renly baratheon got

Renly baratheon got

He serves as the Lord of Storm's End. He declares himself king after the death of his oldest brother. He is described as tall, and having black hair that falls to his shoulders. Renly baratheon got apparently looks eerily similar to his oldest brother when he was young, although shorter and less muscular.

Martin , and its television adaptation Game of Thrones. He served as master of laws in his eldest brother's small council, before crowning himself king in the wake of Robert's death with the support of the Reach and the Stormlands , an act that helps kick off the War of Five Kings. This brings him into conflict with his older brother Stannis, whose claim is greater. Renly's homosexual relationship with Loras Tyrell is alluded to in the books and is made clearly evident in the television show. Both men are among Martin's most prominent LGBTQ characters, although Renly and Loras' adapted relationship and the show's portrayal of the latter has received mixed criticism. He is thought to look extremely similar to his older brother Robert, albeit smaller and slimmer, inheriting the Baratheon height and long black hair.

Renly baratheon got

Following the deposition of House Targaryen , and subsequent ascension of his eldest brother, Robert , he was granted the title of Lord Paramount of the Stormlands , despite his youth. He also served as Master of Laws on Robert's Small Council , but abandoned the latter position when laying claim to the Iron Throne upon Robert's death. Renly is the third and youngest son of Steffon and Cassana Baratheon. Renly has two older brothers Robert and Stannis. Their parents died when the boys were young and Robert inherited his father's titles. He made Renly the Lord of Storm's End following his victory. Renly was only a child during the civil war, so he did not fight. At some point, Selwyn Tarth held a ball on Tarth in hopes of arranging a match for his daughter, Brienne. However, many of the suitors feigned attraction to Brienne. She was alerted of this when she spotted some of them laughing. In hopes of saving her reputation, Renly took Brienne in his arms and danced with her, leaving the suitors speechless, due to Renly's high status. From this point on, Brienne would be forever loyal to Renly. He is fourth in line to the throne, behind his nephews Joffrey and Tommen and his older brother Stannis. Renly is popular at court because of his friendly manner and keen fashion sense. Renly has been involved in a homosexual romance with Ser Loras Tyrell for many years.

In the first novel, A Game of ThronesRenly is described as having green eyes. He spent his time drinking renly baratheon got visiting brothels, uninterested in attending council meetings or learning how to rule the kingdom.

His death resulted in a fight over the throne that involved Joffrey Baratheon being named king, despite not being a true Baratheon, and Robert's brothers, Stannis and Renly, each naming themselves as the true heirs. In the end, these would-be kings all died and House Baratheon dwindled almost out of existence. How could such a powerful house decline so quickly? There were many mistakes made by the Baratheons along the way and many things they could have done better to win the game of thrones. In order to win the Iron Throne in the first place, Robert had to make some deals with people he didn't necessarily like. It was an unhappy marriage and one that put the Lannisters in a plotting position.

It was the direct result of the failed parley between claimants to the Iron Throne , Stannis Baratheon and Renly Baratheon , the brothers of Robert Baratheon. They both know Robert's official heir, Joffrey Baratheon , is not actually Robert's son, but a bastard born of incest between Cersei and Jaime. Stannis, from his seat on the island of Dragonstone , claims the throne as Robert's legitimate heir by right of birth, with the sole support of the lords of the Narrow Sea, houses sworn to Dragonstone. Knowing his numbers were vastly inferior, Stannis sets sail to Storm's End to demand the allegiance of his younger brother and the Stormlords. Renly, however, refuses to bend the knee , citing the vastly superior numbers of his army and the fact that no lord wants Stannis as King. Catelyn , who had been sent by King Robb Stark to discuss an alliance between Houses Stark and Baratheon against House Lannister and King Joffrey, attempts to make peace between the brothers and reminds them of their common foe, but is unheeded by both would-be kings.

Renly baratheon got

Game of Thrones is a television series that captivated audiences for years with its complex storylines, intricate character arcs, and unpredictable plot twists. One character that stands out in this riveting saga is Renly Baratheon. In this blog post, we will delve deep into the world of Renly Baratheon, exploring his motivations, relationships, and the impact he has on the larger narrative of the show.

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House of the Dragon. Once Robert died, the two remaining Baratheon brothers split the support for their family. She was able to convince him that he was destined for the throne, which seemed to cloud his judgment. Renly says that she must be the fire priestess he has heard so much about and jokes that he now knows why Stannis found religion late in life. How could such a powerful house decline so quickly? With Stannis away from King's Landing, Renly took his chance to name himself as the rightful heir and tried to convince Ned Stark to back him. Edric Storm [d]. Her dark powers certainly helped him gain some big victories, but his reliance on her also may have been his biggest fault. Renly is dispatched ahead of the royal party, with the orders to command Grand Maester Pycelle to convene a meeting of the small council. His closest friend - and lover - at court is his former squire, Loras Tyrell , now a formidable knight. Joffrey [a] [g] — Renly says that Petyr is trying to protect himself in the face of his inevitable victory.

He serves as the Lord of Storm's End.

He was also very receptive to an alliance with the Starks and the Tullys as he sympathized with them over the execution of Ned Stark although he made such an alliance conditional to them swearing fealty to him as King; unlike Stannis, however, he wisely did not threaten them with retribution for not submitting, recognizing that it was Joffrey's threats and killing of Ned that had made them rebel in the first place. Renly agrees with Eddard's assessment that his brother Robert's profligate spending is damaging the realm. Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire. Master of Whisperers. Retrieved March 25, The TV series removed this though Renly does inspect an apple while meeting with Littlefinger in his tent in " Garden of Bones ". Episode 2 3. The smoke coalesces into a human shape and stabs Renly through the chest. Catelyn accepts the pledge and calls Renly "My Lord". Littlefinger and Margaery persuade him to leave for Highgarden, as he cannot take revenge if he is dead. Despite his unpopularity and stern demeanor, Stannis might have been the Baratheon who was best suited to be king. Renly jokes that the battle would be confusing if they both used the same one. However, in the books, there is a plot revealed to have Robert marrying Margaery Tyrell. With minimal probing, he quickly realizes she had originally pledged for Renly. He relied on Joffrey's illegitimacy, made aware by Stannis who also fought for the Iron Throne to support his right and never attempted to demoralize Stannis to his army even though, in the eyes of the Seven Kingdoms, Stannis possessed the most solid claim in comparison to Renly.

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