paz metal gear

Paz metal gear

A young Costa Rican girl who cherishes peace. She is studying the nation's Peace Constitution under the guidance of Galvez at the yet-to-be-sanctioned United Nations University for Peace. She was held captive by the mysterious armed paz metal gear initiating military deployment in various parts of Costa Rica. She, alongside Galvez, entreats the "Soldiers Without Borders" to eliminate the armed force and restore peace to the nation.

Pacifica Ocean was raised in the United States from a very young age. However, her loyalty was partially born out of fear, as she believed that disobeying Cipher would result in "a fate far worse than death". She was also the only agent that had actually met Cipher face-to-face and received orders from him directly, in this case, to contact Big Boss, with other agents only gaining their orders via proxies. She was eventually trained to become a triple agent for the organization, later operating within both the CIA and the KGB. In order to become a Cipher agent she endured many hardships including extreme training, starvation and days spent without sleep. Some of her compatriots died and others betrayed her and left her for dead while she did exactly the same to them. By overcoming these hardships she proved herself to Zero to be the right candidate to strike back at Snake for abandoning him and his organization.

Paz metal gear

She ejected from the cockpit and was thrown into the ocean. Big Boss however had his doubts whether Paz had really died as he stated she had been ejected in full Scuba gear. In Ground Zeroes, it's revealed that she indeed survived and was found by a Belizean fisherman. She was then taken by Cipher to Camp Omega to be interrogated. Chico attempted to rescue Paz after becoming aware that she had been captured but is also imprisoned at the camp when found. Skull Face later remarks to Chico that he witnessed the painless demise of a female prisoner whose identity is unknown, then calling Chico a 'traitor'. It's later known that Paz had been severely tortured and was left chained up in a room below the camp. Eventually Big Boss infiltrates the camp and rescued both Chico and Paz. However once they managed to get on the escape chopper, Paz had to be disemboweled after Chico discovers a large, closed abdominal wound to remove a bomb that was planted inside of her with a peace sign on the underside. Once she wakes up from passing out in pain, Kaz Miller confronts her as she begins to panic. Opening the chopper doors, she claims there is another bomb inside her where MSF 'would never look' and throws herself from the chopper, exploding in mid air. Paz does make an appearance in The Phantom Pain.

Snake: Good to know. Emergency surgery was carried out by the medic on board without anesthetic in order queengeoo nudes remove one of the bombs, causing great distress and pain for the conscious Paz who fainted afterwards, paz metal gear. This developed attachment would extend during her interrogation under Skull Face, as Paz willingly chose to side with Big Boss over her paz metal gear employer Zero; in which she revealed information about Zero, under the belief that it would save Big Boss.

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page.

A young Costa Rican girl who cherishes peace. She is studying the nation's Peace Constitution under the guidance of Galvez at the yet-to-be-sanctioned United Nations University for Peace. She was held captive by the mysterious armed force initiating military deployment in various parts of Costa Rica. She, alongside Galvez, entreats the "Soldiers Without Borders" to eliminate the armed force and restore peace to the nation. This force captures Paz and is tortured, leading to scars. After Coldman captures Paz again due to Galvez not being around to protect her Galvez is actually a Russian who works for the KGB, who must remain hidden at that point in the game it is decided that she would be better off with MSF where she'll be safe at Mother Base.

Paz metal gear

Pacifica Ocean was raised in the United States from a very young age. However, her loyalty was partially born out of fear, as she believed that disobeying Cipher would result in "a fate far worse than death". She was also the only agent that had actually met Cipher face-to-face and received orders from him directly, in this case, to contact Big Boss, with other agents only gaining their orders via proxies. She was eventually trained to become a triple agent for the organization, later operating within both the CIA and the KGB. In order to become a Cipher agent she endured many hardships including extreme training, starvation and days spent without sleep. Some of her compatriots died and others betrayed her and left her for dead while she did exactly the same to them.

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Paz was later located by Snake and placed on board the chopper. She was then taken by Cipher to Camp Omega to be interrogated. Skull Face later remarks to Chico that he witnessed the painless demise of a female prisoner whose identity is unknown, then calling Chico a 'traitor'. The design used in the game was also not her final design, with two other elected designs being her with longer dress, shorter boots, a combat harness, and gloves, and a radically different design depicting her with short hair, similar in hair-style to Para-Medic, and long pants with suspenders. Even as an agent of Cipher as well as sharing Big Boss's view regarding conflict, she didn't seem to view The Boss in a heroic manner as much as Zero and Big Boss did. Paz Ortega Andrade. The teacher told me to stay here until things quiet down. Some of her compatriots died and others betrayed her and left her for dead while she did exactly the same to them. When conducting the Mock ZEKE battle, there is a radio call from Paz, despite it taking place after the battle where she was believed to have been killed. C'mon, get up and start talking!! Cipher [Zero]? Unlike other missions, the only goal is to seduce Paz by using Co-ops Communication to compliment her. Snake, Paz They can tell us more about what's up ahead.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page.

Well, forgive me for asking, but I'm sorry Comment and Save Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Giant Bomb users. Let me make this absolutely clear: I have no interest in that man. It's later known that Paz had been severely tortured and was left chained up in a room below the camp. Skull Face eventually saw through his tactic and instead had her stripped to reveal how "repulsive" Paz actually was with her scars. Paz is one of only four main characters from Peace Walker to not be included as an officer in the Mother Base development game on the Ground Zeroes companion app the others being Chico, Zadornov, and Coldman. He has a radio in his room, so we can talk anytime. I wish I was dead. It was Cipher who took me in as an orphan - gave me food and a place to live. However, she knew this peace would not last. Some of her compatriots died and others betrayed her and left her for dead while she did exactly the same to them. But if I disobey my orders, the fear and despair awaiting me will be far worse than anything I can imagine. As the battle explicitly takes place after Paz's revolt, it foreshadows Paz's survival.

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