Pinky and the brain gif

I'd like to find a graphic of these two characters large enough to print on photo paper that I can then use as the face of a clock. I know he'd love it, but the graphic has to be clean and large enough say, x pixels to keep the print from being grainy, pinky and the brain gif. I've searched everywhere I can find, but have had no luck finding anything over about px, no pinky and the brain gif near acceptable. I've also thought of trying to buy a poster and cut out the applicable portion, but every one I've found is too big.

Play Count number of times to play the gif - 0 means loop forever. Filesize optimization Advanced smaller files Basic safer for frame extraction. Want to increase these limits and make smoother, higher quality gifs? Check out Imgflip Pro! The Imgflip watermark helps other people see where the GIF was created. We really don't want your GIFs to look bad though, so we made it as small as possible while still being readable, and it will not even show up on tiny GIFs.

Pinky and the brain gif


The user who responded with the idea of using a comic book cover is onto the best idea I've heard yet, and one I'd not thought of. I've searched everywhere I can find, but have had no luck finding anything over about px, no where near acceptable.


Play Count number of times to play the gif - 0 means loop forever. Filesize optimization Advanced smaller files Basic safer for frame extraction. Want to increase these limits and make smoother, higher quality gifs? Check out Imgflip Pro! The Imgflip watermark helps other people see where the GIF was created. We really don't want your GIFs to look bad though, so we made it as small as possible while still being readable, and it will not even show up on tiny GIFs. You can disable the watermark completely with a Pro account, if you really need to have watermark-free images. Facebook will sometimes decide to animate GIFs, and sometimes not. For best chances, make sure the width and height of your GIF are both larger than px, since Facebook tends to not animate small GIFs.

Pinky and the brain gif


Chucky the doll pictures

Background Color Default background color for frames containing transparency. For video-to-gif, enable motion to make your text and images move across the screen to follow the objects in your animated GIF. Hit the upload button to choose files from your device, otherwise paste a URL if your media asset is hosted on a website. Can I save my GIFs online? Flip Horizontally. Disable Dithering smaller filesize, but color banding. Our image-to-gif maker allows you to make unlimited high quality animated GIFs online for free, with lots of customization options, and with no limit on the number of images. Use the time range slider to make text or images only appear at certain times throughout your GIF. Generate GIF Reset. Title Tags. Want to increase these limits and make smoother, higher quality gifs? Create and share. Facebook will sometimes decide to animate GIFs, and sometimes not. Video to GIF. If your.


Do you have suggestions to make the GIF maker better? Our image-to-gif maker allows you to make unlimited high quality animated GIFs online for free, with lots of customization options, and with no limit on the number of images. Imgflip supports sound on GIFs made from any video that has audio! This is how many frames per second your final gif will run at. You can also download your GIF images and store them offline. Ebay is probably your best answer for finding issues if you don't have a comic shop nearby. For best chances, make sure the width and height of your GIF are both larger than px, since Facebook tends to not animate small GIFs. To clarify, I'm looking for a color image. Flip Horizontally. Pick the best one. Filesize optimization Advanced smaller files Basic safer for frame extraction. Delete this to maintain transparency in the final output gif.

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