reksai combo

Reksai combo

Home Blog Rek'sai Guide.

Her un-burrowed Q on towers enables fast split pushing and tower destruction. With Hullbreaker it enables her to apply immense pressure to side lanes and controlling map objectives. Black Cleaver: This item complements her abilities and synergizes well with Conqueror, shredding armor and providing extra health. Maw of Malmortius: Against heavy magic damage teams, Maw boosts her magic resistance and grants a lifeline shield, giving her a chance to turn the fight around in close situations. Guardian Angel: As a cherry on top, Guardian Angel offers a second chance, reviving upon death and allowing her to continue running the enemy team down. Force of Nature is a solid choice against heavy magic damage teams. Titanic Hydra adds damage, tankiness and clear speed.

Reksai combo

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Olaf wins this match up pre-six. You can win after six if you haven't fallen behind, but you need to knock him up before he gets his ult off. Rek'sai loses this match up at all points in the game. He also gets insane amounts of armor from his grit passive. This is my priority ban if I want to play rek'sai in high elo. Less of a threat the further down the ladder you are, as players aren't as good at kiting. Rek'sai can threaten kindred at most points in the game.

The additional Attack Speed is purely a nice bonus - but the added utility from Legend: Tenacity can be game changing, granting you additional base tenacity into some very reksai combo CC teams. The green arrows show invade paths.

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Whacky little amumu won't offer much resistence. Be aware of the CC he has, which can set up plays for other champs. Dodge his Q with your ult to deny the healing. Consider buying an Executioners early.

This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page. You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. You can just blow her up early, and most Camille players are cocky so they'll engage onto you. This champ is just busted.

Reksai combo

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Olaf wins this match up pre-six. You can win after six if you haven't fallen behind, but you need to knock him up before he gets his ult off. Rek'sai loses this match up at all points in the game. He also gets insane amounts of armor from his grit passive. This is my priority ban if I want to play rek'sai in high elo. Less of a threat the further down the ladder you are, as players aren't as good at kiting.

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She will also build Zhonya's more than likely at some point, so watch out for that as well. Switching auto attack target to apply red buff damage, and finishing small raptors and krugs via AOE and burn is crucial. Matchup Encyclopedia. WIth that being said, in a very fast paced engage or E into Flash if your opponent reacts quickly they can often flash or dash prior to you being able to auto and unburrow. Although creative build pathing can allow for some wiggle room in these matchups it can still be extremely tough to play against. This might be a good match up for red smite, though I usually still go blue. Alternative Items. This match up can be tricky. Titanic Hydra adds damage, tankiness and clear speed. Join or Log In. I would maintain the bruiser and tank build pathing and switch out only the Mythic in this situation.

Learn more about Rek'Sai's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! If you're looking for the best rune build for Rek'Sai we've got you covered.

This smite offers pretty decent movement speed bonuses on bushes and monster kills. The knockup can be triggered by pressing W or using an attack move on a target. Our newly buffed passive goes hard. Force of Nature: Force of Nature after its return to the Rift has been a personal favorite item of mine for heavy Magic Resistance. I currently believe that this is the superior choice over Hail of Blades on decently skilled players, due to the bonus damage it provides. It can be difficult to get on top of her. Keep in mind lane priorities, and that they can teleport to his blobs to make him invulnerable. Has strong cheese potential! Ability Haste. Even after the slight changes and nerfs to DD this item still feels fantastic, however it needs to be built when the time calls for it. With that in mind, you will often find with an aggressive early-game style of gameplay that you will fall behind in CS.

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