pepee pepee

Pepee pepee

Pepee is a 5 year old boy living with his loving family and friends in endless green fields. During his daily little pepee pepee, Pepee learns shapes, colours, numbers With his cute little

English to French. French to English. Pronunciation Guide. Video Build your vocabulary. Quiz French confusables. French images.

Pepee pepee

Pepee Temporada 1. Pepee is a 5 year old boy living with his loving family and friends in endless green fields. During his daily little adventures, Pepee learns shapes, colours, numbers With his cute little sister Bebee, cousin Shila, grandparents, giraffe and monkey friends, he discovers the emotions and learns how to deal with them. Share Android. Episodios Detalles. T1 E1 - Growing Up is Fun. Annee, Babaa, Dedee and Nenee are searching for Pepee everywhere. Pepee hides in a box and does not want to get out because he has outgrown his clothes. So Pepee's sadness yields to the excitement of growing up. T1 E2 - My Heart is Broken. Pepee is playing with his new skateboard, a present from his father. Suddenly, he realizes that he needs to use the toilet and rushes home. Bebee sees the skateboard in the garden and breaks it while trying to ride with it.

Pepee wants to keep playing instead of sleeping.

How are ratings calculated? Toggle Expand Toggle Expand. Skip to main content. Pepee Season 1. Pepee is a 5 year old boy living with his loving family and friends in endless green fields.

English to French. French to English. Pronunciation Guide. Video Build your vocabulary. Quiz French confusables. French images. Dictionary Grammar. All rights reserved. You may also like.

Pepee pepee

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Pepee is a 5 year old boy from Turkish animated series with the same name. Pepee is energetic 5 year old boy. He's as well as other characters. He also likes his scooter. However when Bebee breaks his favorite scooter in Episode 2. He got very upset and angry at Bebee, But soon he regreted it when Bebee repaired his scooter. In sharing is great he was very happy and excited that he was going to Bibii's House. But when Bibii took his toys from his hand he become unhappy. Despite all this sad moments though.


See the full list. Video pronunciations. Video Guides. Top cast Edit. In watchlists 10,x. Hali Beth Muller Maymus …. Annee consigns his pearl necklace which has a special meaning for her to Nenee. Related news. So Pepee's sadness yields to the excitement of growing up. Details Edit. Pepee and Bebee think that if no one goes to circus, then the animals will be free. Animation Comedy Family.

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He is so excited about going to school because he will learn new things and make new friends. Doctor has told Bibii that he has a lazy eye and temporarily covered one of his eyes with a patch. Spanish grammar. Nenee tells the kids that she can make yogurt. More like this. Check See the answer Next Next quiz Review. After having a lot of fun playing games, Pepee's eyes start to close on their own. French to English. Pepee had a very healthy breakfast that morning. Portuguese English to Portuguese. Let Us Help You. While playing in the garden, Pepee and Bebee realizes how hot it is and decide on giving some food and water to the animals living on the streets. Pepee, Bebee and Zezee come together and prepare water and food cups for stray cats and dogs.

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