pain in right side of abdomen under ribs

Pain in right side of abdomen under ribs

Epigastric pain refers to pain or discomfort below the ribs in your upper abdomen area. Causes range from acute digestive issues like acid reflux to chronic conditions, such as esophagitis. Epigastric pain is not always a cause for concern. It may be due to something harmless, like overeating or lactose intoleranceor an underlying condition such as gastroesophageal reflux disease GERDinflammation, or infection.

Under the rib cage pain or discomfort is a frequent problem with a wide range of possible causes. An in-depth discussion of a few of the symptoms and reasons for discomfort beneath the ribcage above the stomach area will be provided in this article. We will address typical reasons such as digestion problems, strains on the muscles, traumas to the ribs or surrounding organs, as well as more serious disorders impacting the region of the upper abdomen. Continue reading to learn more about potential causes of pain in this part of the body and why a visit to the doctor is necessary. Full Body Scan by ViaScan , a certified scanning facility, provides you with answers to your most concerning questions and helps you embark on a healthier and better standard of living. There are a number of benign and maybe more dangerous reasons for a pulsing or fluttering feeling right under the rib cage.

Pain in right side of abdomen under ribs

Right upper quadrant pain can be caused by various conditions, including gallstones, kidney stones, and hepatitis. Your abdomen is divided into four quarters or quadrants. Imagine a vertical line that divides your abdomen in half. Then, imagine a horizontal line at the level of your belly button. The uppermost quarter on your right-hand side is your right upper quadrant RUQ. Pain in your RUQ could be an indicator of several health conditions. In some cases, it may require emergency medical attention. Pain in the upper right quadrant can be a sign of many health conditions, some of which are serious. Some symptoms may indicate a medical emergency. You may need immediate medical attention if you have:. If you experience pain that lasts longer than a few days, it is important to talk with a doctor to determine the cause and the best course of treatment for you. While some causes of RUQ pain may resolve on their own over time, other conditions can cause serious complications if left untreated. Depending on the underlying condition, RUQ pain may vary in intensity from a dull ache to a sharp stabbing sensation.

They protect multiple of our vital organs including those in our chest wall, such as the heart and lungs, as well as those in the upper abdomen including the diaphragm, stomach, liver, gallbladder, and spleen. Medically reviewed by Graham Rogers, M. Inflammation of the gallbladder cholecystitis is the most common diagnosable cause of pain in the right upper quadrant.

Take pain below the ribs quiz. Our clinically-backed AI will ask you questions and provide an answer specific to your unique health situation. Your response today was provided by ChatGPT trained on the proprietary content of this page. Please note, this tool is for information purposes only and not intended to be used as a substitute for professional advice. You assume responsibility for decisions made with your individual medical situation.

Pain in the right side under your ribs can make you worry, especially if the pain is sharp, stabbing, and comes on suddenly. Sometimes, pain under the right ribs can feel like dull aches that seem to gnaw at your upper abdomen. Even though cardiac-related chest pain usually feels like a squeezing sensation on the left side, pain that is felt under your right ribs should not be ignored. Most of the time pain in the right side under your ribs is nothing to worry about. Strained chest or rib muscles , indigestion, or even just trapped gas can cause acute pain that comes on suddenly and causes aches. Inflammation or disease in these organs can cause intense burning pain under your right ribs. In some cases, pain from the right side of your rib cage can radiate to your back, upper abdomen, or even your shoulder. In some cases, treating rib pain on your right side involves natural methods to relieve the discomfort.

Pain in right side of abdomen under ribs

Pain in the right upper quadrant RUQ of the ribs may indicate a health problem affecting an organ in that area. These include the pancreas, right kidney, gallbladder, liver, and intestines. The abdomen is classified into four quadrants by healthcare professionals to help them better identify symptoms.

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This may cause RUQ pain and symptoms like:. Gallstone pain is typically sudden and worsens over time. In between the rib bones are the intercostal muscles, Vasudevan adds, which allow the chest to move. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. There are other conditions that may also cause pain below the ribs, but it is usually not one of the main symptoms:. The ribs are a very important structure in our body. If the pain is mild and occurs only occasionally, treatment may be as simple as taking pain medication and avoiding fatty foods. A hard cough or sneeze can also cause pain in the space under your right rib cage. In the end, there are a variety of reasons why discomfort on either side over the waist and under the ribs might occur. However, it could indicate an underlying health problem depending on other factors and symptoms. Continue reading to learn more about potential causes of pain in this part of the body and why a visit to the doctor is necessary. It acts as a reservoir for bile, says Murray, which is produced in the liver and released by the gallbladder into the small intestines to aid digestion. How you treat your indigestion depends on what caused it.

Abdominal pains are widespread symptoms. Doctors usually divide the abdomen into four quadrants due to the number of organs and structures found to arrive at a timely diagnosis and treatment. The right upper quadrant RUQ is below the right rib cage.

If you experience chest pain, difficulty breathing, or have upper abdominal pain that radiates to the jaw, neck, or arm, call Nav Open Icon. It affects 1 in 25 pregnancies in the United States and tends to arise after 20 weeks of gestation. Submit story. However, significant epigastric pain in pregnancy is sometimes a symptom of a serious condition known as preeclampsia. If you think you have pneumonia, see your doctor. Peptic ulcer disease happens when the lining of your stomach or small intestine gets damaged due to a bacterial infection or by taking too much of certain medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs. Upper quadrant pain may occur with other symptoms. The more details you include, the easier it is to determine the cause of your symptoms. Developed By SolutionsNow. A liver abscess may cause pain or tenderness in the RUQ , as well as:. Another potential source is the pancreas; conditions like pancreatitis can cause pain in the abdomen that extends to the back. People with DVT may also have leg pain and swelling. An additional source of discomfort, particularly during intense activity, might be muscular tension or soreness in the area known as the diaphragm across the left rib cage. Urinary tract infections can also spread to one or both of the kidneys, causing pain in the right side of the abdomen, the experts note.

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