pornstars real names

Pornstars real names

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Name Nerds main. What do I have in common with Traci Lords? Pretty much nothing Well, here's proof that you can make a name for yourself in porn no matter what your parents named you. Real name. Alisha Klass.

Pornstars real names

Erotic stars such as Jenna Jameson, her male counterpart Seymore Butts and Charlie Sheen's latest inamorata, year-old blonde former centrefold Bree Olson, are all so mainstream that their lives are detailed in Wikipedia. But the 1, or so performers in the seedier end of the pornographic film trade, predominantly based in California, often sought to conceal their "acting" careers from friends and family and especially later employers. Now the ability of those pornographic film performers to hide their identity behind sometimes bizarre stage monikers has been shot to pieces after a website published a leaked database containing the real names, dates of birth, and official nicknames of more than 15, of the adult industry's hard-working performers, past and present. Most of the information revealed by the Porn Wikileaks site is likely to have come from computer files that originally belonged to the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation [AIM], an STD-testing facility based in the San Fernando Valley, north of Los Angeles, which caters to the 1, working erotic film actors based in the region at any one time. Under guidelines that are supposed to minimise the spread of HIV and other venereal diseases — in an industry that does not always insist on condom use except in titles aimed at the gay market — all pornographic actors are supposed to be tested at the clinic once a month. Producers and directors are then able to access the database it holds, before casting their movies. The information published by Porn Wikileaks was first uploaded several weeks ago but only began being widely disseminated yesterday, after its existence was highlighted by Mike South, a blogger who covers adult entertainment issues. Although the leaked database does not include private medical information or test results, it includes names, addresses and copies of identification documents of everyone who has registered at AIM. In some cases, it also includes Google Maps photos of their homes. The site will therefore effectively "out" anyone who has worked as an erotic actor since the clinic opened in That prospect is uncomfortable for porn stars who have neglected to inform friends of family members of their profession. And it's even more chilling for former adult actors who may have quit the trade several years ago in order to pursue mainstream employment. In two cases in recent months, US schools have sacked members of their teaching staff after it emerged they had starred in erotic films when younger. No one knows what motivated the creator of Porn Wikileaks, which is amateurish and yesterday struggled to cope with a sudden surge in traffic.

English singer-songwriter and guitarist Fleetwood Mac. Robert Taylor.

This list of stage names lists names used by those in the entertainment industry, alphabetically by their stage name 's surname, followed by their birth name. Individuals who dropped their last name and substituted their middle name as their last name are listed. Those with a one-word stage name are listed in a separate article. In many cases, performers have legally changed their name to their stage name. Note: Many cultures have their own naming customs and systems, some rather intricate. Minor changes or alterations, including reversing Eastern-style formats, do not in and of themselves qualify as stage names and should not normally be included.

By Aramide Tinubu. Instead, the seven-part series, created by Francesca Manieri, is a tale about family, masculinity and toxic bonds. While the show, which stars Alessandro Borghi in the lead role, has some interesting chapters, the surrealist elements — including some hallucinatory moments and the bizarre way some of the sex scenes are filmed — make it more than a biographical account. Still youthful and energetic, he shocks the porn world by announcing his retirement. Ten-year-old Rocco Tano feels trapped in the impoverished rural town of Ortona and lost in the chaos of his family life. His mother is devoted to his mentally disabled brother Claudio, and Rocco lives in the shadow of his charismatic older half-brother, Tommaso Adriano Giannini.

Pornstars real names

Porn Wikileaks was a wiki website which contained the personal information, including the real names , of over 15, pornographic actors. The information came from a patient database managed by AIM Medical Associates which has closed due to the lawsuits caused by the leaks, [1] [2] a clinic where many pornographic film performers were tested for sexually transmitted diseases. The website received criticism from performers such as Kimberly Kane who stated, "Most of us in the porn industry know who is behind Porn WikiLeaks; he is doing it out of hatred for a business that shunned him for being even too repugnant for porn.

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American retired musician and songwriter Green Day. Sarah Danielle Madison. Paul Williams. Michael Anthony. Install the app. Breanne Benson 5. Jill Kelly. German singer, songwriter and producer Modern Talking. American singer-songwriter and producer The Isley Brothers. American musician Alice Cooper. This list of stage names lists names used by those in the entertainment industry, alphabetically by their stage name 's surname, followed by their birth name. Deborah Clearbranch. Hong Kong actress and singer Twins. American musician, singer and songwriter The McCoys. STDiva I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.

Lichelle Laws, the Detroit rapper known as Boss and one of hip-hop's first female gangsta rappers, died Monday at Ascension Providence Hospital in Southfield due to kidney failure, according to a family spokesperson. She was Her single "Deeper," which opens with an interpolation of Red Hot Chili Peppers' "Under the Bridge," showcased her gruff-edged style as well as her knack with a pop hook.

English singer and actor Manfred Mann. Those who follow me know my number, my address and my up to date google map location as well. Jerry Butler. Ed Powers. Ian Thomas. American singer The Hues Corporation. It's just too dangerous nowadays to give out your real name. I also thought Adrianne Moore was a great name for a pornstar, but maybe "Jill Kelly" sticks in the mind more. Veronica Hart. American singer and activist Dead Kennedys. Jacques d'Amboise. American singer Skid Row and Anthrax.

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