pregnant belly expansion story

Pregnant belly expansion story

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Impreg-Nation Visit the 'Nation. Contribute to This Folder. Impreg-Nation gallery. Gallery Folders. Mixed Fetishes. Latest Gallery Contributors. Vault 37 Recent Deviations Featured: Preggomancy.

Pregnant belly expansion story

TheBellyArchivist Watchers 0 Deviations Profile Navigation TheBellyArchivist. Home Gallery Favourites Posts About. Contains: Massive weight gain, sexual themes Clair stopped as she heard someone walking up behind her. She turned to see not one but two young men walking up behind her, smiling. They looked like carbon copies of each other, every feature identical. They stopped as she turned and took a slight bow, their movements perfectly in sync. She smiled and glanced around. Just taking a walk. At this time of night? Fetish themes of pregnancy, stuffing, and expansion. If you're into that, enjoy!

But, even looking away, she could not ignore the light. Minnie went along with it, because it did help loosen up her hip muscles and get the blood flowing in pregnant belly expansion story legs, but she was going to be glad when she gave birth and that part of her life was over.

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Game of Wishes by Zuelle Ally meets Ada, a fairy godmother that grants her three wishes, but Ally being shy of five inches takes advantage of it and Ada finds herself stuck with her. Anna thinks she's found the perfect dress. Little does she know it's been cursed by a woman who was obsessed with having children but never could.

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Game of Wishes by Zuelle Ally meets Ada, a fairy godmother that grants her three wishes, but Ally being shy of five inches takes advantage of it and Ada finds herself stuck with her. Anna thinks she's found the perfect dress. Little does she know it's been cursed by a woman who was obsessed with having children but never could. Now, Anna must unwill

Pregnant belly expansion story

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. The retired superhero Daddimus meets his match in two young women who get the ultimate revenge against him for him underestimating them: he'll carry their children, putting him permanently out of any superhero antics and letting them reign unchallenged as villains. An elderly couple have had no luck having children, and have both been diagnosed with an incurable illness.

Let loose crossword

It must be allowed to move freely so that it may test its strength and grow stronger within the crucible of its mother's womb. And who knows, there might be a fourth one hiding in there somewhere. I have reached my limit. For I am Stormy Hellspawn, the first breeder to the Brugga. When Emilia first needed to be milked, she was small enough small being a very relative term in her case that she could be led to a large barrel or tub and express her breast milk in to that. That extends to the prenatal period which is quite evident as the thing struggles so desperately inside my womb. The only one who can adequately wrangle the child within my womb is the client who knocked-me-up in the first place. Despite having such colossal tits now, there was no milk flowing out of them. I was too busy thinking about what I was going to make for dinner that night to realize that someone was calling for me. That was that. And I must grow! I cannot feel anything. Emilia spent much of her time now sitting down on that big fat ass, which was now the size of their entire couch in the living room in their old home, with cheeks so thick and tight, if Subaru was to give her a spank, his hand would bounce right off of her.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In.

Ashley was staring at her plenty as well, as she carried boxes of comics around the store and helped set up the chairs and microphones for the various panels. My skin is littered with these strange looking stretch marks that spread outward in a radial pattern, indicating exactly where it left its mark like an awful memory etched into my skin. And while I can't wait to get bigger, I just love how cute it looks on me. And who knows, there might be a fourth one hiding in there somewhere. She began to grow faster than ever before, feeling like she was not even a pregnant woman anymore but just a head attached to a big ripe tummy, the walls of the manor now rubbing up against every single part of her body as she got too big to be contained. Seeing the cue for a fun time, Fei slowly stood up from the chair as she made her way to Heather, her footsteps heavy, yet determined. Fill me up by Corgi Puff 2. When Emilia first needed to be milked, she was small enough small being a very relative term in her case that she could be led to a large barrel or tub and express her breast milk in to that. Minnie was the most embarrassed of them all, remembering when Max walked in on her and Ven in the bath together, though he did not know the actual truth of what the two of them were up to. At first I was mad. Could they all have changed their bras at once? Seeing himself changed, it shocked him, yet somehow he remained calm as those around him began to panic and flee from the car in vain, seeing them transform as well. Seeing the sight of pregnant women in pain from the throes of labour caused Fei to unconsciously rub her round tummy to comfort herself and her unborn child soundly resting. Thank god!

2 thoughts on “Pregnant belly expansion story

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