Pictures of siren head

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The wiki needs your help with constructive edits and content relevant to the lore, setting, plot, characters as well as useful images. Newcomers and old users, please read the Manual of Style before starting or resuming your edits! Note that the following pictures are not in chronological order of the posts with Siren Head, and that some pictures may be missing. Trevor Henderson Wiki. Trevor Henderson Wiki Explore. Top Content. Bag The Singing Clergyman A bad dream in a spare room.

Pictures of siren head


Loud and proud sirenhead 0 6. Red EF3E3E. Grey


The wiki needs your help with constructive edits and content relevant to the lore, setting, plot, characters as well as useful images. Newcomers and old users, please read the Manual of Style before starting or resuming your edits! Note that the following pictures are not in chronological order of the posts with Siren Head, and that some pictures may be missing. Trevor Henderson Wiki. Trevor Henderson Wiki Explore. Top Content. Bag The Singing Clergyman A bad dream in a spare room. Patron Saints Giants Canon Creatures.

Pictures of siren head

Siren Head is a humanoid monster created in by the Canadian artist respectfully known as Trevor Henderson. Siren Head was described by Henderson as the "[s]tatic physical form of [an] unfathomable supernatural entity. Siren Head has become extremely popular over the recent years after well-known YouTubers such as CoryxKenshin, Markiplier, PewDiePie, and Jacksepticeye made their own videos about the creature and its various media and unofficial video games. Many fan-made video games featuring Siren Head exist [4] , though they are not made by Henderson himself. Siren Head was created back in , by the Canadian designer, artist, and comic maker known as Trevor Henderson. Trevor's inspiration for Siren Head's creation was the now very known creepypasta villain known as Slender Man.

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Evening walking 1 4. Siren Head standing across a road, waiting for a victim. Fe 50mm F1. Siren Head 4 Sirenheads walking in snow 2 Siren Head looking at person during seeing the haunted lake. View your notifications within Behance. Stargazing sirenhead 0 4. Adobe InDesign. Siren Head Horror Game-Icon 1 Mohammad Hamza.

The wiki needs your help with constructive edits and content relevant to the lore, setting, plot, characters as well as useful images. Newcomers and old users, please read the Manual of Style before starting or resuming your edits! Siren Head is a fictional-being created by the Canadian artist respectfully known as Trevor Henderson.

Yellow D9CF Blue 7BD0F4. Light Head Simulator 1 7. Green B8F9C5. Siren Head blending in with the trees. Fe mm F3. Categories : Galleries. Note that the following pictures are not in chronological order of the posts with Siren Head, and that some pictures may be missing. Siren Head Game Design 8 Grey Canon EOS R. Sell design assets and make money creating what you love. Image by Rik Oostenbroek. Rampage 0 5.

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