ramona marquez nude

Ramona marquez nude

Outnumbered actress Ramona Marquez is best known for playing little Karen Brockman in the hit BBC sitcom, ramona marquez nude, but nearly 16 years since she first made her debut, the star is barely recognisable.

By Andrew Bullock For Mailonline. She shot to fame as one of the children on the BBC sitcom Outnumbered. But actress Ramona Marquez, now, has definitely grown up, making a recent appearance at Boomtown festival in Winchester at the weekend. However, the blonde star suffered a mishap when she lost her mobile phone at the event - but wasted no time in hunting it down and retrieving it again. Scroll down for video.

Ramona marquez nude

The former child star, 22, who shot to fame on the hilarious BBC sitcom playing know-it-all child Karen Brockman, joined Outnumbered when she was just six. Ramona played the youngest sibling in the Brockman family and later went on to study Mandarin and Spanish at the University of Manchester. The actress looks very different now to how she did in her younger days - sporting an impressive selection of tattoos. Ramona took to her Instagram page to showcase her plunging halterneck swimwear in a trio of snaps. She masked her face with her phone yet her cropped brunette locks could be seen peeking into the shot. She referred to the new Barbie movie in her caption as she wrote: "Just Barbie things. Last year, the star looked almost unrecognisable in a rare red carpet appearance. In , the child stars of Outnumbered reunited for the first time in forever - and they even documented it for fans. Since quitting acting, Ramona has also been making spare cash by shifting her old clothes on Depop. UK Edition.

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Case in point: when we see that child actors from some of our favourite 00s shows are no longer children. Clare Skinner: everything you need to know about the Outnumbered actress. Outnumbered was a quintessentially British comedy sitcom that ran for five series between and , in which hapless parents Pete and Sue Brockman played by Hugh Dennis and Claire Skinner are quite literally outnumbered by their three unruly kids, Jake, Ben and Karen. It's almost been 10 years since we've seen them all onscreen together so we thought now is as good a time as ever to see what they're doing. From her colourful and crazy Instagram, it looks as though Ramona lives in London — or at least spends a lot of time there. Doctor Who has always had a reputation for terrifying viewers.

Ramona marquez nude

Outnumbered star Ramona Marquez, who played Karen Brockman on the hit BBC sitcom, has posted a bikini snap of herself looking unrecognisable from her character on the comedy. Ramona, now 22, rose to fame in the comedy series after joining the series at the tender age of six. Nine years after the show ended in , the actress — who went on to study Mandarin and Spanish at the University of Manchester — sports a series of tattoos now, which can be seen in snaps shared to the child star's Instagram page.

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