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Private urologist birmingham

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Private urologist birmingham

Intoduction: The media has a tremendous impact on the creation of images of people. This study presents how motion pictures illustrate a person with cerebral palsy CP , the social impact from the media and the possibility of cerebral palsy education by using motion pictures. Results: There were motion pictures reviewed in this study. With the criteria of non-documentary movies, possibility of disability classification and availability, the total number of motion pictures about CP was reduced to The changes of movie number over time are due to the social awareness of the CP and later with the changes of focus of the movie industry. The geographical distribution represents the development of movie industry and the social attitude to CP patients. Comparisons of incidence between the real world and the movies are surprisingly matching. Conclusions: Motion pictures are not only for the entertainment business but also for the education. CP is an unneglectable disease nowadays. The proper information about CP needs to be distributed to general public and medical students. With precise selection and medical professional explanations, motion pictures can play the suitable role making CP to be understood more clearly. Dotyczy to profilaktyki, jak i diagnostyki a także terapii.

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Private urologist birmingham

Created with. B irmingham Urology Clinic. Conservative Management. Lifestyle measures. Fluid management: It is essential to increase the water intake to 2 Litres per day to flush out all the chemicals excited in the urine. Otherwise, concentrated urine itself can irritate the bladder and cause lower urinary symptoms.

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