Padme clone wars

Amidala padme clone wars also the wife of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, padme clone wars. Their marriage was not publicly known and had to be kept secret since Jedi were not allowed to marry. As a fierce advocate for peace and diplomacy, the senator had many debates and clashes with factions in the Republic that sought to expand the conflict as opposed to ending the war all together.

Despite her ideals and all she did for the cause of peace, her secret, forbidden marriage to Jedi Anakin Skywalker would prove to have dire consequences for the galaxy. With the taxation of trade routes in dispute, the Trade Federation set up a blockade of battleships around the star system, stopping all shipping to the planet. Back on Naboo, the young Queen made an unprecedented request of the native Gungans to form an alliance. With the support of their forces, she staged a three-pronged attack: an air, ground, and stealth assault. As a Separatist movement began to grow, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine sought emergency powers that would allow for the creation of a Grand Army of the Republic. Her starship was bombed, but the Senator was actually not aboard. Another attempt on her life followed, which led to a return to Naboo with Anakin Skywalker, now a grown Padawan.

Padme clone wars

But The Clone Wars refreshingly shows how she is still able to hold her own in a fight. However, there were plenty of close calls where she had to hide Anakin in her office, such as when Bail Organa almost walked in on them in The Clone Wars season 1, episode Although her involvement with Clovis caused her and Anakin to take a break with their relationship, she still chose to return to Anakin's side. Both of them had their own duties to the Republic, which often made it hard for them to find time to connect. Even in the brief moments where their schedules aligned, one of them was likely to be called away suddenly. The Clone Wars helped show how the two of them managed to make their relationship work despite their obligations to the Senate and the Jedi. But in The Clone Wars , she pleads on behalf of the helpless on several occasions. Specifically, she delivers an impassioned speech in front of the Senate in The Clone Wars season 2, episode While there, she ends up providing humanitarian aid to the children of Mandalore after they are accidentally poisoned by some illegal merchants. She ends up uncovering Dr. The Clone Wars also gave her a history with Rush Clovis, which gives Anakin another reason to despise him.

She contacted C-3PO on her comlink and alerted him of her trouble. This is one of the few episodes in which the two interact, and it's a padme clone wars the show could have relied on more.

Her presence on the animated show allowed for further exploration into her character, motivations, and beliefs. They locate the lab underground but are quickly captured by the evil scientist responsible for the creation of the virus. Anakin arrives and rescues them, and they are able to stop the scientist before it's too late. She gives a rousing speech in front of the entire Senate, advocating against sending more troops to fight in the war. While celebrating the success of her speech with Senators who share her ideals, one Senator falls dead due to poison in his drink. With the help of Bail Organa, she takes many risks in order to get to the truth.

Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. A political idealist, she advocated for the preservation of democracy as well as a peaceful resolution to the Clone Wars. However, her secret marriage to the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker would have a lasting effect on the future of the galaxy for decades to come. Devoting her life to civic duty, she was elected queen and, therefore, adopted the regnal name "Amidala" in 32 BBY. Due to the machinations of her advisor , Senator Sheev Palpatine , Amidala's reign was put to the test by the Trade Federation 's blockade and subsequent invasion of Naboo. Unable to fight the Federation's army of battle droids without assistance, the queen beseeched the Galactic Senate on Coruscant for help, only to see her efforts hampered by bureaucracy and procedure. Following her reign, Amidala joined the Senate and struggled to resolve the Separatist Crisis through diplomacy, becoming a leading voice in the Loyalist Committee by 22 BBY. After surviving an assassination attempt planned by the Trade Federation, she was removed from the capital and sent back to Naboo under the protection of Padawan Anakin Skywalker.

Padme clone wars

Amidala was also the wife of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. Their marriage was not publicly known and had to be kept secret since Jedi were not allowed to marry. As a fierce advocate for peace and diplomacy, the senator had many debates and clashes with factions in the Republic that sought to expand the conflict as opposed to ending the war all together.

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December 26, As the ambassadors arrived, the Trade Federation sent a large invasion force of battle droids. They attended several senatorial committees together. Afterwards, Burtoni's bill was approved. Bail then asked her if she got the assassin, but Ahsoka said she didn't. After Kenobi defeated Vader in a brutal lightsaber fight , he retrieved the unconscious Amidala and brought her to a medical facility on Polis Massa , where she gave birth two days later. She is introduced as the recently elected year-old queen of Naboo , dedicated to ending the planet's occupation by the Trade Federation. Having once again assumed the identity of a handmaiden, the queen journeyed through the swamps of Naboo with her party. Everyone then went back to arguing, until Satine stopped them, and ended the meeting. But democracy must stand. Skywalker told everyone that he had found the true saboteur, and from the temple guards emerged one of Ahsoka's closest friends, Barriss Offee. Landing at Theed Palace where Captain Typho and Queen Neeyutnee greeted them they then headed to the grasslands after listening to a disabled battle droid speak of Separatist activity in that area. She contacted C-3PO on her comlink and alerted him of her trouble. In a summit at the Sundari palace the Republic representatives met with CIS delegates, to break the thick ice between the two sides Amidala opened by saying that both sides had experienced the tragic consequences of the war and that they couldn't change what had already occurred but that they could change the future by moving for piece. Mina then stated that people would never entirely agree on Dooku, but they could agree that they needed to stop the war, but the question was how were they going to?

She first appeared on screen in the feature film The Phantom Menace as the young Queen of the planet Naboo. She and Anakin attempted to maintain a platonic relationship, but they ultimately fell in love.

Lee-Char then replied that he had to stay there with his people, and that they had to press the attack. He added that before the reinforcements arrived, they should prepare for a Separatist assault. But the captain said it still couldn't happen on the docks. As Skywalker dueled Ventress, Amidala encountered a young Tholothian boy named Shorr Komrrin , who showed admiration for the Jedi's strength. I had a backstory for her in earlier drafts, but it basically didn't survive. Amidala claimed that their marriage was built on lies and that she no longer felt safe. In Cloak of Deception , she is described as having "a slight figure and a lovely, feminine face. At the next session, Palpatine called for any objections of Mandalore's occupation. Start a Wiki. After he disconnected, Sanandrassa advised Amidala that Palpatine was her best resource.

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