psilocybe caerulipes pictures

Psilocybe caerulipes pictures

But did you know that there are at least species of psilocybin-containing mushrooms scattered across the globe?

Psilocybe caerulipes , commonly known as blue-foot , is a rare psilocybin mushroom of the family Hymenogastraceae , [1] having psilocybin and psilocin as main active compounds. An older synonym is Agaricus caerulipes. It is in the section Semilanceatae , other members of the section include Psilocybe bohemica , Psilocybe callosa , Psilocybe carbonaria , Psilocybe cyanofibrillosa , Psilocybe fimetaria , Psilocybe indica , Psilocybe liniformans var. From the Latin words caerulea blue and pes foot. Psilocybe caerulipes has a farinaceous taste and a no to slightly farinaceous odor. Psilocybe caerulipes may be found growing solitary to cespitose, in deciduous forests on hardwood slash and debris, plant matter, on or about decaying hardwood logs, birch , beech and maple.

Psilocybe caerulipes pictures


Attempts at indoor grows will likely follow the standard methods of growing spores on agar or grain. Part of P. Learn more about the ethics of mushroom foraging here.


But did you know that there are at least species of psilocybin-containing mushrooms scattered across the globe? And new ones are discovered more often than you might think. One of these more elusive mushrooms? The blue foot Psilocybe , Psilocybe caerulipes. This species was first described in as Agaricus caerulipes by American mycologist and New York State Botanist Charles Horton Peck, before it was moved into the genus Psilocybe in Though psilocybin and psilocin were first detected in P. A study published in analyzed two collections of this species and found that six-month-old, dry mushrooms contained a psilocybin concentration of around 0. The scientists also found smaller concentrations of other alkaloids , such as aeruginascin 0. Analysis of fresher samples using home potency tests found that Psilocybe caerulipes may contain over 1.

Psilocybe caerulipes pictures

Please see our disclosure to learn more. Psilocybe caerulipes is also known as the blue-foot psilocybe. It has a distinct blue hue at the base of its stem, which gives it its name. It is the rarest psilocybe mushroom of all, and is highly sought after both for preservation purposes and for genetic engineering. Below we will give some tips on how to identify blue-foot psilocybe mushrooms. But the information we provide below is only a starting point. And be sure to go hunting with an experienced forager. NEVER consume any mushroom unless you are absolutely sure of its identity.

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Ecology is saprotrophic. As with many other psilocybin-containing species, potency can vary considerably between different mushrooms, so always dose cautiously. Mycological characteristics. Spore print is purple-brown. Taxon identifiers. This species was first described in as Agaricus caerulipes by American mycologist and New York State Botanist Charles Horton Peck, before it was moved into the genus Psilocybe in As with most Psilocybe species, the spores of P. Attempts at indoor grows will likely follow the standard methods of growing spores on agar or grain. Psilocybe caerulipes may be found growing solitary to cespitose, in deciduous forests on hardwood slash and debris, plant matter, on or about decaying hardwood logs, birch , beech and maple. Though psilocybin and psilocin were first detected in P. If you do try your hand at growing P. It is on this stem where the classic blueing reaction can be most easily spotted—as with all psilocybin-containing mushroom species, blue color can be observed when damaged or dried. A taxonomic monograph of Psilocybe , section Caerulescentes. Article Talk.

Psilocybe caerulipes aka The Little Bluefoot [i] gets its name by being bluish around the base of the stem—and by being smaller than the big bluefoot. In the case of the bluefoot, though, the color gives the right impression; this is a psychoactive species, often used recreationally by those lucky enough to find and recognize it.

Table of Contents. Conocybe C. Like other wood-loving Psilocybe species, blue foot Psilocybe should be fairly contamination resistant when grown outdoors. Mushroom Observer. Psilocybe caerulipes has a farinaceous taste and a no to slightly farinaceous odor. Photo by Joshua Kalichman via Mushroom Observer. Psiloybe caerulipes range map by Alan Rockefeller Wikimedia Commons. An older synonym is Agaricus caerulipes. Psilocybe caerulipes Peck. ISSN Toggle limited content width. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Hallucinogenic mushrooms.

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