
Connect with Pastor Rick Warren. Listen Donate. Daily Hope Devotional.

Connect with Pastor Rick Warren. Listen Donate. God gave you a heart, and in your heart he placed passions, desires, and dreams. But unless they are under his control, they will be misused, they will be abused, they will be misapplied, they will be misdirected, and they will be wasted Read More. devotional

God gave you a heart, and in your heart he placed passions, desires, and dreams. But unless they are under his control, they will be misused, they will be abused, they will be misapplied, they … Continue reading To Get More Passionate, Get Closer to God. Read full devotional. God cares about every detail of your life—including the work you do. In this series, Pastor Rick helps you understand why you work, what you should be working for, and how God can use you in your workplace. Purchase this series. More Articles About Pastors. Some seasons are more stressful than others—especially seasons of great change. This past year has been such a season for many…. Continue Reading. As Christ-followers, we build many important spiritual habits into our lives—including prayer, Bible reading, gratitude, and so on. All of them will play a critical role in…. The greatest missionary in the history of the church faced…. Connect with Pastor Rick Warren.

This past year has been such a season for many… Continue Reading. More Articles About Pastors.

God is far more concerned about who you are than what you do, but he does use your work and your workplace to develop your character. Pastor Rick uses this message to explain how your workplace is a life course in character development. God wants you to work so you can express what he made you to be. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how you can know if your job is right for you. How do you put on the full armor of God?

The Bible clearly calls us to forgive others. So if God expects us to forgive others, what does healthy, biblical forgiveness look like? Relinquish your right to get even. This is the heart of forgiveness. You deserve to retaliate, but you must commit not to do so. Respond to evil with good. You stop focusing on the hurt and the person who hurt you. As long as you continue to focus on the person who has hurt you, that person controls you. devotional

An invisible, cosmic war is going on all around us. Have you prepared yourself for the battle? Pastor Rick teaches in these messages why you need the armor of God, examining each piece of spiritual armor in Ephesians 6 and how it prepares you for spiritual battle.

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In their return to Saddleback Church after the death of their son, Pastor Rick and Kay share the very personal story of Matthew and his battle with mental illness. As a follower of Jesus, you have fiery darts coming at you all the time. Integrity matters. Learn from Pastor Rick in this message what that means and how it will change your life. Listen Purchase. Continue Reading. The greatest missionary in the history of the church faced… Continue Reading. God gave you a heart, and in your heart he placed passions, desires, and dreams. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast why, when you use what God gives you to help others, you learn to trust him and develop one of his characteristics: sacrificial generosity. When you feel like your world is falling apart, the first step toward recovery is getting real with God about how you feel. Load More This past year has been such a season for many….

How do you put on the full armor of God?

Listen Donate. Read full devotional. What Will Be Your Contribution? The best work for you is the work that best expres. Join him as he talks more about how God is your perfect model of peace. The greatest missionary in the history of the church faced… Continue Reading. As a follower of Jesus, you have fiery darts coming at you all the time. Video Teaching Series You Make Me Crazy We all want peace in our relationships, since they are the only things in our lives that will last. Listen Now Outline Purchase. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast why, when you use what God gives you to help others, you learn to trust him and develop one of his characteristics: sacrificial generosity. Join Pastor Rick for this series on developing the daily habits that will make you a happy person as he walks through Philippians, the happiest book in the Bible.

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