pokemon red creepypasta

Pokemon red creepypasta

People always joked there was something unnatural about him, something inhuman. They joked about it often, referencing his otherworldly battling skills and silent demeanor. The first thing anyone noticed about Red was his eyes—or, at least, the fact that it was so hard to see them, pokemon red creepypasta.

Some of them really quite neat such as the one about a version where you get a ghost as a starter. Some are ridiculous, silly stories about individuals dying after playing a game, or the game talking to them. God, don't these writers know less is more when it comes to these stories? Ah well, I digress. I grew interested in these hacked games that are apparently in any thrift store, on eBay, or handed out by homeless people to random passersby. I didn't have the pleasure of meeting these creepy people, I merely found this particular cartridge in a trash bin when the garbage truck backed into my neighbor's dumpster.

Pokemon red creepypasta

As soon as I compared it to my old one, I knew it was either a bootleg or produced somewhere else. You can see in the picture how the sticker doesn't fit the front of the cartridge, and the red plastic is cheap and almost see-through if you look close, you can see the internal battery on the second, while the first can't be seen through at all. When I started it up, it only had one option - New Game, and unlike the well-loved cartridge I'd been using, it didn't have any wear marks from being inserted into the GBC or anything indicating it'd been used. Well, what the hell, I figured. I'd poured plenty of money into the franchise and one bootlegged game wasn't going to kill me. I popped it into my GBC and started playing. No huge deal, I thought. I thought that was pretty weird, considering the lower setting of my SP's screen was brighter than the "high" setting on all my friends' SPs, as I took good care of it, and it was unlikely that the backlight would be going anytime soon. But as soon as I switched to playing Sapphire, the screen lit back up. I'd played my other Red on this SP plenty, and it'd never dimmed for an old Game Boy game, so I just attributed it to the game itself being poorly made which makes no fucking sense, I know. About now, you're probably wondering when I'm going to start telling you about how there were Unown in my party and the Buried Alive guy in Lavender Town started eating my player character, because any preowned bootleg game story is bound to be some creepy hacked shit. Well, it wasn't that simple. However, as I continued playing, it became apparent to me that this game had some glitches.

I felt primal, soul-consuming terror. There were many version, but they were all similar. I never unlocked that door.

If you don't like scary, terrible and horrible things don't read this!! This will have many stories in it. These are not real I don't want to give you nightmares, I made them up. This girls life will never be the same, she will always be watching and waiting for it to appear. Here is her story.

The other you is quite different. Its attacks are different, too. Tiny Cartridge quotes the nameless author describing the effects :. Use curse and the trainer would disappear. Return to that spot again in the future and their sprite would be replaced with a gravestone. Much later, once you defeat the Elite Four, the game changes. The author describes the shift. An old man was standing, looking at tombstones. You then realized this man was your character.

Pokemon red creepypasta

As soon as I compared it to my old one, I knew it was either a bootleg or produced somewhere else. You can see in the picture how the sticker doesn't fit the front of the cartridge, and the red plastic is cheap and almost see-through if you look close, you can see the internal battery on the second, while the first can't be seen through at all. When I started it up, it only had one option - New Game, and unlike the well-loved cartridge I'd been using, it didn't have any wear marks from being inserted into the GBC or anything indicating it'd been used. Well, what the hell, I figured. I'd poured plenty of money into the franchise and one bootlegged game wasn't going to kill me. I popped it into my GBC and started playing.


Just because I'm a hero? He then looked serious. He just sees the word "No" on the screen. When I hit Start, nothing happened. Buried alive model. This will have many stories in it. Shrugging it off, I decided to just hit New Game, like I would have done after checking the old file anyway. I popped it into my GBC and started playing. It was poisoned. Lavender Town Syndrome. I won't leave you.

Let me explain. But I can definitely see why it would be easy to confuse both glitches, given that visually they look very similar. He looks like this:.

I took note of how much better Steven's sprite looked in combat than Red's, a different pose, his hair looking like it was blowing in the wind, a brief, minor upgrade, but still, much nicer. The aftermath of the battle was quite pleasant, none of the tension that was present between Red and Blue at the end of their match, the brothers congratulated each other on their progress and shook hands, before the screen went white, no Hall of Fame, nor any credits. I began to feel something was off, more so than this already was. He was heading to Pallet Town. Between his bangs, there wasn't even a face at all, just black, two red eyes looking straight forward, a white grin contrasting with the darkness. You can see in the picture how the sticker doesn't fit the front of the cartridge, and the red plastic is cheap and almost see-through if you look close, you can see the internal battery on the second, while the first can't be seen through at all. The last thing I saw before I woke up was the face of my attacker - a little boy with bright red eyes, black hair, and a red and white hat. Actually, it was alright. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Why was there no defending champion for Blue to challenge when he beat the Elite Four in the original games? But as soon as I switched to playing Sapphire, the screen lit back up. Hell, Red finding out he was really just a video game character.

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