rate my professor collin college

Rate my professor collin college

Overall Quality Based on 5 ratings. Carey McKinney. Rate Compare. I'm Professor McKinney.

Overall Quality Based on 22 ratings. S May. Rate Compare. I'm Professor May. Professor May's Top Tags. Not many Caring Respected.

Rate my professor collin college

Highest Rated. Show all. Jan 7th, This Campus is a beautiful campus and it has plenty of places you can go to sit and hang. Everyone seems to be pretty friendly for the most part, a lot of people will be doing their own thing. Regardless the professors and staff are pretty decent as well. Nov 3rd, Many professors are great. If you need to substitute a course, you might want to get over a semester ahead of it, as you will be sent down the line until all the classes are full. Sep 29th, May 16th,

S May.

Overall Quality Based on 6 ratings. Sudhir Joshi. Rate Compare. I'm Professor Joshi. Professor Joshi's Top Tags.

Highest Rated. Show all. Jun 2nd, Apr 6th, Great school for Dual Credit students in High School and a great choice for locals looking for a quick, cheap, and easy degree. Great computer labs for anyone without the latest technology, it's a community college so it's basically Amish friendly.

Rate my professor collin college

Authors: Norah Rudin, Keith Inman. ISBN: ISBN

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May 26th, This professor keeps the class engaged and makes you genuinely interested in learning. Tests were pretty easy, just gotta be there for the review. Truly an awesome professor! Very conducive and safe for learning. Oct 20th, For Credit: Yes. This campus does not offer food, aside from the Starbucks that's only open a few hours a day. My only complaint is the workload; there are about two word response essays due every week or so, and major word essays over the whole semester. Aug 8th, Apr 19th, The professors are well respected and accomplished. If you don't like powerpoints, then you probably won't like this class. The sidewalk does not wrap around the bldg, so you have to walk between cars or in the mud on the south side of the bldg.

Professor Fant's association with Collin College dates back to Her husband Professor Jeff Fant was instrumental in setting up the Cisco Networking Academy at Collin College, and she originally joined the Collin force as support for the local Cisco academies in the high schools as an Educational Specialist.

If you do well here, you will do well at a four year school. Staff is uncaring and act like they just want your money and dont care it you pass. Gives good feedback Respected Participation matters. Clear grading criteria Amazing lectures. The library has plenty of space to study or use computers. Just pay attention to the reviews and be courteous. May 15th, I learned more from May than any professor at UNT. His reviews are detailed and if you study his tests are easy! I like a lot of my professors that I end up with. Sudhir Joshi. Overall Quality Based on 5 ratings. HIs class is easy and he has some interesting research topics, too! I did better on the test when I took the text-book to class and wrote my own notes from the book. May is the best!

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