rahm kota

Rahm kota

Star Wars fans watching the Obi-Wan Kenobi series may have noticed plenty of references and Easter eggs throughout the series, one of which brought an iconic video game character into the franchise's current canon, rahm kota. While some references made throughout the show simply created more continuity for certain pre-existing characters, others tied in Legends characters that hadn't yet been brought rahm kota into the fold by Disney.

Born on a war-torn world , Kota fought in the trenches during the planet's internal conflicts from the age of ten. At the age of eighteen, Kota met the Jedi Mace Windu , who had been dispatched to the planet to end the conflict peacefully. Despite being well over the traditional age of acceptance, Kota was schooled in the Force by Master Yoda. He did not believe that clone troopers were fit for battle, however, and refused to lead them. Instead, he commanded his own militia , comprised of volunteers. In 19 BBY , when Order 66 was issued—an emergency contingency that ordered the clone forces to terminate their Jedi commanders, who had been deemed a threat to the Republic —Kota survived the slaughter of his fellow Jedi since there were no clone troopers serving with him.

Rahm kota

The Jedi has 14 joints, including a ball-jointed neck, shoulders, elbows, knees and ankles. There are swivel joints in both underarms, the waist and both legs. There are no balancing issues, but if you prefer to place the figure on a stand you can use the one which Hasbro included. Besides a stand, Hasbro included a green lightsaber, a removable bandolier with holster on the back, 2 removable soft goods capes and a removable chest armor with the figure. Kota can hold the lightsaber with both hands tightly, and it's also a good fit for the holster on the back. However, why a Jedi Master would carry an ignited lightsaber like this on his back is anybody's guess. The bandolier and the chest armor fit both well and compliment the figure nicely. Kota's paint application is cleanly applied, but unfortunately there isn't any kind of weathering on the figure. The chest armor in the game appeared to be more of a silver color instead of a dull gray the way it was used on the figure. Since Rahm Kota appeared pretty beat up in The Force Unleashed it would have been nice to see the figure reflect this better. All in all, it's a well done, super articulated Rahm Kota figure, which should please fans of The Force Unleashed video game. After many years in exile, he launches a dangerous plan that leads to an unexpected encounter with Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice. Vintage Collection Escape From Ord All News Archive. HK Carbonized 2-Pack With

Unfortunately, when Disney reset the Star Wars canon, Kota faded from the limelight along with many other beloved characters and stories. Given rahm kota settings of Andorrahm kota, Obi-Wan KenobiThe Bad Batchand the Star Wars Jedi games, it can certainly be argued that Star Wars has a saturation problem when it rahm kota to the era between the prequel and original trilogies. He had come to love Eclipse—although he was not aware of it for some time—and Kota had shown him that the dark side of the Force was not necessarily more powerful that the light, and that anger and hatred did not have to rule his life.

No recent wiki edits to this page. When the clones started their rebellion, Rahm was safe from them. Following the Clone Wars, he and his followers went into hiding, eventually spending months launching guerrilla attacks against Imperial targets, culminating in their capture of a TIE Fighter factory above the planet Nar Shaada. Starkiller is sent to confront Kota and his followers, and although Starkiller manages to defeat the Jedi, Kota survives their confrontation. Later on, Starkiller seeks out Kota's help in establishing an Alliance against the Empire and tracks him down to Cloud City.

It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. During the Jedi Purge he was hunted down by an apprentice of Darth Vader. He believed that the apprentice had a far greater calling than just as Darth Vader's servant.

Rahm kota

Born on a war-torn world , Kota fought in the trenches during the planet 's internal conflicts from the age of ten. At the age of eighteen, Kota met the Jedi Mace Windu , who had been dispatched to the planet to end the conflict peacefully. Despite being well over the traditional age of acceptance, Kota was schooled in the Force by Master Yoda. He did not believe that clone troopers were fit for battle, however, and refused to lead them.

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The apprentice—who had come to renounce his ties to Vader and the Empire—had attempted to keep the meeting secret but had been discovered. Once onboard, X2 followed Kota's advice to use the Death Star's superlaser to destroy the Star Destroyer that was guarding the station. When he was rescued from Cato Neimoidia by Starkiller, the General's first instinct was to use the young man as a rallying point to galvanize the Alliance into making a major strike against the Empire. The apprentice asked who needed to understand him; Kota replied that Bel Iblis definitely would need to. The apprentice was evasive in his answers but related his experience with Maris Brood on Felucia. At the same time, the mission would serve as combat experience for her crew. If the player chooses the dark ending for starkiller, he or she will kill Darth Vader. Vintage Collection Escape From Ord As Eclipse laid out a plan to destroy the shipyard—by commandeering the ore cannon on the surface of the planet and using it to destabilize the facility's orbit—Kota inquired if there had been any word from Paratus since they arrived, only to be told that there was no sign of him. Organa revealed that Shaak Ti was dead, and Kota commented that her killer was probably the same individual who had blinded him. In response, he turned to alcohol to ease the loss.

Born on a war-torn world , Kota fought in the trenches during the planet's internal conflicts from the age of ten. At the age of eighteen, Kota met the Jedi Mace Windu , who had been dispatched to the planet to end the conflict peacefully.

Kota used the Force to grab Palpatine's lightsaber from his belt, [2] killing two of the Emperor's Royal Guards who were standing watch over the prisoners, [10] then lunged at the Emperor. However, in order to streamline the process, it was decided that the mentor role would be filled by one of the Jedi opponents originally designed for the apprentice to face early on in the game. Resolving to help him, even if he felt he could offer no practical assistance to the young man, Kota was confident Marek would do the right thing. Using the Force, the apprentice sent a wave of transparisteel and debris toward the Emperor, forcing him to cease his lightning attack on the General. The Princess had been sent to the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk , ostensibly as a Senatorial Observer and the guest of Imperial Captain Ozzik Sturn , who was supervising the construction of a skyhook above the planet. There are swivel joints in both underarms, the waist and both legs. The apprentice found what he was looking for and returned to the ship. In response, he turned to alcohol to ease the loss. While Starkiller engaged the creature with his twin lightsabers, Kota charged through the arena's seating area, heading for the skybox from where Tarko was watching the proceedings. Try again later. Starkiller, still unsure about his place in the Alliance, decided to give Kota full schematics and navigational coordinates to the cloning facilities he had escaped from, located at Timira City on Kamino. And nothing will have changed. Kota's connection to the Force allowed him to control his fear, and he was immune to any attempts to instil fear in him.

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