peter pettigrew

Peter pettigrew

Peter pettigrew began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in and was sorted into Gryffindor house, peter pettigrew. Peter pettigrew Voldemort's fall, he faked his own death and framed Sirius for betraying James and Lily, as well as for his own murder and those of the twelve muggles he killed during his escape. Peter spent twelve years living in his Animagus form as the Weasley family 's pet rat, Scabbers. Pettigrew is the most handsome in harry potter series who played a key role in Voldemort's rebirth and continued to serve him during the Second Wizarding War.

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. Peter Pettigrew , O. First Class , [11] c. After Voldemort's fall , he faked his own death and framed Sirius for betraying James and Lily, as well as for his own murder and those of the twelve Muggles he killed during his escape. Peter spent twelve years living in his Animagus form as the Weasley family 's pet rat, Scabbers. Pettigrew played a key role in Voldemort's rebirth and continued to serve him during the Second Wizarding War. In the spring of , during a skirmish at Malfoy Manor , in a moment of rare mercy, he hesitated to strangle Harry.

Peter pettigrew

Peter Pettigrew , almost always referred to by his nickname "Wormtail", was a friend of James Potter at Hogwarts. Unpopular, meek, and magically mediocre, he ingratiated himself with James, Sirius Black , and Remus Lupin as a means to enhance and protect himself. At Hogwarts, the foursome became known as "The Marauders. Immediately following Lord Voldemort 's disappearance, Sirius Black was convicted without a trial and sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban prison for Pettigrew's supposed murder. While he appears in this book, his identity has not yet been revealed. He is merely known as " Scabbers ", Ron's pet rat. At the throughout the story, " Scabbers " is revealed to be looking increasingly sickly. Hermione Granger's Kneazle -cat hybrid Crookshanks is shown repeatedly to try pouncing on him and it is teased that Crookshanks ate him. They refer to him as having been close friends with James Potter and Sirius Black when he was at school, whilst never quite having their talent. It is in this scene that we learn that Peter Pettigrew is supposed to have been dead for many years because Sirius killed him and several Muggles in an explosion. At the conclusion, it is revealed that Ron's pet is actually Pettigrew in his Animagus form and that Crookshanks had seen him for what he was and had been trying to bring him to Sirius. It is further revealed that it was he, Pettigrew, and not Sirius who betrayed the Potters to Lord Voldemort. Harry Potter intervenes and spares his life, believing his father would not want his two best friends to become murderers. As Pettigrew is escorted back to the castle to be handed over to the Dementors, the full moon rises. Lupin transforms into a werewolf; having forgotten to take his potion, he becomes dangerous.

In reality, he had been agitated by the news of Sirius Black's escape from Azkaban, peter pettigrew, afraid that he would find him and finally avenge the Potters. Although Harry prevents Black and Lupin from executing him, Harry intends to turn Pettigrew over to the Peter pettigrew, making death a more appealing option. A possible Occlumens, he kept secrets from Dumbledore for years about Marauders wf12 and the fact he was an Animagus rat, then fooled everyone in the Order of Phoenix while passing secrets to Voldemort, peter pettigrew.

Every fantasy series has a groveling worm of a character. When watching or reading, its the character that all fans love to hate. These power-hungry weaklings give the bad guys a worse name than some of the more evil characters. This traitorous coward made life a living hell for the people he was supposed to care for most. There is a lot to learn though about this crony of Lord Voldemort. The name Peter is biblical in nature, referring to the apostle of the same name.

Peter Pettigrew's death in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 was different from the book; here's why the seventh film changed the scene from J. The help came in the form of Dobby, who helped the gang form a plan to escape the cellar and save Hermione, who was being tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange. The differences between book and film come after Dobby makes a racket that causes Lestrange to send Pettigrew down to the cellar to check on the captives. It almost makes it ambiguous as to whether or not Pettigrew dies, except that the character never appears in the movies following the fall. In the book, Pettigrew goes to choke Harry but hesitates — which the enchanted hand given to him by Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire — interprets as weakness. The enchanted hand then turned on Pettigrew and strangled him to death. While the movie producers may have been trying to protect younger viewers, they did a disservice to the story arc for Harry and Wormtail. This also allowed Pettigrew the opportunity to escape and return to Voldemort. In the book Deathly Hallows , Harry reminded Pettigrew of the life debt that he owed to Harry, causing the hesitation. Even aside from the violence of this death that might frighten young viewers, the filmmakers may have felt they were asking too much of audiences to remember the mercy Harry showed to Pettigrew in the third film.

Peter pettigrew

Every fantasy series has a groveling worm of a character. When watching or reading, its the character that all fans love to hate. These power-hungry weaklings give the bad guys a worse name than some of the more evil characters.

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Help me When he opened the door, he was tackled by Ron and Harry, who had freed themselves of their restraints. Pettigrew turned his back on Voldemort for being too much of a wreck to protect him and did not attempt to murder Harry Potter due to that. Etymology "Pettigrew" is from the Old French words "petit" meaning "small or little" and "cru" meaning "growth". Pettigrew was unjustly awarded the Order of Merlin , First Class for his confrontation with Sirius, which, along with the finger that they recovered, were "posthumously" given to his mother. On his way to his master, Peter ran into Bertha Jorkins , a Ministry witch who was on holiday in Albania, while she had stopped at an inn for food. Although she recognized him, Pettigrew was able to lure her into the forest where she fell into the clutches of the Dark Lord. Peter eventually was attracted to this presence and brought the Dark Lord slowly back from the edge of oblivion. The reason he chose to be adopted by a wizard family was that he could keep track of the news in the wizarding world and could rejoin his master should he return to power. This change in the movies, despite not giving Pettigrew any sort of closure, altered the course of the story, also minimizing J. All this time we've thought Sirius betrayed your parents, and Peter tracked him down — but it was the other way around, don't you see? Eventually, being the dependent loser he is, Peter decided it would be much easier to live life as a pet. Voldemort ordered Pettigrew to " kill the spare ", and Cedric was struck with the Killing Curse. They said a dark shadow Voldemort took over the animals and killed them. He then faked his own death by cutting off a finger and leaving it behind as he transformed into a rat and fled.

Peter Pettigrew — March is a turbulent character motivated by fear. He is a key player in both the rise and fall of Lord Voldemort and has an interesting relationship with Harry Potter.

He was loyal only to himself and acted in whatever his best interest was at the moment. Beginner warning: Details follow which you may not wish to read at your current level. Nevertheless, they were close throughout their time at school. Harry Potter initially believed Peter Pettigrew had been courageous for challenging the alleged traitor, Sirius Black , despite appearing so comparatively timid and weak; Harry even compared him to his own friend Neville Longbottom. He was not as skilled a wizard as his friends, and seemed to hang out with them largely because he idolized them PA While tending to Voldemort, Pettigrew apparently uses Voldemort's wand. Later on, when bringing Voldemort back from the dead, Peter cut off his own hand. Though he valued his own life more than the lives of his friends, Pettigrew felt guilt for betraying Lily and James, but did not have the courage to admit his treachery until it was forced out of him, or to turn against Voldemort until he was reminded of his life debt. Pettigrew murdering Cedric Diggory on Voldemort's orders. Pettigrew defected from the Order of the Phoenix and betrayed his closest friends to Lord Voldemort, believing that there was nothing to gain from opposing the Dark Lord while expressing his fear of being killed by him. When Pettigrew died, Ron was somewhat shocked, but was more preoccupied by the fact that Hermione was being tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange. The four friends called themselves the Marauders and designed a map to navigate Hogwarts. His mother was a witch , and his father's blood status was unknown. That same year, Remus Lupin , who had been unaware of Pettigrew's duplicity and believed him to be dead, began teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. Each of them was disgusted by his cowardice, and the fact that he would dare ask them for mercy after deceiving them in so many ways infuriated them even more.

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