quran recitation surah baqarah

Quran recitation surah baqarah

It also covers topics such as duties of a Muslim v. There are many incredible and intellectual discussions about theology, metaphysics, cosmology and spiritual life.

The surah begins with describing three sets of people — believers, disbelievers, and hypocrites, devoting most space to the last group. The story of the Creation of Adam AS and his expulsion along with his wife, are briefly described early on, and the narration progresses towards the Children of Israel. After the designation of the Masjid Al Haram as the direction of prayer, Allaah SWT details laws with respect to individual and community practices. The obligatory fasting of Ramadan was prescribed, while detail laws relating to marriage, divorce, guardianship of children have been elaborated upon, among other things. The first battle fought by the Muslims against the disbelievers is also referred to in order to conform to the believers of victory from Allaah SWT as long as they remain sincere and committed to His religion. The concluding passages of this surah focus on the mention of previous prophets of the Children of Israel and certain incidents such as the killing of Jalut by Dawud AS. Various incidents relating to Ibrahim AS are narrated, including building the Kabah along with his son Ismail AS and their supplication to Allaah SWT for a righteous successor to teach and reform their later generations.

Quran recitation surah baqarah


They will abide therein. Al-Hajj The Pilgrimage.


It also covers topics such as duties of a Muslim v. There are many incredible and intellectual discussions about theology, metaphysics, cosmology and spiritual life. One of the most powerful verses, titled the throne verse or Ayatul Kursi v. Read with transliteration to help you with the pronunciation. Also includes Hindi, Urdu, Malay. Minimize audio player for more screen space. Arabic font-size: info. Close Surah Menu. Al-Fatiha The opener.

Quran recitation surah baqarah

All information on IslamicFinder. If you find any inappropriate material or links leading to inappropriate materials , kindly contact us. Alifl a mmeem. Tha lika alkit a bu l a rayba feehi hudan lilmuttaqeen a. Alla th eena yuminoona bi a lghaybi wayuqeemoona a l ss al a ta wamimm a razaqn a hum yunfiqoon a. Wa a lla th eena yuminoona bim a onzila ilayka wam a onzila min qablika wabi a l a khirati hum yooqinoon a.

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Ghali: And believe in what I have sent down, sincerely verifying that which is with you, and do not be the first disbelievers of it, and do not trade My signs for a little price, and be pious towards Me only. Muhsin Khan: Then after that you turned away. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers. Why will not the fire of Hell touch you? Dan ingatlah , Allah sentiasa melihat akan apa yang mereka lakukan. Ghali: And protect yourselves against a Day when no self will recompense for another self in anything and no intercession will be accepted from it, nor any justice i. Abul Ala Maududi: Alif. Muhsin Khan: These are they who have purchased error for guidance, so their commerce was profitless. Saba Sheba. Those who believe know that it is the truth from their Lord; but those who disbelieve say: What doth Allah wish to teach by such a similitude? The surah begins with describing three sets of people — believers, disbelievers, and hypocrites, devoting most space to the last group. We will not believe in thee till we see Allah plainly; and even while ye gazed the lightning seized you. Verily, you have wronged yourselves by worshipping the calf.

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. This is the Book in which there is no doubt, guidance for the righteous.

Pickthall: And when it is said unto them: believe as the people believe, they say: shall we believe as the foolish believe? Al-Furqan The Criterion. Sahih International: And We have certainly revealed to you verses [which are] clear proofs, and no one would deny them except the defiantly disobedient. Kenangkanlah nikmat-nikmatKu yang Aku telah kurniakan kepada kamu, dan ingatlah bahawasanya Aku telah melebihkan nenek-moyang kamu yang taat dahulu atas orang-orang yang ada pada zamannya. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn. Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih: Wahai sekalian manusia! Or is it that you say of Allah what you know not? Muhsin Khan: And indeed We have sent down to you manifest Ayat these Verses of the Quran which inform in detail about the news of the Jews and their secret intentions, etc. Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih: Mereka seolah-olah orang yang pekak, bisu dan buta; dengan keadaan itu mereka tidak dapat kembali kepada kebenaran. Ghali: And is it, that whenever they have made Literally: covenanted a covenant a covenant, a group of them flung it off? Have you then no sense? Ghali: And remember as you killed a self, and so you parried about it, and Allah is to bring out whatever you were keeping back. Dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden, and eat ye freely of the fruits thereof where ye will; but come not nigh this tree lest ye become wrong-doers.

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