , and a wooden divining board covered in cascarilla eggshell powder. Green is also associated with growth and healing, while yellow is associated with knowledge and wisdom. Orula knows the ways that each of us can find success, happiness, and health. There is nothing that escapes his wisdom, and no destiny he cannot help alter.

Orunmila, known as the deity of wisdom and knowledge within the Yoruba religion, holds a pivotal role in guiding adherents through life's complexities. This orisha is revered for its ability to foresee the future and impart invaluable insights that navigate individuals towards favorable outcomes.

He is often depicted gazing into his divining board as he unravels the mysteries of the future. Ibadan: Evans Bros. Download as PDF Printable version. It is he who knows the best roads for humans to achieve happiness, success, and prosperity. Orula is also closely connected with Obatala , the Orisha of purity and calmness. In essence, Orula is a guardian and guide who helps us navigate the challenges of life by providing insight into the future. Orula bore witness as Olofi created the earth and the Orishas. As one of these powers, Orula embodies the values of wisdom, divination, and the ability to shape one's destiny. Orula, also known as Orunla or Orunmila, is the Orisha of divination and wisdom within the Yoruba religion. Orula's colors are green and yellow, which are believed to represent his association with nature and his wisdom. The colors associated with both Orishas, green and yellow for Orula and red and white for Shango, represent their harmony and balance. If you are having trouble in your life and you feel stuck and powerless, Orula's wisdom can help set you free and lead you down a path to happiness and success. When Obatala agreed, Shango celebrated by gifting Orula with a divination tray and the secret knowledge of divining. Orula is associated with the palm tree, which is believed to be a symbol of his wisdom and longevity, as well as with several animals, including the iguana, the chameleon, and the parrot.

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