pulp fiction parents guide

Pulp fiction parents guide

If you think what we do is worthwhile, please donate or become a member advertisement Pulp Fiction R - 9. Black comedy about professional killers, gangsters, armed robbers and other assorted creatures direct pulp fiction parents guide director Quentin Tarantino's imagination. A couple kiss while in bed, and oral sex is referred to and implied.

I was a musical kid with an unholy amount of patience. A penchant for grossness, her taste was maybe too hardcore for me. I passed on Shaun Of The Dead. I passed on RoboCop. I passed on The Terminator. My senior year of high school, she sat me down to watch The Silence Of The Lambs , which I endured through half-covered eyes. How did she get like this, I wondered.

Pulp fiction parents guide

Parent and Kid Reviews on. One or two shootings with blood and around 6 or 7 shootings in total many without blood. In my opinion once you hit 13 kids are mature enough to hear any amounts of language and in this film you really forget about it but yes there are f-bombs. There are one or two sexual references some played for laughs and are quick and over before you know it. And now drug use, I think drug use is the main problem for kids in this film, a man injects heron in his arm as a result he gets high but this doesn't go so well for him so if anything it's a lesson to not take drugs. Same goes for the scene where Mia overdoses on cocaine, she almost dies because of this. There is also some drugs talk and characters smoke cigarettes frequently but keep in mind it's a crime movie so that's a given. Other than that I think a lot of the violence and language will be tuned out or forgotten by kids and the rape and drug use can easily be skipped over quickly. One thing often forgotten by parents watching this film is that it actually has a good message Spoilers right here the main character dies because he is foolish and almost plays around with crime and drugs, and the other main character Samuel L. Jackson's turns down continuing the life of crime because he knows it will only hurt him from there. It's a story of redemption, greed, crime and to a far and exaggerated extent, humanity. So please take your teens put on this movie for 2 and a Half hours Skip the rape scene and see what one of the most creatively revolutionary films is like. This title has: Great messages. Too much violence. Helpful Report Report this review.

While this movie is littered with mature stuff, it's an undeniably important film and if your child of at least 11 years old pulp fiction parents guide a big movie fan, "Pulp Fiction" is one they should eventually check out. Each character encounters each other throughout the film, resulting in a chain of events that changes the course of their lives. And just listening to him.

They're trained in creating high-quality parenting advice based on best practices in child development. Read more about how we rate and review. Parents need to know that this film glorifies violence, drug use, and sexual themes. Gunplay, robbery, swearing, drug use, drug dealing, lying, cheating, violence, male rape, sadomasochism, and driving under the influence. A character is shot in the face and it's played for jokes.

The lives of two mob hitmen, a boxer, a gangster and his wife, and a pair of diner bandits intertwine in four tales of violence and redemption. Mia : Don't you hate that? Vincent : What? Mia : Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable?

Pulp fiction parents guide

If you think what we do is worthwhile, please donate or become a member advertisement Pulp Fiction R - 9. Black comedy about professional killers, gangsters, armed robbers and other assorted creatures direct from director Quentin Tarantino's imagination. A couple kiss while in bed, and oral sex is referred to and implied.


However, the film contains enough extreme violence and foul language to push the boundaries of its R-rating to NC The film's extreme violence and drug use without legal consequences supercedes any of its socially redeemable qualities. I have no idea; I just know it always does. But my mom doubled down. Both my parents, and later my brother, but mostly my mom. Jackson's turns down continuing the life of crime because he knows it will only hurt him from there. So please take your teens put on this movie for 2 and a Half hours Skip the rape scene and see what one of the most creatively revolutionary films is like. Jackson's turns down continuing the life of crime because he knows it will only hurt him from there. I mean, the size of that fucking needle! I passed on The Terminator. Fran Hoepfner. It disgusted me, repelled me. I passed on Shaun Of The Dead. Not funnier, not necessarily, but slightly less terrifying with the foresight of what was to come.

Parent and Kid Reviews on. One or two shootings with blood and around 6 or 7 shootings in total many without blood. In my opinion once you hit 13 kids are mature enough to hear any amounts of language and in this film you really forget about it but yes there are f-bombs.

The breeziness of the dialogue, the jokes, the laissez-faire attitude of all these kooky creatures…all of it was a coping mechanism for the violence they dealt with day in and day out. Black comedy about professional killers, gangsters, armed robbers and other assorted creatures direct from director Quentin Tarantino's imagination. It's a story of redemption, greed, crime and to a far and exaggerated extent, humanity. A man is raped, and we both see him and hear screaming. It disgusted me, repelled me. It floored me to hear her say that. The link. Ving Rhames? Valentin S. This was the most unsettling section for me, too. The viewer. Be aware that while we do our best to avoid spoilers it is impossible to disguise all details and some may reveal crucial plot elements. Reservoir Dogs? Or audacious? Did you find anything here offensive -- or does the humorous tone somehow soften the content?

3 thoughts on “Pulp fiction parents guide

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