

Biologically engineered Demi-Gods made by a god-king to help rule the vast brutal universe of Warhammer: 40K, primarcs.

Primarch Sanguinius holding off the armies of Chaos by himself during the Siege of Terra. The Primarchs were the twenty genetically-engineered "sons" of the Emperor of Man. The Emperor used his own DNA in their creation, and they were designed to be gods among men; immortal giants with superhuman physique and intelligence, towering above the Space Marines as they do over mortal men. They were also incredibly charismatic, as their main role was to be generals and leaders of the Imperial military. The Primarchs were created in a secret facility in the Himalayan Mountains under the tightest security. However, the forces of Chaos somehow managed to spirit the infants away just prior to their maturation. They were scattered on different worlds across the galaxy, beyond the Emperor's reach.


Theirs will be the strength to prevail, not only when victory lies within easy reach, but even when it seems unattainable, when doom settles like a shroud all about. In those times of darkness, my noble sons will shine the brightest of all. The primarchs were the 20 genetically-engineered transhuman "sons" of the Emperor of Mankind created in the late 30 th Millennium. They were intended to be the immortal and superhuman generals and proconsuls who would command the Emperor's Great Crusade to reunite the scattered Human race beneath His leadership. Their genomes later served as the genetic templates from which the Emperor crafted His 20 Space Marine Legions. The primarchs were bred to be perfect generals, warriors and statesmen; larger, stronger, faster, and smarter than any normal Human could ever hope to be. They possessed a potent charisma and martial prowess that made them like the mythical gods of old, untouchable by disease, old age or supposedly the petty failings of lesser men. Each embodied an aspect of war; one was the greatest strategist ever known, another the personification of the terror of war, a third the master of psychic powers, a fourth the greatest practitioner of the arts of fortification, and so on. The primarchs were the Emperor's answer to reclaiming all the lost worlds of Mankind , and welcoming them into His new Imperium. The Emperor intended to raise His sons to be the best military commanders and political leaders in Human history. They would bring the Imperial Truth to the rest of the Human-settled galaxy in their father's name, serving as His generals and proconsuls.

Around a century later, primarcs, at the beginning of M31, that all changed. He was a herald of great portents to people of the primarcs planet of Baal Secundus where he grew up and eventually was worshipped as a god or Great Angel primarcs its tribes. Thousand Sons.

Alex Evans. Published: Nov 24, The Warhammer 40k primarchs are immensely powerful Space Marine generals, created by the Emperor of Mankind in the late 30th millennium to lead his armies in the Great Crusade and reconquer the galaxy. In the 41st millennium, some are dead, many lost, and some returned to fight both for and against the Imperium — this guide has the full story. According to sources among the Black Library Horus Heresy novel series and other Games Workshop lore texts, the Emperor originally created 20 Warhammer 40k primarchs in his secret gene-labs under the Himalaya mountain range: one to lead each of his new Space Marine legions. The table below contains background information about all the primarchs — except, of course, the 2nd and 11th — more on them later. Click on a linked primarch or legion name to read our full guide on each.

The Investiary, part of the Imperial Palace on Terra , which once contained the statues of all 20 primarchs on ouslite plinths in a silent ring. They were, for unknown reasons, deliberately expunged along with the Astartes of their Legions from all known Imperial records and archives before the onset of the Horus Heresy in the early 31 st Millennium. Referred to as "the forgotten and the purged" it is known only that the missing primarchs and their Legions are listed as having been "deleted from Imperial records. This formal censure and erasure from official records is known as an Edict of Obliteration , also called a Damnatio Memoriae , a High Gothic phrase meaning "condemnation of memory. This is the official Imperial policy of deliberately destroying any records, icons or other symbols or monuments pertaining to an individual or organisation, usually of the Imperial elite, who has been declared Excommunicate Traitoris by the Emperor of Mankind before He was interred within the Golden Throne , the High Lords of Terra or the Inquisition.


Alex Evans. Published: Nov 24, The Warhammer 40k primarchs are immensely powerful Space Marine generals, created by the Emperor of Mankind in the late 30th millennium to lead his armies in the Great Crusade and reconquer the galaxy. In the 41st millennium, some are dead, many lost, and some returned to fight both for and against the Imperium — this guide has the full story. According to sources among the Black Library Horus Heresy novel series and other Games Workshop lore texts, the Emperor originally created 20 Warhammer 40k primarchs in his secret gene-labs under the Himalaya mountain range: one to lead each of his new Space Marine legions. The table below contains background information about all the primarchs — except, of course, the 2nd and 11th — more on them later. Click on a linked primarch or legion name to read our full guide on each.

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Death Guard Dusk Raiders. Whereupon he would encounter the True Emperor and would swear his fealty to his biological Father, no contingencies, just immediate acceptance. The Traitor primarchs' statues in this story are covered with a shroud, so the fate of the second and eleventh is undetermined. Dorn would rise to become the Emperor of his world , pushing his planet's inhabitants into space with great void-faring fleets. Whilst the Grandfather himself watched with a dark fury from a window as his favored champion failed, again. The means by which the Emperor crafted 20 individual superhuman genomes using His own arcane Perpetual genetic code as the base without resorting to the use of cloning is unknown to present Imperial science. However, that opinion would change in the future after his gap year in the Warp. Leman Russ of the Space Wolves is one of the primarchs whose disappearance appears to be voluntary. Now we come to Konrad Curze, the man who never stood a chance. Loyalist, Alive. Nothing more than a corpse, his soul is sustained by his enormous psychic will and the sacrifice of psykers a day. The deadly viral payload of course killed everyone in a massive fireball, including the ancient Dreadnought. Roboute Guilliman of the Ultramarines nearly met his end slowly after fighting his former brother Fulgrim of the Emperor's Children Traitor Legion during the Battle of Thessala in

Each of us carries part of our father within us, whether it is his hunger for battle, his psychic talent or his determination to succeed. In the process of creating the Space Marine Legions, the Emperor created twenty clone-sons from his own DNA to serve as templates for the legions. They were scattered across the galaxy by the Chaos Gods in their infancy, to be recovered by the Emperor as the Great Crusade progressed.

Also known as the Night Haunter. The primarchs were bred to be perfect generals, warriors and statesmen; larger, stronger, faster, and smarter than any normal Human could ever hope to be. A dark being of blades and malice that was one with infinite blackness and could manifest within it, use it as a weapon, and even burst into a Murder of Crows at will to travel, observe, or attack his foes. Whereupon he would encounter the True Emperor and would swear his fealty to his biological Father, no contingencies, just immediate acceptance. Humanity came very close to complete destruction at the hands of Horus, and the effects of the Heresy are still being felt throughout the imperium ten thousand years later. It is also now known that sometime during the Age of Technology , the man who would become the Emperor had travelled with several of His fellow Perpetuals, including Alivia Sureka , to the world of Molech , a Knight World only a few light years distant from Terra , in a one-way spacecraft. Most Alpha Legion Marines roll their eyes at this , but it helps the Legion hide their true motives, means, points of weakness and keeps their enemies guessing. He finally brought the Warmaster down and eradicated even his soul from the Warp so that the Ruinous Powers could not restore their puppet to some semblance of horrid life. Omegon may be dead, slain by Roboute Guilliman after the Heresy. Until over time he began to doubt the great vision of the Emperor, fostering deep-rooted resentment and frustration at feeling like no matter what he did or achieved, it was never good enough for his Father.

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